Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Why Wednesday Why?


It has been an eventful week to say the least hey.. It must be if Liverpool are scoring at will and it seems okay to install open aired toilets.. What what.. ? Yes.. the ANC,(the smart ruling party, the ones that have done everything for the poor.. um.. ya.. ) have been installing open toilets in certain areas in which they have no ablution facilities what so ever.. SO they have indicated, that firstly there were no toilets before they put those in, and secondly they had agreed the whole time to provide the toilets and residents to add the rest of the structure.. What? So the government signed a deal, to provide toilets, open aired toilets to people? They said, we shall just put the toilet in the ground, the rest is up to you? Someone signed that? Someone put that onto paper?

They call themselves the ruling party serving the people.. can someone direct me to an instance where they have served the individuals of the country and not themselves? As oaks get ready to head to the polls in South Africa on the 18th of this month.. I don't care who you vote for... wait i do, as many of you won't vote or vote for the ANC which is the same any way.. So do your self a favour, check what parties are saying and go with that.. but what am i saying, I'm talking to educated people so you know.. its the mass population of south Africa, the ones in which are royally screwed by govt on a daily basis, yet fall for all the PR, bullshit and god-ANC link that the send out.. Its like the whole time they are in power EVERYONE hates what they are saying, doing.. etc... As elections roll out and PR budgets get juiced, it seems that the public forget what the F went down the last few years and vote for the fuckers again.. I mean.. CORRUPTION is rampant, its all for ONE and ONE for ONE at the govt.. challenge me.. I dare YOU.. douchebags.#ANC

I hate politics but love them.. 'cause there are a lot of stupid people WE cover their salaries and they have way too much freedom of speech..Although this may not be the issue at the moment, its just funny how some oaks will say something.. Next week a headline will be that De Lille did something that was defamatory/racist/corrupt etc in order to taint her image and the DA's.. well she will call them a 'sissie"De Lille Calls The ANC ‘Sissies’ – The ANC and the DA are neck-and-neck in the battle for Cape Town in the upcoming municipal elections, Democratic Alliance mayoral candidate for the city Patricia de Lille said on Tuesday. “I call them sissies because they are intimidated by us,” she said to loud applause from the auditorium. [news24]

Ya i told you dudes on the east coast about your surfing habits and how Sharks been watching you, like a fat kid at a buffet.. I mean seriously.. watch out.. They coming for you! Four people have been killed by sharks at the same beach in Port St Johns in the Eastern Cape in the part three years, but the community is divided over whether the municipality should install nets at the popular swimming beach in town. [news24]

I read a book by this guy, a self help, success story type book.. the one you read at college, ready to take the world by the horns.. Then, I started reading into this chap.. and yes he is a DOUCHE of note.. The Fall Of Donald Trump – It now turns out that Donald Trump may indeed be someone who is studied in college for years. Not as a politician but as an example of a CEO who destroyed his own brand. As The Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder points out, the predictable has now happened: his poll numbers are seemingly going faster than New York seniors to Florida in wintertime and his TV show ratings are nose diving, too. [themoderate]

Imagine getting R50 million to have a fight.. would you do it? regardless of who I was gonna fight, I would def have to think about it! lol.. How much? To do what? Do I have to kill him? No..sweet, I'm in..
Mayweather, the Pretty Boy had rejected an offer of half of $100-million to face Pacman in South Africa.
Bruce Trampler, matchmaker for Pacquiao's promoter Top Rank, believes the figure quoted by Konez "could be inflated", but added that if the two should ever meet, they would share the biggest payday in boxing history. Earlier this year Mayweather was said to be considering a fight in South Africa in July, but he and Pacquiao are far from agreeing terms.  How sick would this be if it was in South Africa.. feck..

So they want to reduce speed limits here in SA.. to help save fuel and ease our economy.. I have a feeling it still wont make people slow down.. This is Africa, so it sounds a bit far fetched that we want to agree to driving slower, as the limit has been decreased.. If it was for safety, then maybe.. but for fuel.. NA..
The minister for Energy and Minerals said "I have instructed my team to determine the level at which a reduction of the speed limit might be necessary," Peters said. "This will include consultation and concurrence of the Department of Transport." Her spokesman, Ndivhuwo Khangale, said: "Nothing has been finalised." The idea revives memories of 1970s rationing, when anti-apartheid sanctions cut fuel supplies to South Africa. Peters said last week's price increase could disrupt economic growth. In the past two years, crude oil prices have quadrupled. "I am concerned about the impact on the ordinary farmer and the impact paraffin price increases have on the poorest of the poor," Peters said.  Mmmm... now they care about the poor, as election time dawns.. If only they cared all the time.. F*ckers..

Ah the Austrian turned American politician, who had  quite a drama-less marriage, finally gave the public something.. A separation.  Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife, Maria Shriver, have separated, with Shriver moving out of their Brentwood mansion while the two determine the next step in their 25-year marriage. Shriver has been residing apart from the actor-turned-politician for the last few weeks. The former first couple confirmed the separation in a joint statement. [latimes] She wont be "back" Arno.. sorry dude, 25 years is a lot of love.. Now you can go tax all the young dolls.. wait no you can't, your an old douche!

Here are some images that I've found..

true story

PS: City you douchebags... Scousers, welcome to the game of football, glad you are playing it under King Kenny..

star wars cleavage

Hey lady, there is a zombie in a wedding dress next to u!

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