Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To whence Tuesday was Tedicated

some things that made me go.. ha ha ha.. DOUCHE..or Wicked..

 Ah Tiger.. outside the top 10.. Learn from oaks such as Wayne Rooney, David Letterman and basically every superstar.. They do this "wondering" extra martial activities and then, their career suffers.. Then they resurrect it.. This is what makes champions and cheaters.. BMT..

With only four days left until the final climax of Manchester United’s football season and their Champions League final clash against Barcelona at Wembley this Saturday, Fergie is expected to address the matter later today. The issue poses a huge test of Giggs’s experience and Ferguson’s ability to galvanise his squad for Saturday... Ah don't worry.. Giggs has been down this road, a couple of times.. He is just slicker than Tiger..

There is this f*cker(excuse my language, but come the FUCK on) Harold Camping, founder of Family Radio International, spent millions of dollars on more than 5 000 billboards proclaiming that he world would end on 21 May 2011. It didn’t. But after consulting his Bible once again, Camping is now sure that the end of the world will take place on 21 October this year. I shall be busy pal.. but feel free to put all your money into my account for the after life! ha ha.. Seriously..

So the Air France flight that crashed, and they had found the wreckage on the sea floor and then found the black box.. well after listening to the box of black(racist..lol).. Sources close to the investigative team have revealed that the recordings indicate that Marc Dubois, the aircraft’s 58-year-old pilot, was not in the cockpit at the time the trouble began. It is reportedly audible that Dubois rushed back into the cockpit. “He called instructions to the two co-pilots on how to save the aircraft.” But their attempts to save the plane were ultimately in vain. WHERE WAS HE? Ah, lady in 1st class was hot?

Glad election debacle is over and all of you made intelligent votes.. What ANC won.. so.. NO then.. WHY WHY, majority why? Its your choice, also your service delivery.. If service delivery gets better i will eat my own feces... actually no.. actually it doesn't matter.. it won't.. SUCKERS..

ANC..no corruption whats so ever..
  Seriously.. who voted? Okay.. who voted for this guys? I mean.. come on oaks.. if you were bitten by a shark 3 times while you swam in  a specific pool.. Would you go back for a fourth time? Um.. if that question puzzles you, then I understand.. You need a running fuckslap..
Malema put this on twitter..

Obama's car..
 Dudes, the IMF dude looks as guilty as the DNA tests... Admit it, oaks in power are bastards..END of story.. DSK’s Semen Found On Maid’s Clothes – Traces of sperm from disgraced former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn were found on the clothes worn by the maid who claims she was sexually assaulted inside a Manhattan hotel room. The French website Atlantico.fr reported yesterday that Strauss-Kahn’s DNA was found on the woman’s dress, saying the NYPD notified French authorities of the development. [nypost]

Can you imagine.. just jamming cruising the streets..at a speed over 200km?..Gauteng Issues R10,000 Speeding Fine – A driver who was caught travelling at 221km per hour was fined R10 000 in the Pretoria North Magistrate’s Court on Monday, the Gauteng high speed unit said. Spokesperson Busapi Nxumalo said Mr T Monametsi, a human resource manager at Ampla mine in Rustenburg, was caught speeding on the N4 platinum highway on January 6. Idiot. [news24] Ha ha ha.. seriously what a douchebag.. although maybe he was trying to save a life..Then he is a hero who got caught.. Shame.. either way.. R10000 could have been a cool couple of subs, rims and new girlfriend..
 If you want to move somewhere new.. Maybe you could find a place on this map! It could help you find your dream place.. NOT..

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