Tuesday, May 31, 2011

To Topcat Cave..

Hey hey...

Scholes.. the man..

19.. how many u have City? Liverpool?
No ways Scholesy is retiring.. He has decided to hang up his boots.. This is one ginger who made inroads for you ginger douches! He has also been a integral part of the United set up for an entire career! He has been my boy, quiet and total footballer, who should the world, the way to make headlines, is not with your antics, but your football, or tackling, or just being a GINGER! Scholesy!

Sean Kingston Hospitalised After Crashing Jet Ski
Watch out for the BRIDGE!
    See what happens when you are round and having a good time.. U lose the plot and ram into bridges! Sean K.. my boy..!Yesterday, when he crashed his jet ski into a bridge in Florida. Apparently Kingston and a female passenger were injured when the watercraft hit the Palm Island Bridge in Miami at around 6pm yesterday. Both were hospitalised early this morning at Ryder Trauma Center, and Kingston’s condition was reported to be critical, although has since stabilised.
    Hello International Anti Tobacco day..(is there anti alcohol day? There fecking should be.. ) Anti stupid day too, for all you eggheads not using the grey matter you were blessed with.. F8ckers..
    The concept for a Marlboro cigarrette-swapping smartphone app has been making the rounds – the idea being that social smokers would be able to trade digital cigarettes for real ones using bump technology, and ‘hardcore smokers’ would be able to redeem the digital smokes for real ones once they’d accumulated enough.It’s an interesting concept – it would make smoking ‘social’ in a way that years of negative advertising and legislation have been trying to prevent, mingling the addictiveness of nicotine and smartphone apps. It would also address the problem of social smokers who don’t want to spend money on an entire packet of cigarettes – although this is mostly Marlboro’s problem.
    There’s a problem, though – the people who’d be handing cigarettes out don’t have any reason to want to get the app. Why trade cigarettes you have right now for virtual cigarettes you can redeem later? I mean, if a virtual cigarette were worth 1.2 regular cigarettes, that could work
    Sepp.. Just shut the F*** up..
    Oaks the biggest loser at the moment is up for election tomorrow.. FIFA is in shambles.. Sepp Blatter is the C U Next Tuesday..of a dude.. wake up china, you are making football the mockery we know it doesn't have to be.. While your at it, change the world cup venue.. No ONE WANTS TO GO TO QATAR.. no offense dudes, but a desert? NOT SO MUCH!  Blatter Denies FIFA Is In Crisis – A defiant Sepp Blatter shrugged off allegations of corruption within FIFA Monday and said he would press ahead with his bid to be re-elected as president of football’s world governing body for the fourth time. Blatter will be the sole candidate in Wednesday’s election in Zurich.
    Royalty.. no dress sense!
    Um, yes.. Swaziland King Cancels Silver Jubilee - Africa’s last monarch King Mswati III of Swaziland has cancelled plans for a lavish “silver jubilee” as his kingdom tries to claw its way out of a financial crisis, the government said on Monday. “The silver jubilee has been postponed indefinitely,” Home Affairs Minister Chief Mgwagwa Gamedze said. [news2] Thank you God for giving this King some sense.. I mean.. about fricken time.. that's right pal, you can't afford a a party, PLUS NOONE GIVES A F.. especially in your country..
    I shall.. be
    As everyone and their mother tries to see this movie, i TOO wanted to join in on the sequel..Interestingly enough, the movie has been  Shattering numerous records, Warner Bros.’ The Hangover Part II grossed $137.4 million in its five-day launch at the domestic box office. The sequel helped fuel the best Memorial Day weekend on record, and grabbed the best opening ever for a comedy, R-rated or otherwise. [hollywoodreporter]
    Smart kid.. not smart enough
    Apple Hunts Down Teen Selling White iPhone Kits – For someone who allegedly made contacts in China to import iPhone parts before Apple, started his own business (WhiteiPhone4Now.com), and pulled in tens of thousands of dollars in revenue–sometimes as much as $8,000 a day–it’s easy to forget that Lam is just a teenage boy still living with his parents. [fastcompany] This is what you call a smart young man.. Lol.. But he is about to find out the full force of multinational capalist entity... "Good god son, hide over here".. "no dad, what about the money".. "don't worry your mum and I will keep it safe, be back just now!' ha ha ha...
    man's nightmare.. parted from our sausage..
    Woman Delivers Penis To Police As Crime Evidence - Monju Begum, 40, a married mother of three, was allegedly attacked as she slept in her shanty in Mirzapur village, Jhalakathi, about 125 miles south of Bangladesh’s capital, Dhaka. Mrs Begum told police that her neighbour Mozammel Haq Mazi, forced his way into her home and began attacking her. During the alleged assault, Mrs Begum said she was able to cut off Mr Mazi’s penis. [telegraph] Um firstly this story doesn't make sense.. She cut his penis off? Where is this "headless" wonder now? He must be in pain? Are they gonna take penisprints? ha ha ha.. That is uber funny, good on the woman, my sister and my mom would do the same.. So back the f away you criminals and woman haters.. ha ha..(woman haters).. are there such? gaylords!
    Some hilarious hobo  signs I found.. :

Monday, May 30, 2011

Muck about Monday

Hello Friend.. Monday it is?


It has arrived, I know I did not want it either, but here it is, in all its glory.. It has arrived.. and It look like another week of the goodness..

Lets see if there is any "peace" over here..
Zuma plans to talk to Libyan leader about the Aton Hammerl's dissappearance.  Firstly, because we hear that the journalist in fact died and was never arrested. That brings the question why we were told information which was not accurate," Zuma said. He said it appeared that Hammerl did not have a proper burial, the SABC reported on Monday.. "We are hoping we will be able to discover something for the family." Zuma will meet Gaddafi on Monday, amid intensified NATO strikes on the his regime, as part of an African push to end the conflict.  What irates me abou this story, is that it has COME TOO LATE.. once again, our TIA (This Is Africa) attitude has been highlighted, we SHOULD'VE acted sooner! Alas, now we are trying to gather the fragmented pieces of what really happened. This is what we have come to expect from a govt not committed to upholding the peoples safety and security needs.. Nice one.. And some of you oaks voted for them..

Another snakes on a train story.. lol.. A guard and conductor were checking tickets as passengers got on in the central city of Quang Ngai on Thursday evening - and spotted the live king cobras and cobras under a seat.People fled the carriage as panic broke out, and the smuggler was able to escape in the chaos.The reptiles - which are extremely venomous and can kill a human within just 30 minutes - were being carried in four see-through cloth bags.One passenger, Pham Van An, 20, said: "Some of the snakes were very big, and looked terrifying. Most

people ran away.. Ah yes.. I would've run my ass away in  a heart beat, but NO.. some oaks want to go have a look at the snakes, nice.. Let them get you and be the one chap who got bitten! ha ha.. What in the world are dudes doing? i mean, selling snakes to restaurants, transporting them on public transport IN PLASTIC BAGS! No thanks, NO FRICKEN THANKS!

Seems like Tooners city of Newcastle are not stoked by the rip off to Jersey Shore in the UK. Apparently the tossers of douchebag show are real freaking idiots and they are representing the city in a negative way.. ha haha.. TV reality show Geordie Shore, which follows a group of party-loving friends in Newcastle, has come under fire for the way it portrays the city.
Newcastle Central MP Chi Onwurah said it was "bordering on pornographic".
"It's exploiting those young people and exploiting our city," she told the Evening Chronicle newspaper. The local tourism board said it relied on "outdated stereotypes" and had provoked a "fierce reaction" among locals. MTV declined to comment.The show, a British version of the hit US series Jersey Shore, follows the antics of eight sex-obsessed friends as they drink, vomit, fight and strip off in the hot tub.The first episode was watched by 330,000 people on Tuesday - the channel's largest adult audience for three years.

Worst Ever Carbon Emissions Ever -Seems like we are just going to kill our land quicker..  Greenhouse gas emissions increased by a record amount last year, to the highest carbon output in history, putting hopes of holding global warming to safe levels all but out of reach, according to unpublished estimates from the International Energy Agency. COME ON PEOPLE.. we are the last chance, yet we continue to live like it won't ever come to the END.. Its coming, not in a rapture.. but in total annihilation of our land. Nice one oaks, YOU HAVE FAILED. [guardian]

Japanese Plan To Turn Moon Into Mirror-Ball – Its always a mystery how certain nations are always thinking ahead.. The rest of us in Africa wait till, the plans use our raw materials and then send the finished product back to us to be sold in a douchebag initiative plan! Plans to turn the moon into a gigantic mirrorball manned by robots to provide all the Earth’s energy came a step closer to reality today when they were unveiled by Japanese scientists. The ambitious project would result in 13,000 terawatts of continuous solar energy being transmitted back to receiving stations on Earth, either by laser or microwave. I’m in! [dailymail]

Tupac Alive In New Zealand Rumour Spreads Fast, As PBS Gets Hacked – I  just want to clear this up for you guys out there.. The man is dead.. If he isn't, then he is with Michael Jackson and Biggie..Come on, this is worse than a BB BROADCAST MESSAGE (stop sending those you A class f*ck heads). No one will die if you don't send it.. A report is spreading quickly on Facebook and Twitter that famed rapper Tupac Shakur is shockingly “alive and well” in New Zealand, 15 years after he died. This is of course false. Tupac died in Las Vegas in 1996. But the link that is circulating, a PBS Web story, looks entirely legitimate, fueling the rumor. PBS has been hacked. [huffpo]

Well, lookey lookey, I got Hookey.. lol.. No seriously.. its about time, that a Multinational corporation that does not put money back into the economy be ousted as no 1 brand in SA. For the first time in years, Coca-Cola has been ousted from its reigning position as the coolest overall brand among 8-22-year-olds in the Sunday Times Generation Next Youth Brand Survey. Coca-Cola, which recently celebrated its 125th anniversary, has had to surrender to BlackBerry, which shot up the ranks from ninth-coolest brand last year. In 2005, Forbes reported that Coca-Cola was the world's most valuable brand, but in 2011, it was ranked only sixth, while three of the top five spots were occupied by tech brands - Apple, Google and Microsoft.

Jessica Oosthuizen, analyst for HDI Youth Marketeers, the company that conducted the survey, said this is less about consumers moving away from traditional brands, but rather a testament to the importance of technology in our lives.has overtaken cellphone giant Nokia as the coolest cellphone brand, an accolade Nokia has enjoyed for the past two years. Last year, BlackBerry was second and in 2009 was in fifth position in this category. Blackberry  was also voted the coolest hi-tech brand. Apple's iPhone, widely believed to be coveted by all, was ranked only third in the cellphone category and it was ranked only seventh as the overall coolest brand.  I dig Coke, but there are brands that are not only stealing the minds of our young but doing more in communities such as community computer initiatives and so fourth.. Ah.. well its the battle of the Brands.. oh yeah...

As if the world wasn't safe enough.. COME THE F ON!A number of system errors have allowed 450 criminals with “a high risk of violence” to walk free in California.  The prisoners were accidentally placed on “non-revocable parole”, which means that they don’t have to report to a parole officer. Non-revocable parole was created to ease the over-crowding of California prisons by granting parole to inmates who’ve committed low-risk offences.Inmates don’t qualify if they’re gang members, have committed sex crimes, violent felonies or pose a high risk of re-offending. But according to the inspection that reviewed the system errors:The computer program prison officials used to make that assessment does not access an inmate’s disciplinary history. The program also relies on a state Department of Justice system that records arrests but is missing conviction information for nearly half of the state’s 16.4 million arrest records.. So basically.. I'm trying to get caught in California if I do decide to go all criminal..I certainly don't want to get caught in Africa, Asia, South America.. basically most prions are shit, with the exception of Scandinavian Europe, where prisoners have TVs and swim breaks.. At least in Cali, you can get a good deal, ha ha ha.. SUCKERS..

Ettiene de Crecy.. Sick lasers and music
On Friday we attended the launch of 5gum here in SA.. They had their activation party at the Blue Room at Park station.. For those of you who have never been there.. (neither had I). The venue is sick, set downtown Joburg, in an amazing hall that was build when bunkers and grand rooms were the order of the day.. The music was electro house, with an amazing aesthetic appeal, wicked music and free booze the whole night it was FREAKING AMAZING.. Nice one to Wriggley's and 5gum.. Although i must say they needed more gum, like every where although i woke up with my pockets full of gum, (very handy the next morning) it was certainly tasty.. so MORE.. The headline act, Etienne de Crecy was SO sick and he does all this laser light projection that not only is amazing music but fucks with your mind! I have never seen a tantalising sick sensational show in Jhb like that.. So big A plus..

His stage is always set like a Rubik type vibe.. IT IS SICK

When he starts.. it's beyond anything you could experience

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Jzil8S7tUeY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

How i felt after the game..

In other news, the football season is over... Yea yeah.. Nice one Barcalona, you won.. YOU WERE better.. Now for all you other f*CK heads who have had many things to say.. You are all  like "why you man utd fans quiet?" We lost, we are bummed yes.. But where WAS YOUR TEAM.. most of you saying shit are Arsenal fans(the ones i have come into contact with).. YOUR TEAM had a kak season, and the only thing you can mention is how we got beaten.. Yes we did... but we have a trophy, sorry trophies.. What have you got? Young boys and an old man who likes them close but not in control?!! ha ha.. back the f down.. two champions in the final deservedly..One winner.. Birmingham had a better season than Arsenal and they got relegated! ha ha.. F to the scousers, F to the gunners...


Job market.. hard..

Floods in the mid-west of the states have prompted oaks to do something about it.. Check this oak, protected his house
by digging troughs.. We need to take note!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday Woody Taunts..

Ryan Giggs..Should've..


So this morning the reason that prompted me to put pen to paper(sic) or fingers to keyboard, was the amazing article cum issue that the ANC Youth League are not accepting responsibility for the drop in ANC support.. Um.. Julium Malema.. you are a SIGNIFICANT reason why the ANC has lost support.. You are fricken douchebag, the ANC Youth league had this to say:
The league says that since the dawn of the democratic dispensation, the majority of white people in South Africa have never trusted, nor supported, the ANC. It says the racial prejudices and stereotypes planted and cultivated by apartheid ideology of racism among many white people is a reality that should be confronted openly and not searching for scapegoats on the outcomes of the recent past local government elections". I mean.. really..Come on, HAVE YOU SEEN THE CORRUPTION? Have you ever used an open toilet? Huh.. Ya, you haven't.. Actions speak louder than words and recent actions have led some people to believe that certain individuals within the spectrum of the government are out for themselves.. That's why JULIUS fuckhead Malema..

This is why I love Man Utd and our fans.. Ryan Giggs Reporters’ Cars Attacked – A group of masked men have attacked cars belonging to journalists and members of the paparazzi outside Ryan Giggs’s home. Officers attended and discovered at least six cars had been vandalised after a group of offenders arrived in a Ford Transit van and attacked the vehicles. Reporters revealed that cars were kicked and covered in flour and eggs, while tyres were also slashed. Nice. [digitalspy] So what if Ryan has been a little.. "wayne rooney".. (okay i know its never cool for adultery) i can't help it.. He can do no wrong in  my eyes..  everyone has always believed him to be a the perfect example of a footballer.. So when a bunch of fans go and have his back by taking care of the vultures on his door step.. We protect our own.. UNITED for LIFE..

Imagine healthy veg food like Marmite Has Been Made Illegal In Denmark – Many well known breakfast cereal and drink brands have already been banned or taken off supermarket shelves after Danish legislation in 2004 restricted foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals. The strongly flavoured dark brown spread made from brewer’s yeast has joined Rice Crispies, Shreddies, Horlicks and Ovaltine prohibited in Denmark under legislation forbidding the sale of food products with added vitamins as threat to public health. [telegraph] There is no ways they would have KFC banned. lol.. but Marmite.. yes.. ha ha ha.. you danes are hilarious, just like Nick Bendtner..

Obama And Cameron Form Table Tennis Team  as they couldn't get onto the international tennis team.. – Barack Obama and David Cameron teamed up to play some pupils at table tennis at the Globe Academy school in south London. The US president and UK prime minister visited the school on Obama’s first day in the country on his state visit. [bbc] Good times..

Rapture depiction
So the world didn't end, and all those chops look like fricken idiots.. but they only say it shall happen in October the 21st.. AGAIN.. here we go.. Stating, "
We are spiritual prostitutes. We sinned by confusing people," Coetzee said, Beeld newspapers reported on Wednesday. "We are begging God for forgiveness. It is obvious that we misinterpreted the information in the Bible." At one stage during Tuesday's press conference he started crying, saying he took the blame on himself. Coetzee and about 80 of his followers booked themselves into a Johannesburg hotel over the weekend to wait for the end of world on Saturday, as predicted by United States evangelist Harold Camping. Something tells me, the next thing this nuts will do is a mass suicide..Seriously.. watch the date Oct 22nd..

Imogen.. lady Ryan Giggs.. um played with..
Jenna.. Gary's ex..
Gary Nev's testimonial.. Gnev RED FOR LIFE..

david forever RED..
 Any one else think Nicky Butt, looks like an ASS, well his head.. ha ha ha...
Becks, Neville and Butt

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

To whence Tuesday was Tedicated

some things that made me go.. ha ha ha.. DOUCHE..or Wicked..

 Ah Tiger.. outside the top 10.. Learn from oaks such as Wayne Rooney, David Letterman and basically every superstar.. They do this "wondering" extra martial activities and then, their career suffers.. Then they resurrect it.. This is what makes champions and cheaters.. BMT..

With only four days left until the final climax of Manchester United’s football season and their Champions League final clash against Barcelona at Wembley this Saturday, Fergie is expected to address the matter later today. The issue poses a huge test of Giggs’s experience and Ferguson’s ability to galvanise his squad for Saturday... Ah don't worry.. Giggs has been down this road, a couple of times.. He is just slicker than Tiger..

There is this f*cker(excuse my language, but come the FUCK on) Harold Camping, founder of Family Radio International, spent millions of dollars on more than 5 000 billboards proclaiming that he world would end on 21 May 2011. It didn’t. But after consulting his Bible once again, Camping is now sure that the end of the world will take place on 21 October this year. I shall be busy pal.. but feel free to put all your money into my account for the after life! ha ha.. Seriously..

So the Air France flight that crashed, and they had found the wreckage on the sea floor and then found the black box.. well after listening to the box of black(racist..lol).. Sources close to the investigative team have revealed that the recordings indicate that Marc Dubois, the aircraft’s 58-year-old pilot, was not in the cockpit at the time the trouble began. It is reportedly audible that Dubois rushed back into the cockpit. “He called instructions to the two co-pilots on how to save the aircraft.” But their attempts to save the plane were ultimately in vain. WHERE WAS HE? Ah, lady in 1st class was hot?

Glad election debacle is over and all of you made intelligent votes.. What ANC won.. so.. NO then.. WHY WHY, majority why? Its your choice, also your service delivery.. If service delivery gets better i will eat my own feces... actually no.. actually it doesn't matter.. it won't.. SUCKERS..

ANC..no corruption whats so ever..
  Seriously.. who voted? Okay.. who voted for this guys? I mean.. come on oaks.. if you were bitten by a shark 3 times while you swam in  a specific pool.. Would you go back for a fourth time? Um.. if that question puzzles you, then I understand.. You need a running fuckslap..
Malema put this on twitter..

Obama's car..
 Dudes, the IMF dude looks as guilty as the DNA tests... Admit it, oaks in power are bastards..END of story.. DSK’s Semen Found On Maid’s Clothes – Traces of sperm from disgraced former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn were found on the clothes worn by the maid who claims she was sexually assaulted inside a Manhattan hotel room. The French website Atlantico.fr reported yesterday that Strauss-Kahn’s DNA was found on the woman’s dress, saying the NYPD notified French authorities of the development. [nypost]

Can you imagine.. just jamming cruising the streets..at a speed over 200km?..Gauteng Issues R10,000 Speeding Fine – A driver who was caught travelling at 221km per hour was fined R10 000 in the Pretoria North Magistrate’s Court on Monday, the Gauteng high speed unit said. Spokesperson Busapi Nxumalo said Mr T Monametsi, a human resource manager at Ampla mine in Rustenburg, was caught speeding on the N4 platinum highway on January 6. Idiot. [news24] Ha ha ha.. seriously what a douchebag.. although maybe he was trying to save a life..Then he is a hero who got caught.. Shame.. either way.. R10000 could have been a cool couple of subs, rims and new girlfriend..
 If you want to move somewhere new.. Maybe you could find a place on this map! It could help you find your dream place.. NOT..