Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Forlonging Taunts


Its a long weekend, its the Royal wedding and every news channel is on that shit..Which is cool,
I mean, NOT.. There are so many more important things on.. Aargh.. I guess it helps the world feel better about the way they destructing, killing and exploiting.. you know? I was reading that some dumb..very dumb woman quit her job in the states to go to England for the wedding.. Firstly.. WHY?! Secondly you should've taken sick leave, called in sick at least, not quit your job for the wedding.. Next minute you in some accident and are in a serious situation.. What you gonna do? She must've really hated her job that much to quit, for THAT wedding.. Not someone like, I don't know.. Lady Gaga and Prince.. or something..

Another thing, is reliability.. In this day and age, you want to be able to rely on certain things, Police,Government, family and a few friends.. What I have seen is some serious back stabbing, in all spheres of life, from Government to close friendships, I guess it appears its every man for himself..

Ha ha.. Just like I was saying about backstabbing, it seems like not only are individuals doing it.. But corporations such as TOM-TOM. They sell all your info, to third party fuckers.. WE are just being laid over again.. And you thought it was just Apple and Google! Gosh. TomTom has admitted that its satellite navigation devices can track users and report to third parties about how fast they’re going – like the police, for instance. Your TomTom is a speed camera now.
TomTom, who presumably admitted to the data-sharing to avoid the finger-wagging that Apple and Google are currently undergoing, claims that the data is anonymous and can’t be traced back to individual users – but then again, Apple was playing the same tune not too long ago, but take that with some salt.

ah Prison Break, what an awesome awesome, show.. Maybe some guys watch it too intensively.. As in the middle east some oaks there just did a Prison Break, but not just like 12.. Like 500, TALIBAN commanders..Nice, its going to be a nice safe weekend, and rest of the year.. Awesome.. thanks once again..

Tooryalai Wesa, governor of the volatile southern Kandahar province, said that 478 prisoners escaped because of the negligence of Afghan security forces at the province's main jail.
He said the start of the tunnel had been traced to a house near the prison.
General Ghulam Dastgir, the prison's governor, said the tunnel had been lined with explosives by the insurgents after the escape. "Everybody went out through the tunnel. The insurgents worked on it for some seven months," Dastgir said. The Taliban said that 541 prisoners escaped through a tunnel which took months to construct.

Ah.. so Libya's not quite finished just yet.. huh.. These fucking guys over there!! Feck!
Gaddafi’s Forces Are Taking Viagra And Raping Women – The U.S. envoy to the United Nations told the Security Council on Thursday that troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were increasingly engaging in sexual violence and some had been issued the impotency drug Viagra, diplomats said. [reuters] I mean, imagine, are you a rebel? Yes..then come here, i just took some vIAgra and I'm going be going for a good 3 hours.. Lube up!! lol.. NO..

At least some one has taken the initiative to make death easier.. What happens if I buy 5 do I get a special deal? huh? Whats the story? Suicide Kits: 91 Year Old Woman Selling Easy Death On The Internet -The 29-year-old’s lifeless body wad found 4 months ago, covered up to the neck by a blanket. There was a clear plastic bag over his head, and a plastic tube running from the bag to an orange metal helium tank. Next to the tank was a white box, decorated with a butterfly, the box the plastic bag and tube had arrived in the mail in, with a book titled Final Exit inside. [dailybeast] She should sell them on this day especially, cause i would kill myself if i have to watch this stupid wedding..

Hating life.. '


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