Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tricky Tuesday Tonic

I woke up this morning to discover a few things:

1) The world is a few sandwiches short of a full picnic basket. I mean you only have to turn on the television to notice. I mean, dudes are drowning under all these floods, from Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Sri Lanka and the list continues. All i can hear in the back of my mind is the soundtrack to 2012. If you haven't seen it don't worry, its only about the end of the world, death destruction the usual. This led me to probe the net, and a lot of predictions about the end of the world have been housed around the year 2012. I'm not saying its going to happen, but that creepy thought crept in. ha ha ha.. what would you do? Shit, i would do a bucket list of kicking Mugabe and Zuma's head in find family and make sure our submarine is stocked!
Did you clowns out there know who the richest man in the world is? huh? two guesses?

Mubarak thats right oaks, the man at middle of Egypt's issues! RepublicReport broke the news that embattled 82-year-old Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak stole between 20 to 40 billion dollars from Egypt’s national treasuries this past 30-years of authoritarian rule. But alas, new emerging reports ridiculously puts the figure higher. The New York POST today, reported a whopping $70Billion making him the richest man in the world. [republicreport]

In other fun bucket list type things, on Sunday around the northern suburbs, the political party characters were doing their usual "VOTE FOR ANC we save/give you a house/save a space for you in heaven" douchebag selves, and this f*ckhead stopped my car, and asked if we had registered to vote and to vote for ANC to continue the legacy! Can you believe this character, so I asked him nicely, "thanks chap, where can i find the Communist party registration, the dude said we don't answer such stupid questions, to which i asked him, which stupid question? The one about voting for ANC and being "saved"? or the communist party? He looked at us, said disgusting gesture and walked away. DOUCHE.. but alas, a little later we were driving past the same spot again but in a different car. We were gestured once again to slow down and pull off to the side to which we did. As the dude came close to the car with that ANC smug look and air of arrogance, we waited till he was at our window and sped off leaving dust in his face! Petty, but significant. It was hilarious!

If you are behind a desk today, working for someone else, getting them to sign your checks then you are someones bitch simple. Regardless in what capacity, you are someones bitch! That being said, I'm someones bitch, but i'm a learning bitch! I take everything that happens store in my vault of skills and wait until i have a pod of hard workers looking to me for advice and skill. I know that biding my time, not only lets me learn but allows me to be exposed to all that is on offer in the industry! Like these dudes running around the building i'm in at the moment, (draft FCB, Jhb).. just looking around, dudes are on the move, running around making deadlines and kissing ass. They kiss to their boss, their boss kisses ass to their boss and the board.. Who does the board kiss ass too? Their wives!

Dudes, have a sick Tuesday.. do something crazy, stupid... either or.. have fun whatever it is.. and if you have time to read my crap, you are jamming!
This picture is of a day in matric called freaky friday.. If these dudes can do this.. especially chubby carl on the far right, then we have nothing to worry about! Dont pull a pirates move and hit a kid on the way to work today!

1 comment:

  1. TC get your facts straight... The Mubarak FAMILY is worth between $40bn - $70bn, with the eldest son worth the most at an estimated $17bn. Mubarak himself is worth an estimated $16bn, while his wife is worth another billion. Can somebody please tell me how the wife of a country where 40% of the population live on less than $2 a day, has managed to accrue personal wealth of a billion dollars. That's some bullshit!

    Richest person in the world still is Carlos Slim Helu (my boss), worth an estimated US$61bn. Nice!

    Doug Court
