Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuck it In Thursday


So I wake up this morning slightly refreshed but peeved regardless(I had to wake up!) and got my ranting onto our au pair(ex-sneaky deviant back stabbing chick) she was! This ass face, basically lied about everything she did and the hours she did while charging my folks a small fortune... This b*tch would blatantly be fraudulent with regards to what she did, and how much time she spent.. Any way, she could not explain her actions and the relationship was terminated. What irritated me, is I befriended her, only to find out she was a snakey c**t. She also hailed Israel as this great nation that does not evil, no bitch you are and evil slut and Israel are douchebags who don't want peace so fuck you.. Now that's out the way..

A St John's College(Jhb) English and Latin teacher, who began working at the school last year, resigned this week when it was revealed that he shared a joint with a boy he had supplied with dagga a month before, The Star newspaper reported on Thursday. He was looking after the boarding establishment, Hill House, at the time of the incident. ha ha.,.Awesome, the dude has no DL skills what so ever.. Firstly I want to know if he was supplying weed to a grade 8 or what? I mean that is hilarious, imagine the staff room awkwardness? ha ha.. If it had been a girls school the dude would be getting investigated for statutory no doubt! lol.. Hope that teacher gets another teaching job, "you resigned because..."

Some LEGEND hacked the ANC youth league website and made a post as Julius Fuck this guy Malema. The post stated: “After much thought I, Julius Malema, have decided to step down as ANC Youth league President.” Some reasons were listed for his resignation: “I have brought my party the ANC into disrepute (sic); I have disrespected my elders and have made a fool out of myself; I promote my own agenda over my country and parties; I promote the singing of racist songs to promote violence and unrest in the country.” The post concluded with: “It is with great hope that I step down and welcome a new era in the ANCYL, one where thought and vision inspire our country rather then racism and personal ambition destroy it.” ... feck this is so sick, the hack was done by  made on Tuesday by the “Blah Blah protest group” .. Sooo sick, they should have done more, left a not that couldn't be removed, told teh world Malema is Cbomb etc.. feck.. any way, killa that its not just me who is sticking it to the man!

Nokia Files Complaint Against Apple – Finnish handset maker Nokia Corp. (NOK) Tuesday said it has filed an additional complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleging that rival Apple Inc. (AAPL) has infringed Nokia patents “in virtually all of its products,” escalating a series of patent battles between the two. [WSJ] Come on Nokia, you just hating, cause Apple gone and left you way behind.. its okay.. Work on the next few innovations, such as 3d tv and shit.. I mean all its products? "guys at apple took software from our 3310 and are using snake in the iPhone 4! " Douchebags.. ha ha..


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