Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tankey Triumphant Tuesday's

Hope you all had a good valentines..ha ha
Most days or weeks begin with some slow started motion of BS.. You know, the first sip of coffee, the sigh, the drive to work/school/toilet, the sigh and then there is the duration of the first day, which is amazingly always long and drawn out..and the sigh If this is not you, consider yourself very lucky, as one man decided he could no longer do this every Monday, and decided to spice it up with a little C4 in his office parkade! He was like fuck it, and blew his boss’s car along with other co-workers vehicle into oblivion. Ha ha, dig this dude already he promptly quit after that! Legend! This got me thinking of all the times I’ve gotten mad, I didn’t do anything but if I had….Mmm..Home affairs would be levelled, so would govt/traffic/banks etc.. good thing I’m not the hulk.. YET..
I was driving across the border yesterday from Botswana to South Africa and noticed how much we are the mercy of crack heads with a little bit of power. As soon as these dudes, (immigration officers/security guards at concerts/parking dudes/etc) have  a whiff of cock meat they act like it, you have to beg, smile literally kiss ass of a douche just to get by smoothly.. Like us, we got to the border and were asked to open the boot, sweet. I did and in there was the usual AK47 and grenades.. NO bitch it was just bags, and kiddies clothes nothing malicious. Ah alas the dick head wanted to know why my surname was funny, and maybe the document was forged and WE must be carrying something!! Ha ha.. ass fuck! I had to do “no sir, never, etc you are awesome sir” kak.. He finally let me go and in my foul mood wanted to ask him a few questions but decided not too, bail is hectic! But seriously what is with the chaps who have nothing better to do then fuck with you, but in a serious manner, when it would take less effort by them to do it the other way, the world would spin smoother, trust me! Especially in Africa, people have no power at home, so when they are put in a position of power they go a little over the top. Like my man who is  in charge of allocating parking at the office park. I had to unload some stuff and he said NO, you have to park over there (5km away) and carry the stuff.. I told him to go stuff it, he then wanted to clamp my car.. Okay understandable, but without reason there is a word for oaks like him, its very rude and rhythms with runt! DOUChE.. He should get the sudden adult death syndrome”. Which basically just kills you, SUDDENLY. Scary huh.. yea, that’s right, for no reason, and with a brilliant name like that SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME.. If you have it.. You are dead.. True story..  It happened to that doll who was coming right with her new boyfriend(satan) and she died right there.. the dude must be pretty messed up, shot gun watching him come right again, he will be FREAKing out.. ha ha ha.. shame.. ha ha.
Speaking about dumb luck or lack thereof, the whole story with regards to Winnie-full of crap-Mandela and the cops who were doing their job and now are suspended.. SUCH UTTER CRAP.. the story goes if you haven’t heard(where the fuck have u been?) is that she was being driven, recklessly(says the cops who stopped her) and was stopped by the cops.. long story short they were like” do you know who we have?” they were like we don’t give a shut your mouth .. and NOW the cops are suspended(with pay.. who’s complaining) but for doing their jobs.. I don’t know.. I think some political interference has been done.. I mean Winnie should be in shit.. in my opinion.. Unless the 5.0 did something out of procedure which they didn’t.. welcome to home.. SA.. ha ha ha.. fuckers.. Almost like the COKE recipe.. apparently its out.. lets make our own coke.. I would call mine.. COkey Von Cokester.. fuck that’s sick.. It was published in 1979 under some small newspaper and was never picked up, Coke used it as some jingle piece for the history of the beverage.. NOW oaks are keen.. Bet you RIGHT now there is some punk making that shit, he’s gonna test it, and then he’s going to die! Ha ha.. watch this space!
Alcohol survey just returned and some interesting things out there.. Basically proving that a certain ginger lawyer isn’t drinking all the booze.. ha ha ha.. The good news is that we haven’t gotten any worse at drinking; the WHO puts our consumption rates at stable over the past five years, meaning we’re still in the 10-12.49 litres per person per year bracket – any more and we’d be in the red, like Moldovan. Those guys averaged at 18.2 litres of pure alcohol in a year, though – so we didn’t exactly come home with gold.We got honourable mentions, though; in southern Africa, Namibia and South Africa have the highest levels of consumptions, and get this -“High patterns of drinking scores, or the most risky patterns of drinking, prevail in Kazakhstan, Mexico, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Ukraine.” [WHO]

Someone just ran up to me and said did you know that Harry is going to be Prince William’s best man.. Two things.. DUH.. that’s a given twat and second.. I don’t care.. well that’s what I said, but I do in truth.. we all do.. I mean.. He’s not a pompous looking Cbomb like Prince Charles and he’s kinda cool.. come on admit it.. ha ha.. You won’t? All liars..

Dudes have a sick day..

PS:: if you think I'm not going to mention a game on saturday.. a derby red v blue.. Your wrong.. ROONEY ROONEY! fucking legend of a goal.. suck it up chaps.. you cant hate on that! SCOUsers, you must be stoked at Torres amazing start fora team called Chelsea.. ha ha.. (Niks, for you! ) ha ha.. Arsenal, nice.. i can say that.. but you know its all in the past... CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.. finally bitches!! fuck im excited!!

Taunted again.

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