Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When Weird is Wednesday

Chaps.. morning.. as i hobble along viewing the world in all its splendor, I heard about the Yank couple that was killed by "Jack Sparrow" off the Somalian coast. The couple who had been delievering bibles to various parts of the world, to churches and orphanages were taken hostage and killed with two others on their boat yesterday..I mean for fuck sake pirates, two innocent bible loving delivery people.. They prob had no cash, and yet a life was wasted.. for what?? For sweet fuck all, to let the world know that pirates are CBombs.. and that includes you Jack Sparrow..(4th movie is gonna be awesome).. So basically if your sailing have knowledge of how to defend yourself against gun toting-crazy-Somalian-water thieves!! shit.. I would rather be Bheki Cele.. not..

I always knew there was something fishy about good Cele, the way he carries himself, the way he nearly botched the Dewani case with his outbursts.. he just seems like a slightly dumber but louder version of a Zuma/malema baby, lik if the two men got together and eloped, their spawn would be Cele.. huh?! Oh yes, i mean coe on chap the Police HQ in Pretoria is prime example of some stupid thinking within a brain that has clearly hit its maxi um potential.. just saying..

Scouring the net, I found an interesting piece in States on home std testing..Mmm..;. what? Yes, to avoid embarrassment and cost, there has been an introduction in a kit that allows the user to test for std's themselves.  Kits are mailed in a plain envelope with the swab, questionnaire, information about STDs and consent form, you then return teh swab and hea the results two weeks later.. Nice initiative to get dudes doing their own to stay safe.. So apparently some people have been ordering a couple of kits like one a week!! ha ha.. dad: "ah son, another plain envelope arrived for you today and the mailman said there was a stench from the last one you tried to send"..

Did you oaks hear about Malcolm X's daughter.. she has been arrested on charges of identity theft and then use it to get bills of $50 000.. Malcolm x's daughter.. I mean one, your an Icon to millions of people, or rather your name is, so i'm sure you don't need to be stealing all kinds of shit to drag your daddy's name through the mud.. I mean douche!! I would disown the witch and say she is not related to the family.. Its this kind of stupidity that annoys me.. Smart decision was bypassed and the consequences are being lived.. good.. shit if i had half that surname I would most certainly be pushing Obama out the way... I would be in the whites house decorating it right now.. shit, Jackson Pollock and everything on the walls! Feck what a clown, let her ass rot in jail, she'll write a speech called "I HAD a dream" jail.. ha ha..

So if you've ever been to Boston and ridden the train then consider yourself lucky.. One dumb imbecilic commuter went on the train(red line if it matters) with her snake, a Boa Constrictor called Penelope.. Guess what happened.. yes you guessed it, she lost the snake on the train.. How in the world you do that i have no fucking clue, its a fricken snake about a 1m.. I would've sued the bitch, i swear.. I would've been fricken out, yet the snake was lost for about a month!  A MONTH, do you know how long that is? You try not eating for a week and then come to me, so imagine what it must've been like? Every ankle must've looked like a rodent to the snake.. shame.. poor Penelope.. A commuter spotted it, adn it was finally reunited with its owner.. Had i seen that, i would've  jumped through a window ran to the next station, taken a taxi to the nearest airport, boarded a flight to Iceland.. yea bitch Iceland.. out this mafucker! ha ha ha.. '

Oh in some other snakey news, did u see that Zuma had to make some evasive manoeuvring to avoid the protests that had surrounded him in the Ivory Coast? That clown was nearly taken apart(how funny would that be, all the hassle he has gone through[court case/rape charges/Thabo Mbeki]) only to be killed in the coast of Ivory.. ha ha.. alas he was swept away by his security team after locals surrounded his vehicle and were tuning him! They don't even smuk you over there JZ.. chuck pal.. and quick you fricken douche.. almost like hearing that soulless bastard Shrien Dewani didn't try and commit suicide.. please pal, do you think he accidentally took 17 pills he was allergic too.. ha ha.. yea almost like tripping and falling with  your honey stick into land different honey pots eh Tiger? ha ha.. come on dude you tried to commit cause your ass is as guilty as Zuma's son hating tenders.. lol. get real, some a dumb.. we are not..
Gadaffi Vows To Die A Martyr – Moammar Gadaffi vowed to die in Libya as a martyr in an angry tv address on Tuesday, as eastern regions had broken free from his rule in a burgeoning revolt. ”I am not going to leave this land, I will die here as a martyr,” Gadaffi said on state tv, refusing to bow to calls from his own diplomats, soldiers and protesters clamouring in the streets for an end to his four decades at the helm. ”I shall remain here defiant,” said Gadaffi. [mail&guardian] ah ha.. yes clown YOU will die.. not maybe a martyr, more like a dumb douche who should've chucked or been fair.. BUT no.. you wanted to kill soldiers forv not killing protesters, you wanted to bomb civilians.. now you will be sliced and diced.. (maybe) or just hung.. Do some good, change the world or at least help your people..argh.. leaders take note: you serve the people.. not the other way.. Societal justice will catch u, and they have no mercy!

What kak is this: Vancouver Still World’s Most Liveable City - Vancouver topped the list of the world’s most liveable cities for the fifth straight year, while Melbourne claimed second place from Vienna and Australian and Canadian cities dominated the list’s top 10 spots. In the annual survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the Canadian west coast city and 2010 Winter Olympics host scored 98 percent... seriously in canada? Come the f on.. sorry don't believe this study, no ways.. Canada? that cold desolate land where french/english/amercian come together? Um no.. who does the study get its results from? No pretoria on the list? Come on.. at least Uitenhage.. the sphincter of SA.. ha ha.. this is nonsense, bloody agents! ha ha.. Canada? NoBushmans River or COffee Bay? top: Vancouver, Canada
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. Vienna, Austria
4. Toronto, Canada
5. Calgary, Canada
6. Helsinki, Finland
7. Sydney, Australia
8. Perth, Australia
8. Adelaide, Australia
10. Auckland, New Zealand
Well on the other side of the spectrum there is the most unliveable cities in the world  and guess.. our neighbours in Zim.. Zimbabwe's capital Harare is the least livable city in the world, according to the latest annual survey by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The ranking is based on stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure.. mmm.. okay that  sounds fair.. sorry Zimbos..

Feck.. wednesday.. last few days push it..


Andy Roddicks wife.. Hot charna
The Hefs new squeezer and future.. she must love him.. ha ha ha.. NOT..

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