Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The taunts of a Short Week.. TAUNTED

Morning afternoon and goodnight...

So a very short week, a week of religious sentiment to some and to others, a sneaky time to get some rest, visit family, eat chocolate and enjoy the fruits of life.. Well to some.. Others will slave away, continuing with their lives, causing the death and destruction we are used to.. Morbid huh.. but true.. Keep it in mind..

So only in the land of the free( America for the uneducated), has once again provided us with some thoughtful entertainment. This in the form of of a politician sending out emails,  border line  blatant racism and stupidity all surrounding Pres Obama.. ha ha.. A prominent US politician, Marilyn Davenport, is in trouble for sending out an email with a photo of chimpanzee parents and their infant. Barack Obama’s face is superimposed on the chimpanzee infant, and the caption reads:
 “Now you know why no birth certificate.” It refers to the “birther” theory that Obama was not born on US soil, and is therefore ineligible to serve as president. This all stems from the notion that Pres Obama's birth certificate mystery amongst growing notions of him not being born in the States.
Davenport, a member of the Southern California Republican Party central committee, made no attempt to hide the fact that she was behind the email, and simply had this to say to the media: You’re not going to make a big deal about this are you? Ha ha ha.. Not a big deal.. If any one can see the above image and believe that it has no connotations of any what so ever def are special individuals, I actually believe only America could produce such idiotocracy!

Strikes.. SUck.. but uselful
Joburg amidst a strike by Pickitup workers(trash dudes) there has been a huge development in the rat infestation downtown CBD.. Lol.. I been down there, scary.. Apparently the rats are getting BIGGER and they have been getting bolder and smarter.. lol..
The rats are swarming around litter on the streets of downtown Jozi. The uncollected rubbish is a result of the ongoing strike by Pikitup workers.Meanwhile, the rat infestation – poses serious health concerns. Rats can carry and spread 35 diseases. The vermin are also affecting business in the CBD, especially for hawkers.Getrude Makondo, a Noord Street trader, said that since the strike began, there are far more rats than usual, and they are getting bigger.“They are not scared of people, they look straight at you and some even have beards,” she said.

Ferrero Rocher Owner Dies Cycling In Cape Town – Pietro Ferrero, who with his brother ran Ferrero, the family-owned producer of Nutella, Tic Tacs, Ferrero Rocher and other sweets sold worldwide, died on Monday while riding a bicycle in South Africa. He was 47. Mr. Ferrero was riding a bike on his usual training run on a road in Cape Town when he fell off. [newyorktimes] sad day for condiments around the world.. Interestingly enough, Pietro's old man, who is 85 years old is the chairman of Ferrero, so we shall still have our usual.. my household held its breath, they love Nutella, i mean uber overboard. We had a french chap stay with us a couple of weeks again and this dude went through one nutella bottle a week, he was obsessed.. Leave the breakfast table with a chocolate moustache every morning!

Old man Castro
So it looks like the old dictator and someone noone fucked with even the Americans is stepping down..(no political unrest needed) and giving power to his brother.. The move came after the sixth Communist Party Congress approved a flurry of measures on Monday aimed at keeping Cuba's centrally planned economy from collapse but without any broad embrace of market-oriented change. "Raul knew that I would not accept a formal role in the party today," Fidel wrote in an article on the Cubadebate.cu portal, referring to his absence from the party's new Central Committee, elected on Monday. Castro, 84, had served as first secretary in the Central Committee of the party -- which underpins the country's Communist government -- since the party's creation in 1965. Fidel said he had handed over the functions of the party head to Raul when he ceded power to his brother because of his own declining health in 2006, though he retained the first secretary title.  A man many wanted out of power did many great things, healthcare for all the people, state welfare and some good fricKen cigars! Shit.. he did it for the people.. you listening..Mugabe/Zuma/African leaders.. ?!

3D porn.. AWESOME
So the biggest grossing opening of a film..was.. Avatar..NOT! Its a 3D porn, thats right.. A porno.. that's the world we live in! lol.. Imagine.. A Chinese film billed as the world’s first 3D porn movie may get a sequel after opening to enthusiastic audiences in Hong Kong. Sex and Zen 3D: Extreme Ecstasy packed cinemas across Hong Kong yesterday as curious film goers flocked to see the highly hyped movie for themselves. The film is a sequel to 1991′s Sex and Zen, which remains Hong Kong’s highest-grossing adult film. [guardian] ha ha ha.. Sequel already, that would be awesome..what ever.. lol.. don't lie chaps I bet you have seen it..(Craig) ha ha..

DOES ANY one else think the Sheen kids are going to be a little screwed(mentally, socially) a little later in life? I mean their old man(Warlock) is a GREAT role model.. ha ha.. NOT. The mother is has recently been in the news herself.Mother of Charlie Sheen’s Kids Goes To Rehab – Charlie Sheen’s estranged wife Brooke Mueller has checked into rehab after a week of alleged drug binging. On Friday, it was reported that Mueller had refused to do a drug test even though it was required under the terms of her custody settlement with Sheen. [popeater]

Adding salt on the recent vodacom vs cell c debate


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