Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Forlonging Taunts


Its a long weekend, its the Royal wedding and every news channel is on that shit..Which is cool,
I mean, NOT.. There are so many more important things on.. Aargh.. I guess it helps the world feel better about the way they destructing, killing and exploiting.. you know? I was reading that some dumb..very dumb woman quit her job in the states to go to England for the wedding.. Firstly.. WHY?! Secondly you should've taken sick leave, called in sick at least, not quit your job for the wedding.. Next minute you in some accident and are in a serious situation.. What you gonna do? She must've really hated her job that much to quit, for THAT wedding.. Not someone like, I don't know.. Lady Gaga and Prince.. or something..

Another thing, is reliability.. In this day and age, you want to be able to rely on certain things, Police,Government, family and a few friends.. What I have seen is some serious back stabbing, in all spheres of life, from Government to close friendships, I guess it appears its every man for himself..

Ha ha.. Just like I was saying about backstabbing, it seems like not only are individuals doing it.. But corporations such as TOM-TOM. They sell all your info, to third party fuckers.. WE are just being laid over again.. And you thought it was just Apple and Google! Gosh. TomTom has admitted that its satellite navigation devices can track users and report to third parties about how fast they’re going – like the police, for instance. Your TomTom is a speed camera now.
TomTom, who presumably admitted to the data-sharing to avoid the finger-wagging that Apple and Google are currently undergoing, claims that the data is anonymous and can’t be traced back to individual users – but then again, Apple was playing the same tune not too long ago, but take that with some salt.

ah Prison Break, what an awesome awesome, show.. Maybe some guys watch it too intensively.. As in the middle east some oaks there just did a Prison Break, but not just like 12.. Like 500, TALIBAN commanders..Nice, its going to be a nice safe weekend, and rest of the year.. Awesome.. thanks once again..

Tooryalai Wesa, governor of the volatile southern Kandahar province, said that 478 prisoners escaped because of the negligence of Afghan security forces at the province's main jail.
He said the start of the tunnel had been traced to a house near the prison.
General Ghulam Dastgir, the prison's governor, said the tunnel had been lined with explosives by the insurgents after the escape. "Everybody went out through the tunnel. The insurgents worked on it for some seven months," Dastgir said. The Taliban said that 541 prisoners escaped through a tunnel which took months to construct.

Ah.. so Libya's not quite finished just yet.. huh.. These fucking guys over there!! Feck!
Gaddafi’s Forces Are Taking Viagra And Raping Women – The U.S. envoy to the United Nations told the Security Council on Thursday that troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were increasingly engaging in sexual violence and some had been issued the impotency drug Viagra, diplomats said. [reuters] I mean, imagine, are you a rebel? Yes..then come here, i just took some vIAgra and I'm going be going for a good 3 hours.. Lube up!! lol.. NO..

At least some one has taken the initiative to make death easier.. What happens if I buy 5 do I get a special deal? huh? Whats the story? Suicide Kits: 91 Year Old Woman Selling Easy Death On The Internet -The 29-year-old’s lifeless body wad found 4 months ago, covered up to the neck by a blanket. There was a clear plastic bag over his head, and a plastic tube running from the bag to an orange metal helium tank. Next to the tank was a white box, decorated with a butterfly, the box the plastic bag and tube had arrived in the mail in, with a book titled Final Exit inside. [dailybeast] She should sell them on this day especially, cause i would kill myself if i have to watch this stupid wedding..

Hating life.. '


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Short Week Long Headache Taunts

Morning Chaps and Chapettes,

It has been a little while since i have let you know about the rants and raves, from the ground/front lines.. Lol.. I have been investigating different spheres of this religious time. Most states are in support of this Christian time frame even though they depict a secular state..Weird..

Police brutaility
What really has taken interest here in SA is the amount of Rodney King type police brutality, except this guys don't just beat.. THEY KILL.. feck.. There was the Ficksburg incident, in which On Tuesday, eight policemen appeared in court in the Free State after allegedly killing unarmed civilian Andries Tatane, who was beaten and shot during a protest  on April 13. Now this, where the woman was killed outside teh Kempton park Police Station by a douche bag of a Sargent. Sipho Baloyi(car guard), who had helped Odendaal to park her car when she crashed into a stationary police vehicle, said the sergeant shot her from short distance after Baloyi alerted the police to the accident in the parking lot. "A sergeant came around from the charge office and walked out of the station. He didn't say anything, but walked to her passenger window. He shot her upper arm and it looked like the bullet went through her breast and out of her chest," said Baloyi.  I mean do you oaks feel safe? I don't, not at the moment and not from the 5.0.. Although these are isolated incidents they say.. In all honesty though, this shit has been happening for friggin ages, there has since then been many "isolated" incidents. There has been countless officers killing their partners and then themselves, or lovers or both..

Can someone kindly tell Mr D Trump to F off, seriously.. What's this guys issue with the man? Is it because he's black? Not being played as a puppet? I mean seriously my man, you about to "found by some old man fishing, and the preacher telling the truth and it hurts". Step the F*ck back! Trump Reckons Obama Wasn’t Qualified For Ivy League.Real estate mogul Donald Trump suggested in an interview that President Barack Obama had been a poor student who did not deserve to be admitted to the Ivy League universities he attended. Trump offered no proof for his claim but said he would continue to press the matter as he has the legitimacy of the president’s birth certificate. [timeslive] yea and his birth certificate story? hater.. Serious and utter hater! I mean, regardless, the man went to those schools and moved on, George Bush Jnr was the dumbest fucking human on Earth and he attended school.. lol.. school!

Obama Birth certificate.. Boom DONALD
Adding to what Donald Trump started with the whole birth certificate stuff:
Obama Releases Original Birth Certificate – The White House released copies of President Barack Obama’s original long-form birth certificate Wednesday, seeking to put an end to persistent rumors that he was not born in the United States. ”We do not have time for this kind of silliness,” Obama told reporters at the White House.” [cnn] basically Obama said this "Boom Baby.. Now what? that's right.. back the f*ck down" He is right, people, there are more pressing issues out there in, yet people are persistent about small issues such as "lets see your birth certificate, lets see if you have a Daddy.. Do you know your daddy Pres Obama" Mmm.. mmm... (that's exacto what they are thinking)..

ha ha..gamers hacked..
How crazy is this, and on Sunday i was busy setting up my Playstation network stuff, putting in details and all that stuff only for the net to go down.. I was soooo pissed! Then this came onto my desk and I had a little chuckle to myself..
Sony Playstation Network Hacked – Credit Card Details Lost – Sony has warned users of its PlayStation network that their personal information, including credit card details, could have been stolen. The company said that the data could have fallen into the hands of an “unauthorised person” following a hacking attack on its online service. [bbc] I was thinking ha ha.. that would've been me.. but seriously, I know a couple of chaps who are paranoid as it is, let alone something like this (hey Nubby.. lol)

Ah Wengs, next season..again..
Hello SEMI FINALS! Sorry..the caps add emphasis on what has been a interesting couple of games.. ha ha.. Okay so I'm thinking, Man Utd vs Barcalona at Wembley.. come on.. who thinks otherwise? Lets be serious.. Real are a good side.. but the top two in my opinion are making waves.. lol..lets be serious.. Premiership? come on Chelsea, welcome back into the game and Torres finally came right..feck we all heard the sigh from SA, and the jubilation at you blue losers weeping for Torres.. ha ha.. ah the Gunners, feck you guys must hate your fans, I mean around the same time each season, you fucks (excuse my language its frustration for you oaks.. I mean i have friends and family who suffer every year and make it so easy for me to taunt them.. Do it for them, i think the Wenger cushion is wearing thin too..

seriously.. get over it..

So, in this day and age there are things that people have to still be told not to do! No phones at the wedding! lol.. NO! ha ha.. no sneaky pics and vids uploaded, no no.. Well that sucks for a pirate broadcast of the wedding, you know, underground footage of the queen, maybe, Princess Beatrice being naughty in the bathroom! No tweets Allowed At Royal Wedding – Any 140-character loving guests attending the April 29 wedding of Prince William and Catherine (Kate) Middleton will be sorely disappointed, as signal-blocking technology will be installed at Westminster Abbey to nix cellphone use. According to Yahoo, the idea was suggested by members of the royal family and confirmed by police and security. [mashable] I was thinking of attending to speak to Wills, give him the usual wedding talk like( NO don't do it.. what! Why! Freedom gone! )  You know the usual stuff i talk to mates when they do stupid things!

Come now.. short week.. kiff in SA.. nice producivity.. Dig it..


This is for Leo..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Long Weekend Taunts

Morning and looking forward to Easter are we?

I bet we all are.. Its going to be a wicked and good time, much needed rest. Some will take a rest, others shall not. Some may do some crazy things, others might just get crazy.

So two great man, lol.. in different aspects met the other day. I watched a bit of it online, it was very interesting. President Obama was at the Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., Wednesday to participate in a town hall meeting alongside the social media giant's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg.
Greeted with one sign that read "Is Trump from Uranus?" and another that said "Zuckerberg-Sheen 2012," Obama eventually made his way to the stage and was introduced by America's youngest billionaire.  Pres OB, his usual light hearted self started with "My name is Barack Obama and I'm the guy who got Mark to wear a jacket and tie," Obama teased, directing his attention to the young engineer who donned a sport coat over a dress shirt and blue tie, but kept it real with jeans and sneakers.
Not everything was fun and usual the pres is a serious guy, with a serious job and he got down to real pressing matters..  The president had tough words for the Republicans(For the people..mmmm..NOT) and their plans for the hotly debated budget. To put it in Facebook vernacular, if the GOP budget was on the popular social network website, Obama would not click the "Like" button.

I told you oaks, the people out there who control the means and the way.. They are sneaky.. Like the Skulls, but more powerful! iPhone Keeps Tracking data – Two researchers said they have uncovered a hidden file on Apple Inc. iPhones that keeps a record of where the phone has been and when it was there. The security experts also created a program that lets iPhone owners see what the device has stored about their whereabouts. The maps produced by the program show details stretching back months. [wallstreetjournal]

So SA's most leading lady, the lady who any dude would have no problem heading to her home town of eeeew..Benoni, lol, is apparently dating the red pill-taking NEO. Rumours are circulating in Hollywood that actors Charlize Theron and Keanu Reeves are about to officially announce their relationship status, according to local website to sources they are to make their first public appearance as a couple when they move to Britain. [channel24] I mean come on, NEO, he must bore you to death about the MATRIX, and how hard is it to go to bed when he is in super fast/slow mode? Huh.. lol..

Dunno if any of you lads and ladettes heard about this story, but this scares me to death.. I mean, 6 years carrying guns..? Whats next, 17years old with mini nukes? ha ha ha.. Seriously! Six Year Old Takes Gun To School In US. Gun Goes Off. Children Hurt – Three children were injured on Tuesday at a Houston elementary school when a gun fell out of a 6-year-old’s pocket and went off in the cafeteria. The incident happened at 10:35 a.m. local time as two classes of 42 kindergarten students were being seated at Betsy Ross Elementary School. It was still unknown whether the other two children, a boy, 6, and a girl, 5, were hit by shrapnel or other debris. [33tv] I am bung for my kids, they better be the quiet ones in the class not the bullies, otherwise the kids they bully will come to class one day and kill the whole school.. NO joke..

Mmm.. careful in Zim you never know what you gonna get. Seriously, one minute awesome peace loving nation, next, DICKator of Africa, the sphincter of the South they say.. Witnesses said on Wednesday the an ATM started sending out Zim dollars instead of US dollars, and the incident caused "panic" among irate bank customers in downtown Harare on Tuesday and rumors quickly spread that the local currency was back in circulation. Zimbabwe abandoned its own currency in 2009 and adopted the U.S. dollar to halt world record inflation and end the use of huge denomination local bills in millions, billions and trillions during the nation's decade-long economic meltdown. ... I would be fricken out already, not a good sign, like when you see clouds you can assume its going to rain, NOW assume something is going to happen people!

I know what this guy must be thinking, I don't want to put it down, but it revolves around some stairs, and sa gentle push. ha ha.. Charles has overtaken the record set by his great-great grandfather King Edward VII.
The prince became heir apparent when his mother, the then princess Elizabeth, acceded to the throne to become queen on February 6, 1952. Edward VII was born the heir apparent on November 9, 1841 when his mother, queen Victoria, was already on the throne. By the time he took over as king when she died on January 22, 1901, he had been heir apparent for 59 years, two months and 13 days -- the milestone that Charles passed on Wednesday. Charles, 62, was just three years old when he became the heir to the throne. Don't stress old timer, your time will come, maybe when you are like 75. That's reasonable, hey? ha ha.. he most likely wakes up every day and checks the Queen's breathing to make sure he isn't almost King!

What! have you oaks heard? Webcam Captures Student’s Murder - Canadian police said Tuesday they still don’t know what caused the death of a student from Beijing who was last seen alive on a webcam by a friend who witnessed her struggling with a man before the camera was abruptly shut off. [time] I would not like to SEE anyone except  a few on a webcam being murdered. This sounds like that movie, the one where the whole thing is conducted online? Budget film? Any way, this is what the world that we live in. It is getting gruesome on our every doorstep, as well destruction by nature, I think its safe to say we are FUCKED, there I said it. Wake up PEOPLE change the way we do stuff, they way we think, at this rate, I don't think those kids born in the last few years will see 50.


PS... Barcalona.. they are human.. their first half was dismal( Barca standards) but hey.. There is hope! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The taunts of a Short Week.. TAUNTED

Morning afternoon and goodnight...

So a very short week, a week of religious sentiment to some and to others, a sneaky time to get some rest, visit family, eat chocolate and enjoy the fruits of life.. Well to some.. Others will slave away, continuing with their lives, causing the death and destruction we are used to.. Morbid huh.. but true.. Keep it in mind..

So only in the land of the free( America for the uneducated), has once again provided us with some thoughtful entertainment. This in the form of of a politician sending out emails,  border line  blatant racism and stupidity all surrounding Pres Obama.. ha ha.. A prominent US politician, Marilyn Davenport, is in trouble for sending out an email with a photo of chimpanzee parents and their infant. Barack Obama’s face is superimposed on the chimpanzee infant, and the caption reads:
 “Now you know why no birth certificate.” It refers to the “birther” theory that Obama was not born on US soil, and is therefore ineligible to serve as president. This all stems from the notion that Pres Obama's birth certificate mystery amongst growing notions of him not being born in the States.
Davenport, a member of the Southern California Republican Party central committee, made no attempt to hide the fact that she was behind the email, and simply had this to say to the media: You’re not going to make a big deal about this are you? Ha ha ha.. Not a big deal.. If any one can see the above image and believe that it has no connotations of any what so ever def are special individuals, I actually believe only America could produce such idiotocracy!

Strikes.. SUck.. but uselful
Joburg amidst a strike by Pickitup workers(trash dudes) there has been a huge development in the rat infestation downtown CBD.. Lol.. I been down there, scary.. Apparently the rats are getting BIGGER and they have been getting bolder and smarter.. lol..
The rats are swarming around litter on the streets of downtown Jozi. The uncollected rubbish is a result of the ongoing strike by Pikitup workers.Meanwhile, the rat infestation – poses serious health concerns. Rats can carry and spread 35 diseases. The vermin are also affecting business in the CBD, especially for hawkers.Getrude Makondo, a Noord Street trader, said that since the strike began, there are far more rats than usual, and they are getting bigger.“They are not scared of people, they look straight at you and some even have beards,” she said.

Ferrero Rocher Owner Dies Cycling In Cape Town – Pietro Ferrero, who with his brother ran Ferrero, the family-owned producer of Nutella, Tic Tacs, Ferrero Rocher and other sweets sold worldwide, died on Monday while riding a bicycle in South Africa. He was 47. Mr. Ferrero was riding a bike on his usual training run on a road in Cape Town when he fell off. [newyorktimes] sad day for condiments around the world.. Interestingly enough, Pietro's old man, who is 85 years old is the chairman of Ferrero, so we shall still have our usual.. my household held its breath, they love Nutella, i mean uber overboard. We had a french chap stay with us a couple of weeks again and this dude went through one nutella bottle a week, he was obsessed.. Leave the breakfast table with a chocolate moustache every morning!

Old man Castro
So it looks like the old dictator and someone noone fucked with even the Americans is stepping down..(no political unrest needed) and giving power to his brother.. The move came after the sixth Communist Party Congress approved a flurry of measures on Monday aimed at keeping Cuba's centrally planned economy from collapse but without any broad embrace of market-oriented change. "Raul knew that I would not accept a formal role in the party today," Fidel wrote in an article on the portal, referring to his absence from the party's new Central Committee, elected on Monday. Castro, 84, had served as first secretary in the Central Committee of the party -- which underpins the country's Communist government -- since the party's creation in 1965. Fidel said he had handed over the functions of the party head to Raul when he ceded power to his brother because of his own declining health in 2006, though he retained the first secretary title.  A man many wanted out of power did many great things, healthcare for all the people, state welfare and some good fricKen cigars! Shit.. he did it for the people.. you listening..Mugabe/Zuma/African leaders.. ?!

3D porn.. AWESOME
So the biggest grossing opening of a film..was.. Avatar..NOT! Its a 3D porn, thats right.. A porno.. that's the world we live in! lol.. Imagine.. A Chinese film billed as the world’s first 3D porn movie may get a sequel after opening to enthusiastic audiences in Hong Kong. Sex and Zen 3D: Extreme Ecstasy packed cinemas across Hong Kong yesterday as curious film goers flocked to see the highly hyped movie for themselves. The film is a sequel to 1991′s Sex and Zen, which remains Hong Kong’s highest-grossing adult film. [guardian] ha ha ha.. Sequel already, that would be awesome..what ever.. lol.. don't lie chaps I bet you have seen it..(Craig) ha ha..

DOES ANY one else think the Sheen kids are going to be a little screwed(mentally, socially) a little later in life? I mean their old man(Warlock) is a GREAT role model.. ha ha.. NOT. The mother is has recently been in the news herself.Mother of Charlie Sheen’s Kids Goes To Rehab – Charlie Sheen’s estranged wife Brooke Mueller has checked into rehab after a week of alleged drug binging. On Friday, it was reported that Mueller had refused to do a drug test even though it was required under the terms of her custody settlement with Sheen. [popeater]

Adding salt on the recent vodacom vs cell c debate


Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Foolish(clevage) TAUNTS:

Cleavage Day!!
Morning Dudes and Dudettes!

Cleavage Day.. AGAIN..
So this what happens when you don't take Mexicans seriously.. lol.. seriously, watch yourselves. Shakira Gets Robbed During Concert [Video] - Shakira performed in Monterrey, Mexico earlier this week and as she walked through the crowd while singing, she shook hands with a fan who slipped a ring off her finger. The whole thing was captured on film and the guy still didn’t get caught. [blemish] Who ever this ninja is, i wanna meet him! I mean he took the ring off like a real Hillbrow resident. ha ha.. Shakira you beaut!

So I remember some myth(as i put it to the test, lol) that too much self inflicted pleasure can cause you to lose your eyesight.. lol.. not what happened to this chap.. Shame.. Man Watches Porn, Bursts Into Flames - Cops and firefighters are searching for clues about what caused a man to burst into flames while watching porn in a private booth at a San Francisco sex shop. Crew members from a private ambulance parked near the sex shop in the city’s South of Market neighborhood spotted the porn junkie running down the street while on fire just after 6 p.m. Wednesday. [nydailynews] I wouldn't have been able to put him out, i would still be laughing.. I am still laughing!

F*cking A: finally the govt taking initiatives as a government. A new levy for the mining industry is currently under consideration by Government. The purpose of the tax would be to finance the clean up of toxic acid water which rises and flows out of abandoned mines. Pollution from acid mine water is a major problem in Gauteng. The province is badly affected by acid water stemming from owner-less mines. The toxic water is rising up under Johannesburg and the Witwatersrand and polluting streams and precious wetlands. I say amen, and definitely needed. Have you seen what the acid water looks like? This seeping into our environment is as good for us as is the advice Julius Malema utters every time he opens his mouth, FRICKEN TOXIC CRAP!

The man who was an inspiration to many(fricken douchebags) assets have been compiled. I found this interesting as here was a man, hell bent on ideology that served no personal financial gain. This is the difference between individuals fighting for an identity similar to some of the individuals in the power, who despite his thought process(if any) still was an avg Joe. He didnt exploit his postion, take money from public funds or scam(ya he maybe underpaid his farm workers, amongst many farm owners). His lawyer, Gerrie Basson, said that Terre Blanche did not have a testament at the time of his death, but his estate was worth R3.3 million, Beeld newspaper reported on Friday. His assets included his farm, Witrandjiesfontein, which is worth R1.6 million, and his house in Ventersdorp in the North West, which is worth R400, 000. Cattle that were sold after his death netted about R373, 000, while he had shares worth R250, 000 and a policy worth R579, 000. He had three cars worth R56, 000, R45, 000 and R6, 000 each. A cash amount of R603, 601 -- which includes the money received from selling the cattle -- is also part of the estate. He had R348,9 40 in liabilities, which brings the balance of his net worth down from R3.3 million to R3 million. Documents would be lodged in court on Friday in which his daughter, Bea, states that her mother could inherit everything.

Is this guy still in power? I mean come on.. he is maxing apparently, doing what we do on a Sunday, EVERY DAY! Gaddafi Cruises Around Town In A Lexus, As Bombs Fall – Libyan TV broadcast pictures which they say show Muammar Gaddafi standing in an open-top sports utility vehicle driving around Tripoli streets and said the outing occurred while the Libyan capital was being bombed by NATO. [reuters] "Hey check that out, a bomb headed for the palace, ha ha, well we got them, I'm out driving my car".. fricken douche!

Who's keen to go half on a boat with me? I found a kiff one too.. wicked!World’s Fastest Long-Range Superyacht Up For Sale - Custom built in 2009 by Hanseatic Marine in Henderson, Australia for German eco-industrialist Guido Krass, the 73.5-metre Silver Zwei, the world’s fastest long-range superyacht. The luxury yacht has been now put on sale by the German billionaire via Burgess for €59 million (about $85 million). [bornrich] She offers accommodation for up to 20 guests in her nine cabins, including a large owner’s suite with private lounge and veranda deck. The lavish guest cabins convert into four amazing VIP suites, which come complete with two bathrooms and a day room. Other highlights of the Silver Zwei luxury yacht include an open-air cinema and Jacuzzi on the sundeck, a large sun pad that doubles a a dance floor with discotheque lighting and sound systems, a sea level beach club with integrated sauna, and a “touch and go” helipad on the foredeck. Moreover, the yacht is fitted with state-of-the-art security and communications systems. Sick huh.. who's keen.. first voyage with me.. Dec.. oh yeah..

For Rent: The Country Of Liechtenstein – Got $140,000 to spare? If so, the entire country of Liechtenstein can be yours to rent through Airbnb. Airbnb is a website that helps travelers rent a place to stay from homeowners. Usually, that means a house, or at least a spot on someone’s couch, but now the scope has expanded to include six Austrian villages, three German towns, one Swiss ski-resort village, or the Principality of Liechtenstein. [techland] yes please, that will be an awesome Easter holiday! What about the people? Will they be there? can i have the place to myself? mmm.. All interesting questions.. Now to book..

Check this star wars protection item, that some of you special oaks can get.. Ya for nerds..

Have a wicked weekend and Clevage Day..