Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Taunts to Tottenham!

Morning dudes and dudettes,

Yes it has happened, i have been plagued with work, I could not post yesterday.. Some of you, (thanks Jimmy) missed me! ha ha.. Good times, no worries, it was a great weekend, best sports results, well for me in a while.. with the exception of the Blitzbokke, unlucky chaps!

Oil Rises Above $120 On Libya Jitters – Oil prices rose above $120 a barrel in London trade Monday, for the first time in two and a half years, with the market nervous over the conflict in Libya and the region. Brent North Sea crude reached $120.63 a barrel just before 4pm GMT (6pm South African time) on the InterContinental Exchange (ICE) in London, its highest level since August 2008. [mail&guardian] Feck.. petrol going up again! Ass faces! This is def hurting those of us with smaller pockets and bigger engines! Crappy crude! I was thinking of pulling a fast and furious( 4th film) and stealing a tanker and making away with it.. I will let you know where you can meet me to fill up! ha ha..

New York Serial Killer Fears Grow - Three additional sets of human remains have been discovered on the same New York beach where a serial killer is believed to have dumped the bodies of five other women. The victims who were previously identified were all prostitutes who had advertised on the Internet site Craigslist. The bodies are believed to the work of a serial killer. [abcnews] So I was perhaps thinking of heading to the big apple in a couple of weeks, but looking at this.. FUCK that.. Jack-the -Ripper in NY, in 2011? He's is def a fricken psycho waiting to chop people up.. Modern day dexter with no moral code.. Um.. prostitutes are people too.. and Mom's most likely, trying to pay their bills..

Oaks hate my team the red devils, and I understand haters need something to hate, and if you being hated on, that means you are def doing something right.. Alas, my man, in the no 10 shirt, has had a ridonculus drama filled season no doubt and has some stress.. But 2 match ban!! FUCK OFF FA and yes I'm mad about that.. cause that's some bull! Wayne Rooney faces a two-game ban that would rule him out of Manchester United’s FA Cup semi-final against Manchester City after the Football Association charged him over his expletive-laden goal celebration during Saturday’s 4-2 win at West Ham. The FA charged Rooney with “use of offensive, insulting and/or abusive language” after he celebrated the penalty that completed his hat-trick at Upton Park by swearing directly into a television camera. [guardian]

 A Russian billionaire investor paid $100 million for a French chateau-style mansion in Silicon Valley, marking the highest known price paid for a single-family home in the U.S. The purchase of the 25,500-square-foot home in Los Altos Hills, Calif., underscores the strength of some luxury properties in an otherwise depressed housing market. Um.. what a waste of cash.. but I'm not going to go into the argument of what that money could've done for many many different causes, just going to mention a few(malaria HIV/aids research/cancer research muther fuckers without homes/food.water) FOR FUCK sake.. but hey, I'm not judging him, he most likely needed the house cause he had no where else to live.. Mmm... Go eat a big d*ck..

At least two sons of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi are proposing a resolution to the Libyan conflict that would entail pushing their father aside to make way for a transition to a constitutional democracy under the direction of his son Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, a diplomat and a Libyan official briefed on the plan said Sunday. [nytimes] Dude when its your time its your time.. When your sons are like.. time to chuck.. you chuck.. before they stab you in your sleep! ha ha..


Come on the SPURS..take the Madrid white ladies down!

PS: An emo note, oaks take life seriously.. There will always be someone who loves you and cares for you, look to them for guidance and support. Stay positive.


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