Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tactical Toughen the Tuck Tuesday's


The theme for today is fucking stupidity.. yes, and there are a fuck load of morons out there.. wake the F up!
So I've just returned from Home Affairs the bane of any existence in this country.. As i sit here fuming with the inadequacies that the department offers, i dawns on me that, assholes and incompetent individuals who obviously failed in everything else in their life until they got jobs at home affairs.. Fuck they are beyond Malema(my yardstick of stupidity).. Try go in there, smile suck up, do anything, you still end up being shafted, basically you become the equivalent of Charlie Sheens hookers.. ha ha, we'll get back to SHeenO.. just now..

So talking about stupid, how about the renovations on Pres Zuma's house in Pretoria.. How much do you think it'll cost? No more than R50 million, if I threw out a ridonculus number.. But no, his excellency's residence is being renovated for the very cheap price of R200 million.. say what? That's right bitches, that's double the most expensive house in the land.. That "palace" will most likely be controlled by IPADs as the man is very fond of them.. in 2005 it had a R40million renovation, apparently that's outdated now.. Okay for those that said I have vulgar language, click away.. what the FUCK.. how is that justifiable with current economic depletion's in a range of different sectors across the country.. I could pay bergies 10% of that budget build a palace for myself and houses for all the workers.. How do you think the avg south African living in a shack in the location feels when , their president can budget 200mill for his residence but a R24000 RDP house is out of reach.. ha ha.. fuck, the world we live in is seriously screwed up..

HA HA.. so i was surfing.. and found this board: This hi-tech surfboard tracks elusive surf philosophy and mechanical behavior of surfboards with integrated sensors and hardware like a gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS and compass to track the mechanical performance of the surfboard on water. The unquantified data is then transferred to a computer and applied to the surfboard to improve its technical prowess, and also help surfers in improvising on their techniques. This highly ambitious project will also involve professional surfers at a later date, till then continue your surfing practice... So it got me thinking, "realists" might argue it takes the fun out of surfing and you lose all connection with nature that is inherent within the sport... I say douchebags.. If a dude wants to wear a wet suit, let him.. if he wants to surf on an electrical piece of synthetic material, let him.. maybe his ass wont look like a seal.. ha ha..

Feck.. Tuesday.. you bring all the bad.. none of the good..

Although there is a lot to look forward too.. its Tuesday.. Man Utd v Chelsea.. who? Yes.. the blues from London.. those Fheads.. ah ha ha.. Keen for today.. its going to happen..

Today is a kak day, so the blog is short.. venting..
How do you think this doll drives? I mean i don't think her car needs airbags.. ha ha ha..
Can you spell DOUCHE?

Oh in some news, what about that stupid stupid doll called Kuli Roberts? What a clown.. she said some pretty stupid shit.. I would have her shot, for the things she said, which were racist.. Its a good thing she offended a race that hates sorting stupid people out.. Mmm.. has she heard of  the 26ths? 27ths? oh she hasn't she will.. ha ha ha... WHat a fricken douche bag!

feck what a day..

Fucking ClOWNS.. all over the world..

Oaks are dumb..

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