Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday Woody Taunts..

Ryan Giggs..Should've..


So this morning the reason that prompted me to put pen to paper(sic) or fingers to keyboard, was the amazing article cum issue that the ANC Youth League are not accepting responsibility for the drop in ANC support.. Um.. Julium Malema.. you are a SIGNIFICANT reason why the ANC has lost support.. You are fricken douchebag, the ANC Youth league had this to say:
The league says that since the dawn of the democratic dispensation, the majority of white people in South Africa have never trusted, nor supported, the ANC. It says the racial prejudices and stereotypes planted and cultivated by apartheid ideology of racism among many white people is a reality that should be confronted openly and not searching for scapegoats on the outcomes of the recent past local government elections". I mean.. really..Come on, HAVE YOU SEEN THE CORRUPTION? Have you ever used an open toilet? Huh.. Ya, you haven't.. Actions speak louder than words and recent actions have led some people to believe that certain individuals within the spectrum of the government are out for themselves.. That's why JULIUS fuckhead Malema..

This is why I love Man Utd and our fans.. Ryan Giggs Reporters’ Cars Attacked – A group of masked men have attacked cars belonging to journalists and members of the paparazzi outside Ryan Giggs’s home. Officers attended and discovered at least six cars had been vandalised after a group of offenders arrived in a Ford Transit van and attacked the vehicles. Reporters revealed that cars were kicked and covered in flour and eggs, while tyres were also slashed. Nice. [digitalspy] So what if Ryan has been a little.. "wayne rooney".. (okay i know its never cool for adultery) i can't help it.. He can do no wrong in  my eyes..  everyone has always believed him to be a the perfect example of a footballer.. So when a bunch of fans go and have his back by taking care of the vultures on his door step.. We protect our own.. UNITED for LIFE..

Imagine healthy veg food like Marmite Has Been Made Illegal In Denmark – Many well known breakfast cereal and drink brands have already been banned or taken off supermarket shelves after Danish legislation in 2004 restricted foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals. The strongly flavoured dark brown spread made from brewer’s yeast has joined Rice Crispies, Shreddies, Horlicks and Ovaltine prohibited in Denmark under legislation forbidding the sale of food products with added vitamins as threat to public health. [telegraph] There is no ways they would have KFC banned. lol.. but Marmite.. yes.. ha ha ha.. you danes are hilarious, just like Nick Bendtner..

Obama And Cameron Form Table Tennis Team  as they couldn't get onto the international tennis team.. – Barack Obama and David Cameron teamed up to play some pupils at table tennis at the Globe Academy school in south London. The US president and UK prime minister visited the school on Obama’s first day in the country on his state visit. [bbc] Good times..

Rapture depiction
So the world didn't end, and all those chops look like fricken idiots.. but they only say it shall happen in October the 21st.. AGAIN.. here we go.. Stating, "
We are spiritual prostitutes. We sinned by confusing people," Coetzee said, Beeld newspapers reported on Wednesday. "We are begging God for forgiveness. It is obvious that we misinterpreted the information in the Bible." At one stage during Tuesday's press conference he started crying, saying he took the blame on himself. Coetzee and about 80 of his followers booked themselves into a Johannesburg hotel over the weekend to wait for the end of world on Saturday, as predicted by United States evangelist Harold Camping. Something tells me, the next thing this nuts will do is a mass suicide..Seriously.. watch the date Oct 22nd..

Imogen.. lady Ryan Giggs.. um played with..
Jenna.. Gary's ex..
Gary Nev's testimonial.. Gnev RED FOR LIFE..

david forever RED..
 Any one else think Nicky Butt, looks like an ASS, well his head.. ha ha ha...
Becks, Neville and Butt

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