Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Maggot Mania

It's been a weekend.. many of you did some serious maring(going nuts) and others took it easy, soaked up Friday activities and pushed on with some great sporting activities. Others helped their sons and daughters rack up some serious shares in government contracts ahem(Zuma and family). I've decided, I need to become a mate to a government official, its better than crime, the benefits are well as we can all see amazing, billion rand contracts. The Sunday Times reported yesyerday that Zuma's son, Duduzane, is a director and a shareholder of Afripalm Horizons, which entered into a lucrative deal with China Railway Construction Corporation. The Chinese parastatal is one of the companies involved in the multi-billion-rand rail projects recently announced by Transport Minister S'bu Ndebele.
"... that places them at the forefront to cash in on the government's R550-billion rail infrastructure programme," the Sunday Times reported.  Shit dudes, let me in on this, I am a goo relative and then i can spread the wealth to all...(my friends and family) duh.. well if you still thinking that voting for certain party well enrich you and the the country then you my friend are a CLASS A house n*gga. Sorry i said it, I'm tired of complaining, complaining about the state of affairs of the country, continued with this petulance of voting for the ruling party.. wake up, smell the roses, or your neighbours cause they won't be any roses for YOU bitch!

Speaking of things vulgar, i have received some comments as to the amount of profanity contained within these blogs, well yes it is a lot.. I use it to express my feelings and intent, and feel some of this douches don't deserve language fitting of a gentleman, so fuck them,  and if it appears to be to much for you visit this site and fuck off: ..

The luck of the draw with sites such as Wikileaks is that the truth is spoken, and thus why there is an uproar of banter regarding the matter.. I dig the wikileaks dude, he let the truth be heard by the rest of the world.. Dudes don't like that and therefore he is in shit, do you honestly think if he was speaking crap, being another useless tabloid kakster we would be hearing so much, or in some cases, a lot of nothing.. Ah 'cause govts don't like their secrets being shared with the "common" man, why? Cause in the greater scheme of things the govt works for us, not the other way.. So in order to harness your opinion we are kept in the dark.. yes.. YOU.. Wiki said FUCK that and let you into the dark world that is nation politics.. In the latest 'peek into wiklileaks,
According to a United States Embassy cable obtained by City Press, the ANC is a “complete mess”. According to the cable, the ANC’s Gauteng spokesman, Dumisa Ntuli, told a US diplomat that the party was being crippled by internal division .. the funny thing is DUH.. SOME of us knew this, as was said by another site 2oceans, apparently you need evidence to witness this.. Shit some of the switched on individuals have been peering through the ANC cloak of invisibility and sorry chaps my wand is stronger than yours, and we can see we are being fcked..
“The younger cadres have no interest in the history of the ANC. They want access to jobs and personal enrichment.”[Source : News24] Oh so basically the younger dudes are trying to get rich.. I see.. mmm.. thanks wiki, there you go chaps.. proof.. we're being mind fucked, get me a head condom, cause seriously i feel the pounding..

ha ha ha... did you oaks hear of Bono not knowing who Steve-the-Hof-meyer was after the recent blah blah with him and the protest songs..  Despite the comments that local singer Steve Hofmeyr made about superstar Bono from the rock group U2, the lead singer apparently has no clue who Hofmeyr is, said Attie van Wyk, owner and executive head of Big Concerts.. Ha ha.. steve you fricken ass.. ha ha ha.. um i can imagine Bono in his shades, going "who the f*** is this steve gaylord?' ha ha.. steve chill out.. douche..

A sad day for the fat kids, KFC is dropping "finger lickin good" as their slogan.. yikes, all you round people remember how you used to Q for that slogan, in that long ass line at lunch.. ha ha.. "i'm gonna get me some chicken" ha ha.. well they have changed it to, "So good".. BRAND changing if you ask me, that slogan has been around longer some of the uneducated government officials that make laws and "enrich" our country.. epic.. Its for the better, i agree obesity is a problem with the fast food(soooo good.. ).. remember when a streetwise 2 was 9.90.. ha ha.. when chicken was chicken, and even your mama would get KFC for you to stay at school longer?! Those were the days, now pursuit of profit, greed, stupidity and doucheness now has bought the slanting of fast foods.. Its almost frowned upon to grab a no 1 from Mc'ds or a bucket of the colonial goodness(heaven forbid a BUCKET.. i still love that..) I love it so much, i once used the KFC bucket as a utensil holder during exams. So i would be at my desk and the examiner goes, "One hour left" and i would look at the bucket and go..nearly there colonial..nearly there.. I passed all exams.. )

Cricket world cup started.. whoo hoo.. exacto.. has it been me or is the cricket world cup very um... half the balloons and face paint?! Maybe as we sit in 2010 wake(thanks FIFA you fuck heads, where are the legaciess you promised?) The cricket world cup barely drew me away from Home makeover edition(awesome).. although I will back the Proteas till the end..(not soon, not soon not soon) and hopefully will be treated to some good cricket, if not then don't hog the channel, you know i know, if its boring change that shit, i would rather watch Jeremy mags on media then Canada vs Ireland.. no offense.. but stuff that..

Nice weekend for sport.. SUper Rugby was awesome to get you back, like my mate Gary said, relationships are going to be tested.. ha ha.. big time.. Ma'Nonu you fricken douche! your on my fantasy league, fucK! Cost-a-joe.. argh! Mr Chelsea Ancellotti.. do you think you will have a job till Aug 2011? I'm going with no, nawtus tortoise, negative, not a chance.. you are out..ha h haa ha.. Torres you must be loving life over there, ha ha.. bet you thought you would be playing champions league.. maybe not.. ha ha ha.. ass! The gunners.. come on chaps.. nothing more.. you guys know what needs to be done.. come on, load on that ammo.. UNITED: chalking up wins, not pretty but done. dusted. Oh and United's neighbours City, had a good game this weekend, but their team is made up of assholes, eg Mario balotelli.. that fricken guy is dick always angry, WHY? gets paid loads for a job i hope he enjoys yet he is always sulking, did you go to jailo for 27 years? Were you not allowed at an "white beach"? NO? Then fuck off you spoilt brat, serious Mancini, be a man and spank his ass!

I won't lie it looks like a shit week coming up.. make the most of it..

She looks keen for a little "thai" massage
70yr old massage chick
PS: If you want a massage with some added benefits try this place in the states, besides a nice back massage you can get a little slap and tickle.. you know the kind, where happy endings come.. and you leave satisfied and leave a R10 tip? ha ha.. well they got cuffed, but the ladies involved are well.. below par.. and they had a 70 old on the menu too.. ha ha.. can any one say granny fetish?' ha ha..

Taunted again!

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