Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So.. its a new morning.. and what a morning it was to wake up to..

Hectic stuff going down in Christchurch NZ, so far its looking pretty bad and sending all condolences to those over there.. Its not cool, not cool at all and we hope for a speedy recovery.. if the crusaders field is fucked, chilled, if Dan Carter is alive stoked injured, better.. ha ha.. jokes we wish nothing of the sort.. Although to the safas we told "don't leave, and they left, see what happens outside SA, EVERYTHING" shit  i told you oaks.. i said it.. sa looking a little greener hey?  Be safe and make it happen..

This is the second time this am I write this blog as my computer froze and I lost everything.. what's that you say.. Save? Fuck off.. fricken online savers.. save this... douchebag!
Speaking of douchebags..oaks were arrested in Zimbabwe for watching a vid ona  projector that was highlighting some of the recent spate of attacks in the middle east, stuff from Cairo and Libya.. so what happened? They got arrested.. why? Who knows cause they live in Zim and Mugabs thinks they might pose a danger to his government.. Come on old man, oaks watching a vid scares you? Then fuck off, leave, die anything, I can honestly say this without a vote, more people want Mugabe dead/gone/just out then they want him to eat in the morning and take a shit.. Seriously, send the contract over here.. we'll deal with him, ass clown!! argh what a douche! Next minute you will get arrested for thinking that your government is a piece of shit led by a DICKtator..

Shrien Dewani tried to commit suicide.. can you spell "shit i'm busted" what a Cbomb.. seriously.. come murder your wife in Cape Town, tarnish our image and then shoot bak to the UK to look like a man who just lost his wife? Nortoise tortoise, you are fucked and when we get you back here you're going to Poolsmoor pal, make sure you watch out for the 28s the like sweet ass.. you fricken douche.. apparently this ass has lost 12kg, ha ha.. loser and tried to kill himself by taking an overdose of pills.. Mmm... man knows he's fucked and tried the easy way.. ha ha.. nope.. you are living, boarding an SAA flight back to SA.. if i was him, i woud've found a double barrel shotgun to make sure.. ha ha.. ass..

Speaking of ass.. did you oaks hear about the cop who gave a chap a lift.,. and then raped him? .Yes raped him, plundered his mine shaft.. hey officer can I get I lift? Sure you can.. after I rape you bitch.. hectic.. so dudes.. you are not safe from rape from the men who police our society.. Feck.. who polices the police? The 5.0 seem to be able to do what eever the fuck they want, rogue cops everywhere.. why? I miss the scorpions.. they did not fuck around.. they would sort shit out.. shit.. I mean what happened to the days when it was honourable to be a cop and save lives.. now its th legal way of becoming a criminal!.. They should make Ian Khama (president of Botswana) in charge of the police force.. that man would sort shit out yesterday.. He's fucking crazy, crazy in the belief that society has gone a bit nuts.. The police man who raped the guy must've got home and been like.. yummy what a nice litle snack.. I would've gone to the dudes house when he was sleeping with my Machete and give him the snip.. at the base of his manhood.. disgusting F*head!
My man on the ground (Gary-theone-on the-ground) has submitted this article: a million home owners in Gauteng who pay for "armed crime reaction" where private security companies react AFTER the crime has taken place
This service costs on average R250 p.m. Therefore 1,000,000 x R240.00 x 12 months x 14% VAT, generates R403 million in tax revenue for the SA Govt!
A car thief steals a R500,000 car and receives between R10,000 and R30,000 for his deed. The car owner is paid out by insurance and then purchases another similar vehicle, on which
he pays 14% VAT of approx R70,000 as a direct result of crime. Who profited the most? The thief or the SA Govt?
We must begin with a mechanism whereby the SA Govt is forced to reconsider this unconstitutional and immoral practice of profiting from crime!
All South Africans should demand that all payments related to protection of life and property should be VAT free and Tax deductible!
This principle should also apply to replacement of stolen property as well as estate duty. If a person dies as a result of crime we should also demand that estate duty not be paid. How much do you think the SA Govt. has made out of estate duty from the murders of 1300 South African farmers?
The S.A. Govt likes to compare us to overseas. Well overseas your safety and security is covered by your income tax and is tax deductible!
It is time that South Africans stood together and made the Govt. and public aware of the Govt's "income" from crime. In the meantime crime is the goose that lays the golden egg .
 written by some dude on news 24 site

Some lighter news..ha ha ha.. lighter news.. read on.. a teenage girl in the UK has been crowned the quarter of a ton teenager.. whoo hoo.. How much does she way? um.. 250kg.. Is that enough to prop for the sharks? No she has more skill then them..(ohhh.. shark hate) but rather wat the fuck?? ha ha.. this chick is standing in the picture looking like the Michelin Man made love to the Oros dude and out popped a fully grown round teen.. She's smiling and stuff and i'm thinking.. the chicks mom is an ass.. her dad.. an ass.. the round chick is a HUGE ass.. why oh why..? At 566lbs she weighs teh same as a Harley Davidson Sportster 48 motorbike, 619 tins of baked beans.. and four super lihtweight boxers like Amir khan! The parents should be sued and then the daughter should eat them.. seriously.. thats not a happy moment in the family.. def, not a kodak moment.. They needed a wide lens to snap the picture.. She's so big she has 2 face book pages.. ha ha ha.. She's so big when you tweet to her you need to include two locations! haha.. I made those up.. you can tell.. ha haa..

Apparently Gerrad Pique(Barcelona player[man united defector]) is dating and im sad to say Shakira.. why do ladies do this to themselves.. I hate that guy.. Only because he is good and should've stayed at the theatre of dreams.. but celebrities and footballers suck at keeping shit on the DL and being good boyfriends and husbands,.. ha ha.. ask Chelsea fans, half their team are PLAYaS.. not players playas.. ha ha.. and Ronaldo who dipped his honey stick into the same doll causing Italian prime minister some trouble.. you know the one, the 18yr who is a total SLUT and digs it.. She got paid by CR7 for a kiff session in Milan when she was 17.(last year). he paid her 4000 euros.. If i was CR7 (Cristiano Ronaldo) i would go get my cash back ASAP.. is it me or can chicks not keep quiet? ha ha.. jokes sexism 101 is tomorrow!!

Dudes and dudettes, have a sick day..

My boy signing again..


  1. You forgot to mention that farting is now illegal in Malawi http://www.businessinsider.com/malawi-farting-illegal-2011-1
