Friday, April 1, 2011

Freak the F out its Friday!

Morning Dudes and Dudettes..

Getting shit done today.. I realised that at some point or another we are going to get frustrated, we are going, well some of us, blow up at some point and scream and yell.. Such as as the lawyer from Cape Town, who really was having a shit day, and the judge just was at the end of that rope.. Now there are few ways to help you adjust to this ever building tower of rage inside of you.. Release them, through sport, tactical aggression(paintball, target shooting) release endorphins through various means, sex, chocolate, chili, taking a poo, such ways.. If not.. then ya, blow up, go nuts it wont be the smartest idea but dam it makes you feel good.

the dale of tiff
So I remember the first time i went skiing, it was here in SA, and now that playland is going to the highest bidder! South Africa’s only ski resort is due to go under the hammer in May. The resort was embroiled in a long financial scandal that began in 2007 and was eventually forced to close the slopes indefinitely in 2009. It will be auctioned at an event to be held at Summer Place on 12 May 2011 at 12h00 in Hyde Park, Johannesburg.The property is nestled below the Ben McDhui peak in the southern region of the Drakensberg in the Eastern Cape and boasts an already healthy infrastructure.
Chalets for 142 people and the estate also has the main lodge area featuring a lounge, restaurant, kitchen, bar, a shop, ski hire facilities.There is also a ski school and ski service and snowboard centre with a beginners slope, main slope and gully slope. The main slopes are serviced by a ski lift and the beginner slope has a small pulley controlled ski lift... Mmm.. I see a hot tub time machine type of jol being framed.. In the ideal world.. An investment could be procured.. calling creative minds for preliminary vision for the winter fun land!

speeding.. avg
So those of you that love cruising the open road maxing and relaxing it out at 160km on long journey's are in for a shock as the speed limits are set for a reduction. A huge reduction at that!You’d be well advised to start driving slower, in preparation for a significant reduction in speed limits on all national roads later this year. When the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act (AARTO) comes into force, you’ll risk losing your licence if you’re caught driving too fast.
The lowering of speed limits is intended to improved road safety and save precious fuel.
The speed limit on a public road in an urban area will be reduced from 60km/h to 45km/h.
The speed limit on a public road outside an urban area (not a freeway) will be reduced from 100km/h to 75km/h.On freeways, the speed limit will be reduced from 120km/h to 90km/h... Feck.. that sucks especially if you sitting in a car that reaches those speed limits in 2nd gear.. Scooters can reach the top speed.. ha ha ha.. what a joke.. good intentions, counter productive..

scary shit
Some scary shit is happening out there..and its been quiet on the disease front it terms of epidemics as natural disasters have taken the the front.. FOR decades, scientists developed new antibiotics to beat bacteria that mutated. But no longer. Welcome to a world where the drugs don’t work.

MRSA, a bacteria that causes skin infections and is resistant to antibiotics, kills about 19000 people a year in the US and a similar number in Europe. Other drug-resistant superbugs are spreading. Cases of often fatal "extensively drug resistant" tuberculosis have mushroomed over the past few years.

A new wave of "super superbugs" with a mutation called NDM1, which first emerged in India, has now turned up all over the world. Scientists have no tools to fight them... What the fuck are we supposed to do, how are we just meant to deal with it? Scary fucking shit.. end is near.. end is near..

japan.. in need of help
Japan radiation leaks into groundwater – Radiation was found in groundwater just outside Japan’s stricken nuclear plant at 10,000 times the normal limit, officials at the plant announced late Thursday. The news comes as Japan’s nuclear and humanitarian crisis following a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami stretched into the third week. [Global Post] This has detrimental effects in the long term, to the balance in the biological makeup of the land.. This surely will destroy and future growth firstly from the land and from the people who continue to reside in that land..Lets get serious, Japan is an ISLAND, so they don't exactly have space to move to.. There stuck with what they have.. Godzilla?

reds in jhb
This weekend is going to be an interesting one for Super Rugby with some classics like sharks vs stormers.. come stormers.. take em sharkies down.. That's the thing with the sharks, oaks call them the man utd of SA. In all fairness they are nothing like Man Utd, one fuck that comparison for life, so what if if every tom dick and douchebag has a sharks sticker, they are all the same and two feck it let 'em have it, but fuck the comparison! Come on the Lions taking the reds down.. I feel it! lol.. reminds me of the force here the otehr day and Nathan Sharpe spading a mate of mine with his shiny ball head and she saying"who the fuck are you" "I'm Nathan Sharpe lady.".. lol.. classic..

Ah the Gunners,  Arshavin would prefer to be competing on more fronts as the season draws to a close, he feels Wenger's squad will have recovered from the misery of exiting three competitions in less than two weeks.The Russia international told Sky Sports News: "I think our schedule is not so bad, that is why if we win all our games we have a good chance to be champions!  ha ha.. Um no you Russian slave driver, you need BMT, one day he will know what it is like to lift silverware! ;p


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