Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tough Luck Chelsea its Thursday!

Morning dudes and dudettes,

How some of you feeling? Like a Torres? mmm... Sick to the stomach with anticipation and disappointment? Ah don't worry you will get used to it! UNITED!! UNITED.. that's what it is.. sorry to say, Stamford Bridge has been broken.. Its done ladies..

Besides the the awesome good results last night, there was some interesting speeches done by people, especially those by the name of JM, who used clever(i must admit) oratory tactics in persuading a group of individuals to vote for ANC for the benefit of Nelson Mandela. He stated, when you put a cross, there are two things you must see. The first line of the cross you must say 'happy birthday' Walter Sisulu; the second cross you must say 'get well Madiba', because you are doing it for the ANC," Malema said in Port Elizabeth on Wednesday. "President Mandela is sick and you don't want to contribute to a worsening condition of Mandela by not voting ANC. President Mandela will never endure if the ANC is out of power," the youth leader said, according to a quote published in The Star. What they do is the pray on the uneducated on the weak and desperate, they use milestones and highlights of a bygone time to ensure voters still think, that politicians have their interests at heart! Malema you douche.. I want to make it known, i would get involved in politics just to screw with your agenda!

Gautrain Fares For Pretoria-Jo’burg Announced – A monthly return ticket on the Gautrain between Hatfield in Pretoria and Park Station in Johannesburg will cost R1 716.”[The tickets] are sufficiently price attractive to create a substantial shift from private car use to public transport in the form of the Gautrain,” Gauteng transport provincial minister Ismail Vadi said. [mail&guardian] Sounds affordable.. mmm.. then I get thinking, it can work for specific individuals that work and play close to stations or bus routes.. So a smal minority.. Also what, about times of the transport seems to end? at 8pm? come on.. In this traffic and possible delays this could led to being stranded at difficult times of the day.. Alth9ough it is a start and a beginning, so we should be grateful. I guess.. I still hate toll gates..

Yes, your right.. pull a Charlie Sheen move.. You shall regret it, why? Well he is a man who cant stay out of the headlines, recently it has been for the wrong reasons, but ahhh... he is 100% quality and is also in there for the right reason! You shall want him back, and he will be back.. Trust me.. or did you not watch last nights game? Wayne Rooney’s foul-mouthed tirade has cost him roughly R7 Million, as Coca-Cola have pulled their partnership with the Man United Rooney, a mere child at 25, was seen by millions screaming the F-word into a camera after scoring a dramatic hat-trick against West Ham.[dailymail] ha ha... I hope Pepsi pick him up actually, that would be a slap in the face.. Def.. A huge slap in the face.. lol.. Pity about the dumb FA not allowing Rooney to play in the semi finals against man city.. FA u douchebags.. let him play.. or hold precedent!

Scientists Grow An Eye From Stem Cells – Scientists have used stem cells to grow a rudimentary eye in the laboratory in a landmark study that raises the prospect of creating tissues to treat blindness and tease apart how diseases can destroy eyesight. The Japanese team is the first to make significant progress in turning embryonic stem cells into an organ as complex as the eye. Hectic! I mean, the possibilities are endless and human ingenuity has definitely exceeded beliefs lately.. good news for those of you who lost your eyes in the last viewing of Debbie does Dallas.. Lol..What are the implications of this? i mean does this also lead to possible new ways to ebat diseases such as Cancer and HIV/AIDS with regeneration of white blood cells? All I know is that, the saying, "its all fun and games until someone loses an eye" will be a an outdated saying from now on![guardian]

This story above should def be looked into by the characters in New Delhi.. They seem to be having a little bit of a tricky time with the NDM 1 gene, which creates what some experts describe as “super superbugs”, has spread to germs that cause cholera and dysentery, and is circulating freely in other bacteria in the Indian city capital of 14 million people, the researchers said. “The inhabitants of New Delhi are continually being exposed to multidrug-resistant and NDM 1-positive bacteria”, said Mark Toleman of Britain’s Cardiff University School of Medicine, who published the findings in a study on Thursday. I mean whats worse, natural disaster, or super medicine resistant flu? mmm.. I would take an earthquake any day.. (i woulde like to avoid both if i could but and EQ[earthquake illiterate fools] can be avoided, antibiotic resistant disease sounds... deadly.. In densely populated areas.. not kiff at all..

Gbagbo Might Be Running To SA - South Africa, Togo and Angola are possible safe havens for Ivory Coast’s besieged Laurent Gbagbo should he negotiate an exit from his West African country, African Union (AU) sources said on Wednesday. ”South Africa has offered several times before and Togo is now indicating to us that it could be willing to take him in,” a senior AU official told Reuters. [news24] No.. why would we want this douchebag in SA? Why why? We already have Julius Malema, so seriously.. its someone else duty to have all the assholes! I mean, Donald Trump has room, email him! We will help you, just keep this douche away from Southern Africa.. back the F away pal, we don't want your negative vibes.. maybe drogba can help you find away to live in peace... IN PRISON!



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