Monday, April 11, 2011

Muchos Monday!

Monday Muchos..

Sup, welcome how's it? Monday is here a  new week,  a new beginning and a new way for stories to be created. It was a wicked weekend all over the country, I heard Grahamstown is still holding some individuals names. If you have not found your name yet as you threw so hard this weekend, it is most likely in grahamstown.. No not Knysa Roxanne. What is it about Monday that people lose their minds? Traffic is worse, and its like every stupid individual decides to leave their home on this day in the morning! Stay home douchebags, cause the rest of the week they are without a doubt robbing someone Else's stupidity and traffic is fine. Well not fine, but do able.. Feck..

So a lot of dudes are heading to South America to travel etc, but down where the man the call Messi hales from its a different story. Police, acting on a tip-off, had to search the passengers and the bus. Naturally they were absolutely terrified, as well they should be, considering what was discovered.
Ranger Daniel Chersich, warden of Santa Fe province said: A passenger came on board with 40 snakes, plus what he had in the boxes in the bus luggage hold.In the hold the smuggler had loaded the boxes with 444 boas, vipers and other snakes; 186 endangered tortoises; 40 lizards, and an armadillo. What the F, was that chap doing with all those reptiles doing? Had he been in Africa that bus would've emptied faster than a donation of medical funds in west Africa! Had I been on that bus, I would've made a sun roof right above me seat, having vipers and shit crawling around.. hell no!

I have always said, never mess with Lebonese chaps, coloured oaks and Asians. This is why: Japan’s Most Powerful Mafia Don Released From Prison – Police in Japan are bracing themselves for the possibility of conflict with the underworld after the head of the country’s most powerful crime syndicate was released from prison. Kenichi Shinoda was freed from the Fuchu prison, near Tokyo, on Saturday after serving a six-year sentence for firearms offences. Around 35,000 gangsters – 44% of Japan’s total – are members of his gang, the Yamaguchi-gumi. [guardian] What do you think will happen when this Don gets out? Mmm.. well, those that f*cked him shall see their maker, officials who ffffed him will see their maker, and criminals shall bow down to him again.. He prob will end the disasters in Japan as he has links to the nature mafia(true story)..

Boston Bans Coca-Cola On City Property – Boston’s long-time mayor, Thomas M. Menino just made quenching the thirst of city-workers that much harder. According to The Boston Globe, Menino issued an executive order to phase out sugary drinks from all city property in an effort to curb rising obesity rates. So long non-diet sodas.  Later  you sexy sports drinks, you. [slashfood] Well glad that takes care of that.. So that is a clever yet dumb way in my opinion to solve obesity issues. I mean, restricting what they consume, is a better effort? I don't know, I think providing meals to them would be better, healthy meals, serving all food groups etc.. Such a kak dumb idea, so next minute its illegal to have a Vitamin Water on my desk, sorry, fine me!

Ha ha ha ha.. I was thinking if you go to a cricket match and you get hit by the ball..Who is too blame? the batsmen? For hitting a six? No ways.. The fan for not paying attention? Maybe.. The ball guys for making them so hard? ha ha.. um NO.. so who? Similar story with the football club Sunderland in the UK:

The Sunderland chairman, Niall Quinn, has revealed that the club is in the process of being sued by a fan. The fan was injured when a stray shot hit him in the face while watching the team train a couple of years back. Apparently the Djibril Cisse strike knocked the fan clean out.
Niall continued:We had a supporter who got a bad injury, I think it was one of Djibril Cisse’s misses where he had a shot from 20 yards.I’m making fun of it now, but it knocked a supporter out. It was quite serious. That supporter is in the process of suing us right now. What a douche bag of a fan! If you are going to watch training and sit by the goals, then surely you must be ready for the balls? What kind of idiot does not think balls will come flying at them, better yet, what kind of idiot sues his club because a striker's shot was off target and they got hit? Get the F out of here, come on, I'm a grown as man, there is no way some one can be that stupid.. If they win the case then i believe there is no need for the education system.

The man of the year it seems, has finally been found not so much as a legend. Charlie Sheen Bombs In New York – Sheen and his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour limped and sputtered through town. And when the show ended — ahead of schedule — the actor ran from the stage like a scared felon ahead of a lynch mob.“F–k you, Charlie! F–k you, Charlie!” a row of young men chanted after Sheen sprinted from the theater. [nypost] Ah and I was keen to see this show.. Maybe Charlie's "gold dust" ran out? ha ha.. Some of you are now thinking, what kind of dust does charlie need? Mmm.. not not angel dust, get your head out the gutter! Come now Charlie get it together son!!

Ah.. a short and sweet one.. have a sick week!


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