Monday, February 7, 2011

It all started with a BIG BANG!

Its funny, i've been reading blogs for a long time, often thinking i could do this! WHAM BAM.. finally got over my laziness, and decided to use someone elses time(my bosses) to start this.. This blog: Topcats taunts is a highlight into what happens when technology reaches the masses like myself.. We get stupid.. very, like Zuma only smarter. Oh, adn please believe im not political at all, I just dislike incompetency and stupidity. So if you are one of those then you will be on here. This blog is not a social request, it is some place to vent and to one day look here for information that is reliable and efficiently presented. If you are scared, you should be, i'm not Cele but i can be dangerous! ha ha.. Have a good week peeps!


  1. Gather round boys n girls.... I have an interesting story to tell about our friend here Mr Top Cat.

    It was a windy summers evening back in 94/5 (cant remember the year exactly)and there was that sweet smell in the air that I have only ever noticed in Africa, when you the rains are coming, in Mr Top Cats case tears. Anyway it was a typical sleep over and myself and Mr Top Cat over here were left at his moms house with the maid. We were playing with drag cars if I'm not mistaken and suddenly I had this thought to call T.C Top Cat after the cartoon you must have seen it unless you were one of the less fortunate not to have M-net back in the day. Anyway for those of you who don't know it its about a group of alley cats who get up to all sorts trouble and give "officer Dibble a hard time. Now Top Cat as the name suggest was the Top Cat of the group, so thinking this would be a cool nickname I started calling this crazy fool Top Cat.

    Oh what drama unfolded next, Mr Man over here goes into a hissy fit "don't call me that I don't like it" I was shocked at this negative response I had just received as I was only trying to big up my main man. So anyways as the evening carried on I jus couldn't help myself so I tried it again and called him Top Cat, this dude starts threatening me tuning "I'm gonna call my mum if you don't stop it now" so as any normal kid would do............ I carried on calling him Top Cat finding it hilarious that he was getting so worked up over such a small thing.

    True to his word the Snitch calls his mummy and moans, "mummy he is calling me top cat, please tell him to stop it I don't like it, I don't want him here anymore, please send him home". (I only lived round the corner so I wasn't fazed by this bitch bitchin. So I carried on until he started crying like the mummy's boy he still is today.

    Now in the year 2011 I see the idiot has gone and started a blog called, yes that's right folks Topcats Taunts can you believe this sonana Bitch. T.C deny it and I will get your mum and Simon to confirm this little story right here.

    Enjoy all this dudes stonner material, lol.

  2. HAHAHAHAHA!!! ya neh Topcat for sure
