Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wicked Wednesday Witches

Another day, another dollar/rand/pula/pound! Or in the case of the organisers of the World Festival of Youth, R100million was spent on organising a conference which R500 and some bergies would have covered! I say this because at the same time of spending R100 million, which came from different allocations such as the National Lottery Board and local goverment. The festival was meant for about 30 000 people and got only 15000 Do you know how much was spent on food? R30million! This works out to around R222 per delegate per day for meals that included polony, bread and an apple for breakfast, and fish and chips, or a chicken leg and thigh with pap for other meals. ha ha ha... I would have loved to go to this festival, poor organisation led delegates to resort to team building games and so fourth as some of the speakers failed to come, i wonder why?!! (dudes were probably like, um no, we'll give this a skip!) What i cant understand is the incompetence of the chaps running this event, the dudes in charge, signing checks, making checks? The stupid ones, why is it always these creeps in charge of shit? argh it is beyond annoying, i say it, but it seems to be problem with Africa. We have the resources, but the implementation is as bad as going to home affairs for a passport and assuming you'll be done in one day.. FAT mafucking chance! ha ha.. incompetence.. one option, send  them to IAN KHAMA.. (president of Botswana) he does not fuck around!

Like the Aborigines in auz who have to special gas at their BP's to stop oaks sniffing the gas.. I mean, special gas that takes the chemical that gives the euphoric feeling after sniffing it! ha ha..  not funny, but a little I mean, "no no, that is normal gas, we cant send that to district x.. those locals will get too high".. Auz, i dislike your cricket/rugby/ozzi ozzie oi oi song/ actually most of the area sucks ass.. and now your degradation to the outback people by removing chemical x from gas! Too much time..

Something that has been doing the rounds within the minds of men around me is, Valentines Day.. that right, time to dust your Casanova moves, get romantic again for a day and put it away.. Or rather that's how some of us see it.. Ha ha.. a dude just mentioned(he is a Col..Lier) the way he got over valentines day with his lady by saying that they both don't give each other gifts and all the jazz with V-day, to them its a normal day! Mmmm... ROOKie.. seriously.. NEVER EVER, take that answer from your lady fellas.. ever, get something, do something abnormal, regardless if its been 3 years(ha ha..sucker) or more.. unexpected romantic gestures are GAY as can be on Valentines, trust me I know, GAY, BUT it has to be done, regardless if its your mom, sister(okay chilled on that on) gran, aunt, any lady in your life, GIVE HER SOMETHING.. (no smart alecs, not the hard cousin that is your better half) a little gesture goes a LONG way, (rugby/football/beers) put it in your GET OUT OF JAIL bank. You know the bank where you can use to get something, go to the game, skip lunch with her folks.. that kind of stuff! ha ha.. be a man, get a ticket to a romantic place like Uitenhage.. ah ha.. bet there is some stupid fuck going to take his lady to Uitenhage for valentines.. ha ha.. if you do go some where book it with Virgin Atlantic, apparently they have the hottest stewardesses voted but passengers and staff alike across all airlines.. I was on a budget airline from jhb to cape town the other week and had that survey been on the plane, the price of the ticket would certainly be the price the airline payed for the hosts, most likely bought of a Russian oil tanker, the lady who served my lunch, I swear had a hairy lip that reminded me of the dude in gym with the hairy back and the sweat, who forgot to wipe down the machine and its glistening with hair and sweat! ha ha.. yummy.. better to be Mexican in America..

Speaking of cheap labour, did y'all hear about the two chaps that were basically kitted out like James Bond-slash-mission-impossible-meets-border jumpers from Mexico used underwater scooters to gain access to the states of the coast of San Diego, they got caught on the beach by helicopters! ha ha.. unlucky chaps, got past the sharks and other water creatures, only to get busted as you touch the soil! So close... dumb shits, almost like the dude who came across from mexico to the states on a surf board, with loads and loads of the special green.. he got cuffed too.. whats wrong with you clowns! as long as its not border control..(which is an awesome show based at Auz airports).. if you watch the show, you'll know only dumb fucks get on the show, as they are usually trying to smuggle something.. like yest, they had this American who had taken 5 different pill at the luggage conveyors, when he was getting questioned he got aggressive. As the meds came on he became disorientated and eventually paralytic.. stupid fucking idiot! he was slurring and all teh stuff they tested had evidence of cocaine. He was this surfer type chap, with a gap between his teeth the size and I shit you not, malema's intelligence and his bank account.. it was huge! I was like dude, get the fuck outta here! ha ha ah..

Dudes have a wicked day, if your a SCOUSER.. unlucky.. you cant change who you are.. ask your keeper who he wants to play for.. REINA... mmm..


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