Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday's weird Taunts

Morning Chaps and chapettes,

Wow! Understatement of the year about the last few days huh? Osama dead and buried, well not buried, sunk, relegated to the depths of the sea, down to Davey Jones's Locker.. Yes..his locker. Deals with the devil are made in Davey Jones Locker..we will see them.. What does intrigue amongst all of this was the outright celebrations that took place. I mean, the dude regardless was a slight douchebag and I'm not a conspiracy lover, his organisation took blame for a number of terrorist activities over the last fine, in my books death was eye for an eye.. I don't entertain the argument of he should've been tried for justice.. NO, regardless of process, certain individuals yield too much power, and in Osama case, too much radicalism..
but officials did not clearly explain why bin Laden was shot dead and not captured given that he was unarmed, fueling speculation that the elite Navy SEAL team had been ordered on a kill mission.
"In the room with bin Laden, a woman -- bin Laden's wife -- rushed the US assaulter and was shot in the leg but not killed," White House spokesman Jay Carney said. "Bin Laden was then shot and killed. He was not armed."
Unfair I know, so is the world and in this case, America got it right, although maybe a cover up with an explosion oor something similar.. But chilled, a direct route, or is it.. regardless, there is more to come.. much more, this is all smoke and mirrors from the Americans(duh)..

Imagine being one of 4 douchebags that get a special cover? "Shot pops, nice legacy to leave behind.. "Bin Laden Is Fourth Man To Get Time’s Red ‘X’ Cover – The magazine said Monday that it will publish a special issue, to hit newsstands Thursday, on the death of the al Qaeda leader. The cover will feature an illustration by Tim O’Brien of bin Laden’s face with a red X across it, making bin Laden the fourth person in the magazine’s history to receive that treatment. Previous recipients of the red X include Adolf Hitler (May 7, 1945), Saddam Hussein (April 21, 2003), and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (June 19, 2006). [huffpo]I would actually like to see Mugabe on there soon, NO joke.. and how about Malema? Or is that over the top? Ohhh...

I wondered about when this dudes will release proof, or at least proof we can judge.. US Cautious With Release Of Bin Laden Photo – CIA chief Leon Panetta has suggested that photographs taken of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden after he was killed will eventually be made public. However, the White House was more cautious about the likelihood it would release images of the terrorist leader taken after he was shot in the head during a raid on his home in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad by US Navy SEALS.

It looks like the latest fad to get an F1 team... huh.. Hey lets go shopping..Guy 2: where u thinking? Guy 1: Dunno lets look at one of the Italian teams.. Or a premiership football team..
Murdoch And Ferrari Look To Buy F1 - Formula One could face a joint takeover bid from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. and an investment company linked to Ferrari, the sport’s oldest team. Media giant News Corp. and Italian investment firm Exor said Tuesday that they were working together to search for other investors to potentially fund a bid for the motor racing series, which has been owned by private equity firm CVC Capital Partners since 2006. [timeslive]

Now I used to always check the FBI's most wanted, just in case I bumped into him in KFC or at the movies, you kow that type of shit.. Also teh rewards that used to be on offer were sort of ridonculus..well what about this chap? Who Snagged The $27 Million Bin Laden Reward? - Under a special program started by Congress back in 1984, the U.S. government has paid $100 million to dozens of people who helped bring international terrorists to justice. But the reward for the most notorious terrorist of all — Osama bin Laden — could go unclaimed. The State Department’s Rewards for Justice Program had a $27 million bounty on bin Laden. [npr] imagine.. One of those Seals might get it.. Whoo kiff, trained killer with millions.. Awesome.. start a killing school you douche!

Dudes, i was messing about with this character over here and stumbled upon this.. Kimberly (small town in South Africa is to host one of the biggest skateboard tournaments.  They are building a skatepark for the tournament  which will host what is known as the world’s richest skateboarding competition. The Maloof Money Cup, with its $3-million prize money, will for the first time leave US soil , and South Africa has been selected to host one of its four legs. [timeslive] damn.. skateboarders are making some real money right now..huh.. ha ha ha.. Ya next time you wanna judge that stupid looking kid with his skateboard think twice, you could be his b*tch soon!

I couldn't believe it when i went past a cinema the other day and saw Fast and Furious 5 coming out! I was like, what! Again! Really? what?  Ticket sales of $86.2 million for the fifth volume in the high-speed car chase series, in which Paul Walker and Vin Diesel reunite with fellow Fast veterans, marked the biggest premiere for any film so far this year. It is also currently racing ahead in the UK box office. In it’s opening weekend last weekend it took £5,332,096. [telegraph] I mean.. really.. Any way.. now I have to see it, what the hype about..(i dig it).. ha ha.. whats wrong with people?

Dude.. my Ipad 1 is outdated and I'm thinking its time to get the new one.. bla bla, this isn't a techno blog so i'm not going to argue about which tablets are better. This made me not want to get one. Chinese factories making iPads and iPhones are forcing staff to sign pledges not to commit suicide. And if they do, their families will get next to no compensation. This comes after at least 14 workers at Foxconn factories in China have killed themselves in the last 16 months as a result of horrendous working conditions. Many more are believed to have either survived attempts or been stopped before trying at the Apple supplier’s plants in Chengdu or Shenzen.
An investigation of the 500 000 workers by the Centre for Research on Multinational Companies and Students & Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour (Sacom) found appalling conditions in the factories.
They claimed that:
  • Excessive overtime was rife, despite a legal limit of 36 hours a month. One payslip showed a worker did 98 hours of overtime in one month!
  • During peak periods of demand for the iPad, workers were allowed to take only one day off in 13.
  • Badly performing workers were humiliated in front of colleagues.
  • Workers are banned from talking and are made to stand up for their 12-hour shifts.
And all this for a minimum wage of about R60 a day?
A little low considering Apple made profits of $6 billion in the first quarter of this year alone.
[Source: Daily Mail]

half scouser

Ah.. looks like Barcelona are in the Champions league final.. I wonder who they shall play.. Mmm.. UNITED.. DUH!!  Although the premier league is looking fricken close.. This shall be a testing time for certain teams.. The gunners, I've been saying it the whole time.. You oaks don't have the kahunas to play with the champions.. get back to the back of the line. The armoury is closed so you have to shoot balnks.. Chelsea,  you deserve credit, oaks thought you were dead and buried..but BOOM..lets see what happens... UNITED..


PS: City and Scousers are douchebags..


Coco a great athlete..
This is for a special guy.. NWBP..:

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