Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Where and When is Waldo Wednesday?

Waking up.. Very chilled..
Morning Dudes and Dudettes,

Waking up this morning at the crack of dawn, the darkness in the highveld is setting in. It is becoming darker later, colder.. Ooooh.. southern hemisphere.. It might be that time to chuck to the Northern hemisphere! Ah.. maybe not.. like I said Southern Africa place to be come the end of the world, whether its May or 2012.. ha ha..Chilled as long as we see who lifts the English premier league!

The story about the killing of underworld boss Cyril Beeker, got a a little more interesting after it was reported that the Hawks( meant to be independent agency like MI6, except they are not completely independent and fall under SAPS) found a hit list during a raid on a house of some Czech chap, who is wanted in his own country for some bad shit. They found a list containing four names, one of those names had been eliminated, Cyril Beeker, the chaps on the list should be freaking out.. Oaks are going to be coming after you, and the way they killed the underworld boss y'all bester be scared! I'll keep you informed as I follow this underworld war!

 Shit in Japan, is not going well with regards to the after affects of the quake..
On Saturday, abnormal levels of radioactive iodine had already been detected in the water in Tokyo and in Fukushima prefecture, home to a nuclear power plant critically damaged in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. The municipal government has advised residents throughout the city -- not just in the affected ward -- to avoid using tap water to make infant formula until further notice as a precaution.. mmm. That's when i would book the F out.. I mean, the one source that is needed for human life sustainability is getting contaminated.. I would chuck, true story WHY leave your home etc.. Mmm.. this is why, the affects of radiation are not really understood, especially long term affects. I don't feel like becoming a National geographic study when i'm 60 cause i have another ear growing from my sphincter! No, wouldn't wait to find out, time to chuck dudes for now.. Sure there are cousins in the states who can help you out..

Peense, of Alberton, south of Johannesburg, is on trial in the Durban Magistrate's Court for allegedly assaulting Zuma when he spilt his drink from the balcony of the box in which he was sitting during last year's Durban July race meeting.. Seriously/ oaks, this is a waste of fucking judicial time and money.. We have a backlog of shit and here we go again the SAntics section decided it was a boring month.. (is there such a thing in SA?)"I was at the back as we walked past the balcony. A man was leaning on the balcony with his hands on the rails. Just before we passed through, I noticed he had a tumbler in his hand. Then he poured it onto the president. After doing so he moved back," Said a bodyguard of the president. Mmm.. ha ha.. feck it better have not been a 12 year old scotch.. I hope it was Bells.. or maybe a Jameson.. freakin douchebags!

This GUY!! This fricken guy, have u oaks heard about this clown they call Chris("i hit a b*tch) Brown. According to TMZ he became too uncomfortable when the questions continually diverted away from his album and onto his infamous physical altercation with ex-girlfriend Rihanna. A person familiar with the show says Chris Brown trashed his dressing room and broke a window with a chair after co-host Robin Roberts asked him about his attack on Rihanna.. ha ha.. Chris Brown u fricken idiot.. this is what he said on twitter: "I'm so over people bringing this past s**t up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there bulls**t."  Cause' bitch we dig Charlie Sheen.. and hate you.. Charlie didn't beat rihanna.. he only took drugs with the dolls and then made "love" ha ha.. so Chris pal.. kindly fuck off..

ha ha this made me laugh and should do the same for u:
Chuck Norris doesn’t cheat death. He wins fair and square.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity – twice.
Chuck Norris once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now The Islands.
Leading hand sanitizers claim they can kill 99.9 percent of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100 percent of whatever the fuck he wants.
Some kids piss their name in the snow. Chuck Norris can piss his name into concrete.
Chuck Norris secretly sleeps with every woman in the world once a month. They bleed for a week as a result.
When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he’s telling you how many seconds you have left to live

Oooh the 1/4 finals of the crickey world cup.. SA are the favourites against the Black cats(NZ) that's what gets me worried.. meaning we are setting ourselves up for a fall.. If it comes.. But i believe for the boys as should you.. Killer gap for the teams so at least Man Utd can sort some injuries, Torres can score some goals (in practice) and Wenger, well he can jam with his boys.. Its getting very exciting.. Its going to be awesome, finals, cup finals.. late nights.. sad hearts.. Watch this space, hatred coming.. For the Blues.. (Chelsea and Man city..) throw in the Scousers cause they are shit(yes Gayvin, scousers are SHIT)..

Ah yes.. Its Wednesday.. That's what she's saying!

Made the cover of golf mag.. Next Tiger..mmm..

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