Friday, February 18, 2011

Festive Friday F*cking Finally!

ITS THE WEEKEND BABY... well nearly, for some they have been hammered for a couple of hours now! lol.. but if your ass is in Joburg YOU must be experiencing some billing issues with your elec and water! Today oaks are protesting(in south Africa, NO ways..ha ha) yes, again, that's how we do it, protest bitches protest.. if first you dont succeed, protest bitches PROTEST! Well these fuckers known as the Johannesburg municipality are fucking useless, one because they don't care, and two they dont care if you don't have electricity. Like last month they cut us off because we were ONE DAY late from paying, as i type this, there are dudes who still haven't paid from last year with their underfloor heating and HD's blasting away..Chilled, we paid now we want it back on, you would think so.. BUT no, they didn't put it on for 3 days! 3 days we had nothing but darkness and torches.. We called ESKOM like a million time, swore, begged, kissed ass, NOTHING.. then i was following around by the mains outside the house(the one eskom fiddles with) and saw i had some kind of cable tie locking it, broke it..ooops and flipped a switch! WHAM BAM electricity was back on, fuck eskom I thought like a TOPCAT and did that shit, the dudes came to put it on the next evening at 11pm! fuckers.. I have to tell you, i hate eskom like Mugabe hates democracy and fair play, like Zuma hates monogamy and how Jason Stratham hates bad movies! ha ha ha.. fuck eskom.. oaks keep protesting them.. dont be violen but scare the shit out of them.. elections are coming and they want your vote.. MAKE THEM EARN IT (or buy it.. ps3?)

Speaking of things blown up and round Sheyla Hershey, 31, had her KKK-size implants removed in September after suffering an infection during an operation to have them blown up to an even-larger MMM cup, according to Britain's The Sun.Since then, Hershey, who is married with children, has been distraught, saying that she feels "so ugly" without her breasts.. ha ha.. she feels so ugly, bitch wake the fuck up, YOU been ugly with those gigantic fucking flotation devices..I do feel bad as she tried to kill herself, but DID not succeed, second mistake, you should've put  gun in your mouth stupid bitch.she tried to end her life with pills(rookie). "Once I reclaim my identity as the world's biggest boobs I can be a better role model for my daughter," she told the paper. Dudes please someone head back up there and help her finish the job.. seriously..

They've made a beer in Mexico that is for gay dudes, this beer is marketed at gay people.. my question is SO gay people drink differently? ha ha.. fuck, i wanna say this is going  to be a bad investment, just saying.. We're out in the market with great respect with the idea of offering a product directed to the gay-lesbian community that has been ignored for too long but is important and very demanding", Dude you did not do business at school did u? Huh? feck imagine if SAB was like, "hey lets make gay beer and call it, Castle gaylight.. um.. #shaking my head! waste of time..

hello super 15.. I love this time of the year, there is so much sport on.. its ridonculus.. i mean.. rugby, football and crickey world cup.. if you a not a sport lady and ur man is a sports man, go get a hair cut and a new man.. ha ha.. im super amped.. fuck summer, its supersport overboard.. HD/pvr and ROONEY.. that's right bitches whoo hoo.. ha ha.. next couple of weeks, i might as well be president of South Africa cause i ain't doing anything usefull! ha ha..

Did u oaks hear about the STUPID c*cksucker who sent a chain letter to his office peeps which depicted some racist tendencies such as the title, old school motor biking, and white dudes riding the black dudes.. so this oak sent it to his office, thinking its fricken funny(mmmmm....already i know this guy is fuck head and not clever either) and a couple of dudes in this office(a white dude) was like "china this racist" the dude sent it to his mates and black boss.. ha ha.. want to guess what will happen in the disciplinary hearing? ha ha.. ya he is going to get a raise.. a raise to get the fuck outta there ha ha ha..

Leading the front for future antics is this chap, now i dig Stevie H.. I've been his personal bitch for a gig and he was a kiff dude with a refreshing sense on life.. then i was checking out what he did with his U2 tickets.. Hofmeyr took offence at incorrect reports that U2 lead singer Bono supported ANC Youth League leader's Julius Malema's singing of the struggle song and threw his tickets to the U2 concert, which had cost him R5000, into the Jukskei River . Hofmeyr said yesterday: "Today, if you sing Kill the Boer, you are singing of a situation that is happening right now.  Stevie stevie, you dumb shit, should've given those tickets to me, i would've out that shit on Gumtree, and we could sing any song together.. i just dig stevecause he's not afraid of who he is.. neither is he that incompetent over the weekends, but mon-fri.. he can be a dumb shit.. ha ha..

So these girls did this video in LA where they put a camera on their butts, and recorded how people watched their asses.. ha ha.. finally oaks we are cuffed.. and i know you chaps, I see you guys catching glance and why the fuck not? ha ha.. I mean ladies if you have something nice in the rear and you wearing them tight jeans, obviously creeps(i mean guys) are going to take a peek, if they don't they are lying, or gay.. simple, man truth 101.. I think that should be a daily thing MAN TRUTHS as some of you are lacking the universal truth and believe in prince charming, that's right they exist, but they exist within the creep too.. or he's gay.. ha ha ha..

Dudes and dudettes have a wicked weekend... get a job if have none, call in sick if you do..

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