Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday's Woody whereabouts.. UNITED!

Morning Chaps and chapettes,

Tis another glorious day where ever you are.. The gloom and doom of winter approaches but we shall smile in the face of cold(southern hemisphere).. and head to warmer pastures! Ah..what an evening of champions league footie! Omg, Spurs unlucky dudes.. you had one wirey Englishman who jumped the gun in a couple of tackles and costed his team.. costed them big time.. Can they change the deficit..mmmm.. DOUBT IT.. Inter, inter inter.. Benitez screwed  you guys and now you are left with shit..

The proposed tolls, which the SA National Roads Agency plans to introduce to fund the upgrading of the province's ageing roads, will hurt businesses, according to economist Mike Schussler.
In it Schussler said the proposed 66c a kilometre toll will result in the cost of living going up.
Speaking at the Department of Transport's third round of public consultations on the tolls, Schussler said that though the government had initially proposed a 66c a kilometre toll, wealthier countries such as the US charged the equivalent of 49c a kilometre. He estimated that the price of bread, assumed to be R6, would be R10 after the implementation of the tolls, and petrol, which cost R9.27 a litre before last night's price increases, would cost R9.42 a litre.(Sunday times). Imagine what us South Africans are being subjected too! I mean, just the thought, the processes that go into this have not being properly consulted with, the public and those concerned. It's bit a of a fuck up really.. Joburgers are sneaky, they will hit back roads high and low to avoid this.. what about introducing different rates for different times.. Sorta like the congestion charges in London. You know, so from 5am-9am is a charge and from 3-6pm is a charge and everything else is like 10c.. I mean.. come on folks.. Will govt vehicles be charged as well? most likely not.. WHy? cause we're being fucked oaks.. yes.. fucked.. by the system..

Omar bin Laden, the fourth son of the al-Qaeda leader, claims he received a visit from White House staff in January 2009 at his home in Doha, the capital of Qatar. “They invited me to accompany them to the White House, offered to defend, help and protect me, on the condition that I helped them find my father,” he told Spanish daily newspaper La Vanguardia, in an interview published on Monday. [telegraph] Well, duh they invited you, they had no reason to arrest you so they were tryign to "invite" you, and his ass would've never been found.. He would've been strapped to a bomb and a note attached saying "hey Bin Laden, fuck you" dropped over some caves.. Seriously.. check it out on wiki leaks.. ha ha.. jokes.. but seriously.. What kind of son would give up their old man? I can guarantee it wasn't this man.. You think the the US govt can protect you? ha ha ha ha.. are you having a laugh son?

Does anyone else think that Charlie Sheen is acting like Charlie Harper from his series? I mean the guy really doesn't have to act. He lives the life he plays! I mean this fricken guy is doing what every guy shopping with his lady/listening to their boss  talk kak/being a mate to a douche wants to do.. Tell everyone i DON'T GIVE A FUCK! His latest venture is thinking out the box. A company with ties to the actor has moved to trademark 22 of Sheen's catchphrases, including "Duh, Winning," "Vatican Assassin," "Tiger Blood" and "Rock Star From Mars."
Much like their creator, the applications aim high, with trademark protection sought for everything from bras, drinks, electronic games, candy and even gambling machines.

Remember the story of wendy Machanik who is now insolvent and runs real estate empire which is crumbling faster than Liverpool's or Man City's attempts to be decent teams in the 21st century? Well her actions or lack there of have hampered her employees lives.  Estate agents formerly employed by embattled property mogul Wendy Machanik are having to beg and borrow to survive. So dire is the situation for some of Machanik’s former agents that at least two have tried to commit suicide in the past three months, with another said to be heading for a nervous breakdown. [timeslive] How hectic.. She sitting there at breakfast eating her muesli when she reads this.. Feck.. Running your own business is not easy..Her employees are struggling and she is struggling too, but I doubt she has tried to commit. Employees listen up.. Make a deal, go state witness get a severance pay out.. make her pay.. from her retirement fund.. You guys worked too hard to get fffed.. but a lady in a merc.. seriously..

Sonny Bill.. this guy is just too hectic.. I mean on the field, mind boggling but he is gonna have a boxing fight and u can imagine i shall be watching the Bill!The pay-per-view fight would be held on June 6 in Auckland to coincide with the Canterbury Crusaders’ second bye in the Super rugby season and Williams said he was seeking a step up in class for his next opponent. “I’m not a world beater at this stage ... I will definitely be in the ring with someone who could knock me out,” the 25-year-old, who won his last fight against Australian Scott Lewis in January with an unanimous points decision, told local media.  Who ever he fights he is going to take them down.. Down to China town!! I would be shitting myself if i was going to fight the Bill and even I was a pro boxer!

Ah so elections are coming.. and Oaks are over ANC.. or starting to be.. Maybe people notice that ANC have their own agenda's and those agenda's are based in the banks.. Even the clown Vavi says its about time to wake the F up.. Its the time when oaks start making promises about stuff adn as usual they do fuck all.. Welcome to the life of politics.. in SA.. Without naming President Jacob Zuma or cabinet ministers, Vavi raised a warning about South Africa: "If we are not careful and [don't] turn the bus, making it face a different direction, we will find ourselves there [like Angola and Kenya]."  Addressing the National Union of Metalworkers' conference in Johannesburg yesterday, the Cosatu leader said if the ANC were not careful the DA would make inroads in its strongholds. "If we allow people to take our movement in the direction they are taking it, very soon we will have to call someone President Zille," he said referring to the leader of the DA..

Christmas list anyone? I eman what would you want if you were a 13year old pubey little boy?Miley Cyrus Sex Doll Flying Off The Shelves – Pop starlet Miley Cyrus is reportedly “disgusted” that an inflatable sex doll resembling her has gone on sale. The teen star is said to be so upset by the Finally Mylie love doll that she is planning to sue the company responsible. But the blow-up effigy — which boasts “3 achey love holes” — has flown off the shelves. [thesun] Ah.. miley is not disgusted.. she bought one for her Dad.. ha ha sick.. yes.. sick..


UNITED.. UNITED>> Chelsea you blue dumb douches.. See you later tonight.. its on like Donkey kong.. and you better be scared.. Torres.. you fricken jokes.. sit the fuck down!

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