Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To Topcat Cave..

Hey hey...

Scholes.. the man..

19.. how many u have City? Liverpool?
No ways Scholesy is retiring.. He has decided to hang up his boots.. This is one ginger who made inroads for you ginger douches! He has also been a integral part of the United set up for an entire career! He has been my boy, quiet and total footballer, who should the world, the way to make headlines, is not with your antics, but your football, or tackling, or just being a GINGER! Scholesy!

Sean Kingston Hospitalised After Crashing Jet Ski
Watch out for the BRIDGE!
    See what happens when you are round and having a good time.. U lose the plot and ram into bridges! Sean K.. my boy..!Yesterday, when he crashed his jet ski into a bridge in Florida. Apparently Kingston and a female passenger were injured when the watercraft hit the Palm Island Bridge in Miami at around 6pm yesterday. Both were hospitalised early this morning at Ryder Trauma Center, and Kingston’s condition was reported to be critical, although has since stabilised.
    Hello International Anti Tobacco day..(is there anti alcohol day? There fecking should be.. ) Anti stupid day too, for all you eggheads not using the grey matter you were blessed with.. F8ckers..
    The concept for a Marlboro cigarrette-swapping smartphone app has been making the rounds – the idea being that social smokers would be able to trade digital cigarettes for real ones using bump technology, and ‘hardcore smokers’ would be able to redeem the digital smokes for real ones once they’d accumulated enough.It’s an interesting concept – it would make smoking ‘social’ in a way that years of negative advertising and legislation have been trying to prevent, mingling the addictiveness of nicotine and smartphone apps. It would also address the problem of social smokers who don’t want to spend money on an entire packet of cigarettes – although this is mostly Marlboro’s problem.
    There’s a problem, though – the people who’d be handing cigarettes out don’t have any reason to want to get the app. Why trade cigarettes you have right now for virtual cigarettes you can redeem later? I mean, if a virtual cigarette were worth 1.2 regular cigarettes, that could work
    Sepp.. Just shut the F*** up..
    Oaks the biggest loser at the moment is up for election tomorrow.. FIFA is in shambles.. Sepp Blatter is the C U Next Tuesday..of a dude.. wake up china, you are making football the mockery we know it doesn't have to be.. While your at it, change the world cup venue.. No ONE WANTS TO GO TO QATAR.. no offense dudes, but a desert? NOT SO MUCH!  Blatter Denies FIFA Is In Crisis – A defiant Sepp Blatter shrugged off allegations of corruption within FIFA Monday and said he would press ahead with his bid to be re-elected as president of football’s world governing body for the fourth time. Blatter will be the sole candidate in Wednesday’s election in Zurich.
    Royalty.. no dress sense!
    Um, yes.. Swaziland King Cancels Silver Jubilee - Africa’s last monarch King Mswati III of Swaziland has cancelled plans for a lavish “silver jubilee” as his kingdom tries to claw its way out of a financial crisis, the government said on Monday. “The silver jubilee has been postponed indefinitely,” Home Affairs Minister Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze said. [news2] Thank you God for giving this King some sense.. I mean.. about fricken time.. that's right pal, you can't afford a a party, PLUS NOONE GIVES A F.. especially in your country..
    I shall.. be
    As everyone and their mother tries to see this movie, i TOO wanted to join in on the sequel..Interestingly enough, the movie has been  Shattering numerous records, Warner Bros.’ The Hangover Part II grossed $137.4 million in its five-day launch at the domestic box office. The sequel helped fuel the best Memorial Day weekend on record, and grabbed the best opening ever for a comedy, R-rated or otherwise. [hollywoodreporter]
    Smart kid.. not smart enough
    Apple Hunts Down Teen Selling White iPhone Kits – For someone who allegedly made contacts in China to import iPhone parts before Apple, started his own business (WhiteiPhone4Now.com), and pulled in tens of thousands of dollars in revenue–sometimes as much as $8,000 a day–it’s easy to forget that Lam is just a teenage boy still living with his parents. [fastcompany] This is what you call a smart young man.. Lol.. But he is about to find out the full force of multinational capalist entity... "Good god son, hide over here".. "no dad, what about the money".. "don't worry your mum and I will keep it safe, be back just now!' ha ha ha...
    man's nightmare.. parted from our sausage..
    Woman Delivers Penis To Police As Crime Evidence - Monju Begum, 40, a married mother of three, was allegedly attacked as she slept in her shanty in Mirzapur village, Jhalakathi, about 125 miles south of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka. Mrs Begum told police that her neighbour Mozammel Haq Mazi, forced his way into her home and began attacking her. During the alleged assault, Mrs Begum said she was able to cut off Mr Mazi’s penis. [telegraph] Um firstly this story doesn't make sense.. She cut his penis off? Where is this "headless" wonder now? He must be in pain? Are they gonna take penisprints? ha ha ha.. That is uber funny, good on the woman, my sister and my mom would do the same.. So back the f away you criminals and woman haters.. ha ha..(woman haters).. are there such? gaylords!
    Some hilarious hobo  signs I found.. :

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