Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Willow Wading Wednesday

Waking up, knowing that there is work soon, there is some point in the early hours you have to be is without a  doubt the bane of any existence of any civilisation. I don't care if you say you are a morning person 'cause YOU"RE lying bitch.. The human body was designed to manoeuvre but it cannot do so if it is strained/tired/hungover to the best of its capacity.. and shit, I've been strained for so long, its like being stuck in 4th gear and you know your vehicle goes to 7th! ha ha... I wonder what car i would be had I been a car, I'm thinking a Ford Mustang, you know, loud, proud and ready to move.. Any who, i woke thinking of exactly that.. why oh why?

These dudes in Columbia found a submarine used to transport cocaine into Mexico.. they built it.. lol.. imagine if these dudes worked legit, they could and most likely do anything.. feck drug dealers..

Reading the news today, our great ex archbishop Tutu, is a great man.. his son is not.. ha ha.. shame Trevor Tutu has apparently forgotten about his 12 year old son and now the mom of the child has taken him to court to get him to pay the monthly maintenance.. Come on chap, your dad is ARCHBISHOP TUTU, talk about dragging the family name through the mud.. You douche, stop trying to be a "nigga" and pay your baby momma.. Apparently he doesn't have a job, but I mean come on ass fuck, seriously? You are only serving to strengthen stupid stereotypes. But hey, fuck this crack head, he is an ass, personally I didn't dig him, he is a me!

So this American teenager (duh!!)  wrote on facebook that he was looking for a hitman to take out this chick for $500.. According to News 24, 19-year-old Corey Christian Adams, of Westchester, Pennsylvania, accepted a plea agreement on Friday on charges of rape, criminal solicitation of murder and other counts.
On his Facebook page he posted an update saying he’d offer $500 for “a girls head.” In a later posting, police say Adams said “he needed this girl knocked off right now.”.. can you spell fricken idiot!!

Which brings me to OJ Simpson.. OJ, OJ OJ.. you used to be a lucky son-a-bitch then you went  and got caught for armed robbery.. What a clown.. what a fricken clown.. so he got cuffed, and served 9 years in jail.. finally he got the cell he wanted.. ha ha.. Then in prison this fuck head..I use it loosely but its definition is defiantly for this clown.. because he was boasting to inmates of all the beautiful white women he has been with, and a white supremacist heard this and beat the shit out of him! He was in the infirmary for 3 weeks! ha ha ha ha ha ha... shame.. but ha ha ha.. what was he thinking.. apparently he won’t leave his cell now.. wow Oj only 9 years to go sucker..dont drop the soap you stupid punk ass!

Hello what day is it? oh yeah.. its the beginning of a very exciting day for the gunners and (eventual winners.. sorry oaks but we are looking at the one of the greatest teams of our generation) Barca! Whoo.. if you not watching the game.. what the F are doing? jack shit.. for the neutral it is going to be a wicked game of footie.. for the uneducated in the game.. This would be one of those to watch..  this guy right here.. THIS DUDE RIGHT HERE..
these boys over here, jamming playstation, guess who they are playing as? Barca! ha ha

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