Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Monster Montage

Morning Dudes and Dudetttes,

Tis Monday and a what a Monday it is!! Flip wicked weekend i hope for all of you, sports wise, nice results for Stomers and sharks.. Cricket is the same old story... Not to start with any negative vibes towards them, but you clowns pulled an Arsenal, you had it in the bAG and you let it slip through.. It was good for you to see you aren't as hectic as team thinks but never the less, the tag CHOKERS, could be creeping in!! Come on boys..

Ye scousers, you won against United, finally 3rd time lucky this year(season).. I hate you, so kiff well done get over it and focus on making something of your season..Your doing well and don't get a big head, your still shit..

nationalisation of mines..
So the nationalisation of mines has come to the forefront again.. and I was thinking about what this would do, would it benefit the population,, or is this just another way for fat cats to engage in getting closer to the resources that will see them line their deep and dark pockets.. "The people of South Africa will substantially benefit from Nationalised Mines because the State will generate additional revenue for provision of basic services, and will ensure that millions of jobs are created through local benefaction and industrialisation of Mineral resources." ANCYL The ANCYL says: "working conditions and salaries in State Owned Mining operations should also be far much better and higher than in private mining corporations." "Most Media Houses have reported about ANC Youth League President Julius Malema’s re-assertion  that the State should take a minimum of 60% of all Mines as part of the proposed models on Nationalisation of Mines in South Africa." Mmm.. I don't know if this would benefit SA, I'm sorry but I dont see the right individuals being implemented into controlling such a vast resource on behalf of the state.. Having it privatised has forces the organisation to perform at such a level to continue to making revenue.. Although state run organisations have largely been riddled with controversy and crap management(EC education, Johannesburg municipality, telkom, eskom) the list is fucking endless.. Greedy douche bags, most times incorrect qualifications to handle some of the responsibilities.. this is HR 101 bitches..

What are the french up to now.. The French are preparing to sail themselves into uncharted waters when the ban on wearing the Muslim burqa and other Islamic face coverings in public places comes into effect in just over a month. Racial tensions in that country have already begun to boil with the John Galliano “I love Hitler” incident. This will be interesting.“The French Republic lives in a bare-headed fashion,” declared French Prime Minister Francois Fillon last week in an official government newspaper explaining the law. I don't know about this.. This is quite a line breaker, i mean banning traditional dress, but soley based on a religion.. I think there are going to be a couple of train bombings on this one.. no offense but if i was a Muslim in France, i would take the law to court of questionable human right infringements.. I think ze french have made a costa joe!
The April 11 date sets out strict penalties to be enforced although even the French are sceptical about exactly how this will be done. A fine of about R1500 is designated for actual burqa wearing at this stage, exchangeable with community service as an alternative. Forcing a woman to wear a niqab or a burqa is punishable by a year in prison and a R300 000 fine and forcing a minor to do the same thing will net you two years in prison and R600 000 fine.The ban encompasses the burqa, a full-body covering that includes a mesh over the face, and the niqab, a full-face veil that leaves an opening only for the eyes.Apparently not banned by the law is the hijab, which covers the hair and neck but not the face, and the chador, which covers the body but not the face.

Check what happens when you put a president of such stature in the most powerful office in the world..President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama made culinary history when they served home brewed White House Honey Ale, made with a pound of honey from the White House Beehive, to guests at last month’s Super Bowl party. They are the first presidential couple to ever charge their chefs with the ancient–and now wildly popular–art of homebrewing, according to White House Curator Bill Allman. [obama] feck i would've loved to have been there, hanging out, drinking some a microbrewed Whitehouse beer.. "yes thanks, Barack, i will have some more of that chap" ha ha ha.. good times.. 

Ah.. OS.. u lady.. and here i thought oaks had done you wrong.. You just played coinage with the wrong oaks and got cuffed.. Shit, unlucky.. and what happened to the other guys involved? The real reason for the surprise sacking of the Springbok team's scrum consultant last week emerged this weekend with the Rapport newspaper revealing that Du Randt was involved in a late-night drinking session with assistant coaches Dick Muir and Percy Montgomery, and rookie flyhalf Elton Jantjies, during last year's tour of Britain and Ireland.. Unlucky Os, carbar from now on hey pal![sunday times]

Kiff volleyball at Caprice
Dudes.. do what you have to do.. get it done.. and do it hard.. Have a sick week..
Jam hard and live free...

PS:  having friends is one thing, having friends who are "friends" is another.. Either way, its better to have those regardless, or you could have none and be alone... Jamil makes it happen.. He is going to be taking questions about friends, life and love.. ha ha.. email to follow soon..

Camping or..this?