Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tuck it In Thursday


So I wake up this morning slightly refreshed but peeved regardless(I had to wake up!) and got my ranting onto our au pair(ex-sneaky deviant back stabbing chick) she was! This ass face, basically lied about everything she did and the hours she did while charging my folks a small fortune... This b*tch would blatantly be fraudulent with regards to what she did, and how much time she spent.. Any way, she could not explain her actions and the relationship was terminated. What irritated me, is I befriended her, only to find out she was a snakey c**t. She also hailed Israel as this great nation that does not evil, no bitch you are and evil slut and Israel are douchebags who don't want peace so fuck you.. Now that's out the way..

A St John's College(Jhb) English and Latin teacher, who began working at the school last year, resigned this week when it was revealed that he shared a joint with a boy he had supplied with dagga a month before, The Star newspaper reported on Thursday. He was looking after the boarding establishment, Hill House, at the time of the incident. ha ha.,.Awesome, the dude has no DL skills what so ever.. Firstly I want to know if he was supplying weed to a grade 8 or what? I mean that is hilarious, imagine the staff room awkwardness? ha ha.. If it had been a girls school the dude would be getting investigated for statutory no doubt! lol.. Hope that teacher gets another teaching job, "you resigned because..."

Some LEGEND hacked the ANC youth league website and made a post as Julius Fuck this guy Malema. The post stated: “After much thought I, Julius Malema, have decided to step down as ANC Youth league President.” Some reasons were listed for his resignation: “I have brought my party the ANC into disrepute (sic); I have disrespected my elders and have made a fool out of myself; I promote my own agenda over my country and parties; I promote the singing of racist songs to promote violence and unrest in the country.” The post concluded with: “It is with great hope that I step down and welcome a new era in the ANCYL, one where thought and vision inspire our country rather then racism and personal ambition destroy it.” ... feck this is so sick, the hack was done by  made on Tuesday by the “Blah Blah protest group” .. Sooo sick, they should have done more, left a not that couldn't be removed, told teh world Malema is Cbomb etc.. feck.. any way, killa that its not just me who is sticking it to the man!

Nokia Files Complaint Against Apple – Finnish handset maker Nokia Corp. (NOK) Tuesday said it has filed an additional complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleging that rival Apple Inc. (AAPL) has infringed Nokia patents “in virtually all of its products,” escalating a series of patent battles between the two. [WSJ] Come on Nokia, you just hating, cause Apple gone and left you way behind.. its okay.. Work on the next few innovations, such as 3d tv and shit.. I mean all its products? "guys at apple took software from our 3310 and are using snake in the iPhone 4! " Douchebags.. ha ha..


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wine away WedNesDay

Morning dudes and dudettes...

I have been pampering the most important lady in my life today.. My mom.. It is her birthday and i'm trying to make it special, just like she did with my Ninja Turtle Parties(awesome) and some recent good time bashes as i came into the twenties.. It's just hard, to do so... I mean she made my bday parties fucking awesome so the least i can do is try to get the same affect.. So i wake up early, got breakfast in bed for her, her favourite flowers, and a little "the works" at the her fav spa... So what else can a son do?

cops locked up

Three robbers enter a police station,  lock up the officers on duty and steal a whole lot of stuff.   There is no punchline.  This happened in the early hours of this morning in the Eastern Cape (where else? ha ha.. the EC..dig that place)
Three very confident(or fucking dumb) robbers entered Libode police station at 3:30am, disarmed the two SAPS members on duty and locked them in a holding cell.   The men then broke into a safe and headed home with a great haul of firearms, ammunition and cell phones.. This sounds like oceans 11.. I mean, really chaps.. a police station getting robbed makes me think, are safe? I always wanted to go into the confiscated safe at the station.. These dudes go high, joked about doing it..and then actually did it! ah ah

I was jamming with my lil sister this morning at breakfast and she was messing around with some adult clothes when she put on a bra and said she looked like mommy.. I realised then that my hands will be full keeping the male species the fuck away.. Then i saw this dude who was a Blue Bulls player.. mmm.. any way so this chap's daughter was raped and infected with slow puncture(HIV).. The 34-year-old suspect, who’d played for the Blue Bulls in both the Vodacom Cup and Currie Cup, was arrested at a home in Durban. The team investigating the murders in Umbilo, Lamontville and Yellow Wood Park confiscated an axe and blood-stained clothing, said Mdunge.  The motive for the attacks is said to be revenge, after his daughter was gang-raped and was infected with HIV. [News24] I feel for the dude as he was doing what most dad's would do.. The only thing is he was attacking any black male he came across.. I condone this, if he had got some intel and found the dudes in a house, then by all means kill all the muther fuckers! Seriously I don't give a fuck, and my only problem is this guy got caught.. He was on a random rage, i understand, have  a bit more tact and I would've protested his arrest at the High Court..

mmm..careful of what u do

Yesterday there was a post about the douchebag Trump wanting Obama's birth certificate and eventually getting one.. Donald Trump’s birth certificate is fake – The multimillionaire developer has, overnight, become a leading voice of the “birther” movement, members of which doubt that President Barack Obama was born in the United States (and, thus, is unable to produce an authentic U.S. birth certificate). To prove how easy it was for a household employee to find his birth certificate, Trump, 64, crowed, “It took me one hour to get my birth certificate.” Except the document is not an official New York City birth certificate. [Smoking Gun] What a CBOMB, I said it, I SAID it this guy is a douche and he should just back the fuck down, but no.. Now he looks like a fuck headed imbecile.. KNow what I am saying!

12 year-old gives birth during school trip – A 12 year-old Dutch schoolgirl gave birth to a baby girl during a school trip, according to local health services. “Neither the girl nor her family had realised she was pregnant, and there were no external signs to show it,” a spokesman for the health services said, adding he did not know how many months pregnant the girl had been. So that’s where babies come from. [Telegraph] How does this happen ladies? Real question? granted, this doll is 12, so maybe.. but i mean.. Its obvious this 12 year old is a bit of a slaag, cause' 1) she is having consented sex at 12. 2) she had no idea cause she been banging away and thinking life is grand..Na it ain't you have been found out, and when you are 24 your child will be 12. ha ha.. Hectic.. I'm just saying, how do you not know another human being is in your stomach? Did you just have stomach ache for a good 9 months?

BIFF.. ha ha.. his nickname
Outgoing Proteas one-day international captain Graeme Smith has been slammed for jetting off to Ireland with his new brunette girlfriend instead of flying home to face the media after losing to New Zealand in the World Cup quarterfinals. Smith, known as "Biff" by fans and team-mates, didn't arrive with the rest of the team on Saturday night from yet another unsuccessful World Cup campaign. Dudes, seriously? fuck it, BIFF(ha ha ha ha.. wait for it.. BIFF) ha ha ha.. anyu way leave the dude alone, if i was kicked out of the world cup, i would also like to get some time alone with my babe for some real loving.. so yea i would tell you to go fuck yourself, i mean.. seriously... ha ha.. his nickname is Biff.. ha ha..  


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

TAUnted Tightly Throughout Tuesday!

Wickedly Greeting  you's!

Welcome to the good times that we are about to have! It is Tuesday and the week keeps ticking on! Good times..

There always gonna be haters in the world.. Donald Trump, who has been making television appearances calling for President Barack Obama to release his official birth documents, released his birth certificate exclusively to Newsmax on Monday.“It took me one hour to get my birth certificate. It’s inconceivable that, after four years of questioning,  the president still hasn’t produced his birth certificate. I’m just asking President Obama to show the public his birth certificate. Why’s he making an issue out of this?" Why does this fuck head care.. I mean.. fuck off Donald Trump, maybe Obama does not know his father? Donald, if I was the president

Necker island, Richard Branson's vac home..

Richard Branson’s Island Available At $53,000 A Night - Owned by Virgin billionaire Sir Richard Branson, the Necker Island is a 74-acre private getaway located in the British Virgin Islands. Celebrities like Mariah Carey, Oprah, Jay-Z and BeyoncĂ© have earlier rented the entire island (So who cares? Are they going to pay for my stay/ no so I don't care, it means it was good.. what about the queen? No..then not really fit for royalty huh?). If you want to make it your own private hideaway, get ready to shell out $53,000 per night and you cant take up to 30 mates! Okay so.. that's not too bad, if all my mates brought R12 366 a night.. we could jam up over there.. Okay kewl, I'm keen NOT.. come now SIR BRANSON, hit it up for free, be  the maverick you are.. help it out! feel me?

The head of a Mechanical and Industrial Engineering group at Qatar University, Dr. Saud Ghani, claimed that the artificial robotic cloud could potentially drop the temperatures on the pitch by 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Careful there doc, that’s only a few degrees Celsius, in the desert.
Design has passed initial engineering phase’s, says Ghani, and his team are preparing to make a 4 by 3 meter prototype by the end of this year to test the concept.
Apparently:The finished product would be a rectangle made up of carbon fibre and solar panels the size of a jumbo jet. It would use sophisticated monitoring gear to track the transit of the sun and would use four electric powered engines to manoeuvre to the precisely the right position to drop a cool shade across the stadiums.  Ah now this could be wicked awesome if it indeed works itself out.. I mean, imagine the what  a pitch could do with something like changing 10 degrees.. ha ah..Um.. maybe.. but in the desert I dunno sounds a little far fetched.. Although i will wait.. It would be a sick concept and could be used by all kinds of stadiums..

Get album covers to look like this..(Coco)
$1.5 Billion Drop In Music Sales - Global recorded music sales fell by almost $1,5-billion last year as digital piracy continued to take its toll on the industry, with the UK losing its mantle as the third largest music market after “physical” sales of CDs collapsed by almost a fifth. Global recorded music revenues fell 8,4% last year. Well fucking duh.. oaks are moving with times, and digital sharing(piracy) is the way forward.. I went into a music store the other day and it was like being in a museum, i had forgotten how shit worked etc.. Its weird.. I buy mine ha ha(buy them from the digital world/friends etc.. ) and don't go to stores any more.. Its  a shame.. how are the musicians and record execs gonna keep on making money?  Ah.. shit.. unlucky fuckers!

nelson.. the legend..
His latest stunt involves getting off marijuana charges in exchange for a performance in court. He was arrested for possession of marijuana in November last year after a cop smelled an odour coming from the vehicle, and decided to search it. Old Willie was inside, and I think we can all guess what that “odour” was.The judge presiding over the case, however, has recommended these “punishments”:Willie Nelson can resolve these marijuana possession charges if he agrees to plead guilty, pay a fine and sing “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” for the court.Oh, and Judge Bramblett wants to “meet Willie.”
Nelson’s spokeswoman declined to comment. hA HAA legen..wait for dairy.. I mean this guy is totally awesome! like me.. but cooler..
[Source: Houston Chronicle]
Ah.. Ms Simpson.. Guinness who?

Somebody at Guinness had best be working on some serious back-pedaling as they are (bunch of douchebages.) Rebecca Lanier just turned 119 years old, which should make her the oldest person now living. As the daughter of former slaves, however, she doesn’t have the right documentation, and therefore doesn’t count.. What the F.. so.. why don't you go ahead and go and find her hospital where she was born? Most likely she was born on a plantation to Amazing grace.. Shit.. can you believe the Guinness book of sucking dick! ass holes give the lady her title, she is your elder, your moms elder and your mom's mom biatch!
Ricky Pointing steps down.. Hectic.. later ricks.. you did well, at least u got a trophy.. sick one, i hate you but respect you as a cricketer! Legend!

sauna time..

Looking at some internationals, that Naymar kid from Brazil is shit hot.. Guess what team he wants to jam for? Chelsea? those west London douchebags.. Why? dunno.. maybe Ramirez, Luiz and Alex help him at night... What a douche.. he is now a douche..Chelsea? Why not Barcelona or arsenal..those i understand.. but Chelsea? that's like growing up and saying you only want to sleep with fat chicks, nothing wrong, but what about everything else?

Tuesday TAUNTS!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Mainstay Moolah!

Morning Chaps..

What a weekend, it was truly filled with good times, wicked sport(Sharkies unlucky, can't help getting outplayed by the best rugby at the mo) and i'm glad to come out on the other side ready for the week of good times!

Finally, a law that seeks to improve the lives of the ordinary South African. This is just one the new regulations contained in the new Consumer Protection Act, which comes into effect on April 1. "A practical example would be the following: You purchase a kettle for use in your home and the kettle can no longer boil water. The kettle is therefore no longer suitable for the purpose for which it was bought. [Sunday Times] So basically, we have protection from organisations that don't give a fuck about customer service. Although if i buy something and it breaks within the first 6 months, most big enough organisations had this as a warranty, but that does mean all the other sneaky fucks have to abide by it as well.. Whoo hoo, here is to buying a little something and using it for 5 months, and then, break it, and return it and get a new one.. ha ha ha.. no seriously..

The government is going to be launching its own printed newspaper, and it will be published by the head of government communications, Jimmy Manyi.Ha ha ha.. what? What the F are these clowns smoking. By who? the dude who is a blatant racisit and one of teh dumbest fucking idiots next to Juls Malema? no man!  Yes, the same guy who doesn’t like coloured oaks, and has a belief that the world is better without them? Fuck me.. Okay killa, so gov wants a newspaper.. and Goebals wanted a nazi world. I mean come on, this is some huge plot to brainwash people by posting propaganda in this newspaper, most likely going to be distrubuted everywhere and at no cost.  Basically we shouldn’t get our hopes up and expect much investigative journalism.
Manyi has also not decided whether he will allow advertising to be sold in the newspaper that will be out next month.Realising that the selling of advertising would lighten the financial burden on us, the taxpayers, who will pay for this newspaper to be printed? Um.. yes, no lets charge the people, then we will send them information WE decide on.. mmm...  He used “clutter” as the excuse "It might create confusion. Don’t be surprised if we don’t allow commercial advertising" (Manyi).

Unlucky Lobola
According to a Pretoria News report on Monday, which cited court papers, a man had his children removed from his care barely days after his wife had died last December. The two girls aged 19 months and 30 months were initially placed in the care of one of his wife's relatives and later removed to a place of safety.
When the man, who cannot be named to protect the minors, questioned why his children were removed, he was told by a social worker that he had to pay the R20, 000 lobola before he could get his children. Lobola is what a man pays for family for his wife, sort of like compensation to the family. Now this dude who was not going to finish paying as his wife died and the state intervened and took his kids! Feck me.. sounds like a tradional court hearing.. So the welfare of the children is not important as long as cash is handed over?? Come the F on oaks, this is what makes us slightly backwards, not at the notion of traditional practices, but rather at the blatant stupidity of removal of the children.. Get an IOU or something! Feck.. #rural!

So cause of all this nuclear talk in Japan, the fricken Simpsons have been asked to tone it down with regards to all the reactor jokes and meltdowns, some networks in europe have started looking at the next few episodes in a bid to clear out any tasteless jokes! Not really about Japan but about the plant in Springfield(Simpsons).. This is slightly funny and ridonculus at the same time, this is quite overboard actually.. Look there have been loads of simpson episodes with meltdowns and shit, what happened after Chernoble? Did anyone say anything? no cause oaks dont give a fuck about serbians.. but an economic power house.. Yes.. we have to change our cartoons.. come the fuck on oaks..

Eskom’s second of its three year electricity price increases will come into effect at midnight on Friday. Awesome, as if life wasn't difficult enough.. These douchebags have decided to screw us again.. wicked..
Last February, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) approved Eskom’s three year proposed price hike effective on the 1st of April each year.On average the price increases by at least 25 percent year-on-year. This year the price will go up by 25.8 percent.. I'm keen to sort some shit out, i was wondering, as we have an eskom exec who lives on our street. When power goes out, why is his always on? A generator? Or some special deal? No, but yes, this ass can organise it so they come all the way, just to turn his power on, so while the street is dark and scary he is having a jacuzzi party! I hate eskom and telkom, seriously, no competition they price collude, they fuck as over.. they don't care..lets burn them.. ha ha ha.. (no gary it was joke and we dont need any more parafinn!)
Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan is planning to join the ranks of Madonna, Prince and Bjork, by dropping her last name, according to her mother."Lindsay is dropping the Lohan and just going by Lindsay," Dina Lohan told AOL celebrity news site on Friday.The decision appears to be motivated by a desire to distance the Mean Girls actress from her estranged father Michael Lohan, who was charged earlier this week with assaulting his girlfriend and who has a history of run-ins with the law. Ha ha.. Yo linds, you got issues and I feel for you.. Don't stress, hopefully you won't be so messed up and you can enjoy a normal life without crime, etc.. Sorta've like he tried that and went to jail.. mmm..So basically your a fucked little kid..

ah Sports time.. wicked weekend for the Stormers, and for the the sharks got outplayed.. big time.. bafana bafana did soooo well.. Killa one, and adding to that are the oaks in teh neighbouring country, Botswana that qualified for the african cup of nations! Finally! and nice one chaps.. Zebras will end up being the flagship of african football.. ha.. I dont want to talk about cricket.. Its done, i had hope sometimes.. I still did.. until the end.. Enough is enough we dont have BMT.. GEES.. but thats just me.. we were not the underdogs, the total was there.. what the fuck happened.. over it.. come on the BOKS!



Friday, March 25, 2011

Freak Out Friday's

Morning chaps and Chapettes.. tis the day we all look so forward too, knowing the end of the week is right here, on the doorstep, so close we can smell it.. Mmm...friday..

I woke up with a pain in my neck.. and I realised it was because I had been straining to get the to the end of the week! ha ha.. good times.. At least my week should end in a decent fashion.. What about this eastern European, called Krejcir who had been on the run from the Hawks handed himself over to them early this am.. The dude who is wanted in connection with the list of of people to "to be taken out" found at his house handed himself over and is busy in the process of making a deal with the 5.0 and the Hawks.. Mmm.. some info for no jail time? Maybe a bank account for the police chiefs and no jail time.. This oak could be playing golf with the police chief in like a week.. R50 says so!

The end of the world continues, as another quake hits Myanmar on the border of Thailand..
Tremors were felt as far away as Bangkok, almost 800 kilometres (500 miles) from the epicentre, Hanoi and parts of China during the earthquake on Thursday, which the US Geological Survey (USGS) measured at magnitude 6.8. A Myanmar official said dozens of people were killed in areas close to the epicentre and more than 240 buildings had collapsed.
Shit is going down folks, i said it a number of times and you best hope you are awake and ready for what ever happens where ever you are. Cause shit is happening thick and fast.. Thick and fast.. So get it ready cause when it comes its coming.. True story, we have emergency water, and shit like that for when we get caved in, and we in Africa.. SOO..whats your excuse?

Libyan Rebels Request Guns And Ammunition - Libyan rebels desperately need arms and ammunition from foreign countries – especially weapons to knock out tanks – to bolster their struggle against Muammar Gaddafi, a rebel military spokesperson said on Thursday. But they do not want foreign advisers or troops to intervene on their behalf, said Colonel Ahmed Bani, an air force officer who has joined the rebels based in the eastern city of Benghazi. Mmm.. and then what happens after the rebels are in charge.. They have weapons and become a dictatorship which is fundamentally sponsored by the allied forces.. Mmm.. sounds familiar oh yes Afganistan and the Russians, hey but who cares about history.. mmm.. I don;t know about this.. Put the power in the peoples hands, but not in the form of weapons.. nice, teach them to make bombs too, and how to torture oaks.. good idea..mmm..

Friday douchebaggery.. hello..  Come on SA.. 218 for  8.. come on boys!

Liz Taylor Gave Instructions To Be Late For Her Own Funeral – The Hollywood legend was laid to rest at the Forest Lawn celebrity cemetery outside Los Angeles, where less than two years ago she attended the funeral of her long-time friend, pop icon Michael Jackson. ”The service was scheduled to begin at 2:00 pm, but at Miss Taylor’s request started late,” said a statement by her publicist released after the closed-door service had finished. ”Miss Taylor had left instructions that it was to begin at least 15 minutes later than publicly scheduled – She even wanted to be late for her own funeral” it added. Fab! [afp] Ah Liz, kiff way to go, oaks come to pay their respects and you arrive late.. I guess "you'll be late for your own funeral", really does apply.. You kept oaks waiting after you headed to the after life huh.. You diva you..

This little kingdom known as Swaziland, has been up to some shit lately if you haven't noticed(where the fuck have u been?). these oaks have obviously been in the hills a little too long.. (leo sort ur people out). These oaks are going gaddaffi on the people because of simple protesting.. Dudes if SA was doing that when we had protests, we would certainly be in a civil war.. for fuck sake swazi king.. wake up.. this isn't red alert!
 Last week the ANCYL cautioned the Swaziland monarchy and its security forces that if they unleashed violence against their own people which led to the loss of life, "we will intervene with even more radical and militant ways of ensuring that there is democracy, peace and freedom in Swaziland".
Lukhele said there was a trend in Swaziland for police to kill and terrorise protesters every time there is a march. Thousands of public workers marched through Swaziland's capital on March 18 after reports the government was planning to cut salaries and jobs to comply with demands by the International Monetary Fund to get its finances in order.

Tracy McGregory has in Playboy.. killa.. here is the image.. :

have a wicked weekend!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday Teddy Time

Top of the morning to ya,

Okay so the Irish fever has left.. Ah.. Oh well as long as i didn't lost my cellphone/wallet/dignity(well half of it!) Ha ha..  Can you feel it? I can.. Nearly nearly there.. Killa half week.. Unlucky if you outside SA.. unlucky if you are Libya.. Unlucky if you work at nuclear power plant, cause your children will come out with extra limbs and shit.

So you oaks heard about the raid on the dude who  has been linked to the death of alleged underworld boss Cyril Beeka, who was gunned down in Cape Town on Monday. Krejcir, who was wanted on fraud and murder charges, was not home, when they raided the house.. Just before they raided the house they had raided the wrong house, his neighbours. They (Hawks) fucking stupid assholes for half of their operation raided the wrong house.. ha ha.. Imagine i was sitting there watching Isidingo and an armoured car drives through the gate, oaks with machine guns and bullet proof vests staring you down, ransack the house, find nothing and then ask.. is this Krejcir's house.. um no it isn't.Ooops our bad.. Later.. Well the dude who's house it was says they cause R100 000 worth of damage. Shit.. I would've raised that to R250 000 for the fuck up they made.. Seriously or at least put me in the Michelangelo Hotel till you fix my house.. To top it all of, the fuck heads might've not had a warrant for the raid.. Come the F on authorities.. You need to raise your game.. no wonder criminals live in paradise.. Douches!

So oaks are finally over Mr Malema, says the SA Congress of Students,"We are not supporting Julius Malema for a second term because the character of the youth league is under threat under his leadership," Mani said. They would rather support the league's Gauteng chair, Lebogang Maile, who is also the province's MEC for sport, culture, arts and recreation. [TimesAlive].. Well about fucking time oaks, i mean seriously, if this dude gains any more political power, the exodus that happened before 1994, shall def be alot bigger if this fucking clown gets into serious power.. he ha a mouth which he uses way too much, way too many people waste their time listening to him.. I would rather have scrotum cut off, then met, talk, listen or even look at this chap.. Seriously, he is a fuck head and its about time, an organisation in which he sits takes note for the stupidity that they have allowed in him. he does nothing but stir up his own agenda's and any belief that he is for the people is like asking the people of Orania( northern province, SA) to allow black people into their town.. Its a hell no.. Malema, eat shit..

So they want to change the name of the South African football team, from Bafana Bafana, to something else..
The association decided in February to entrust three senior members - the president Kirsten Nematandani, his deputy Danny Jordaan and executive member Alph Mchunu - with the task of finding a new name.
South Africa's team has been Bafana Bafana since the country was allowed back into international football in the early nineties after apartheid sporting sanctions were lifted. Some imaginative journalists came up with Bafana Bafana ("The Boys" in Zulu) because the team was the new kid on the world soccer block. They want an intimidating name, like the black Stars(Ghana) or the Super Eagles (corrupt, i mean Nigeria).. I think they should name the football team African Death.. yes AD..sounds scary, and refers to the state of Africa's perception in the eyes in the west and our own perception especially down here in SA.. seriously..Like Botswana's team is called the Zebra's.. A small country full of wildlife and a nation tolerant of cultural and racial differences. The first president of the country married a lady of Caucasian decent, much to its neighbours discomfort and blatant contradiction of its then current apartheid policy.. Ha ha..if they ever fraternised which i am sure they did not, as SA would have illegal raids in Botswana in the hope of catching banned ANC heavy weights. Imagine  Verwoerd or Vorster, with their apartheid ideas having the black president of Botswana with his white wife over for dinner.. Convo must've been awkward! ha ha.. back to Bafana Bafana, these guys have made us proud(sometimes) and so they need a kiff name.. Let us know.. and No Menzies not the Gunners of Africa.. ha ha.. the Gunners or chokers! ha ha..

Yardy.. DEpro
The England & Wales Cricket Board said in a statement Thursday that Yardy needed advice and treatment, "to overcome an illness he has been managing for a prolonged period of time." Yardy is the second England player to leave a tour because of depression. Opener Marcus Trescothick fought and failed to beat the illness that attacked him whenever he left his family and home to travel abroad.

Okay so you are a professional sportsman and you are at a world cup, in the 1/4 finals and you want to go home as you suffer from depression.. mmm.. Sounds like some fucking idiots over there playing for the pommies.. I mean, seriously man the fuck up, you are for your country, could maybe win IF you have BMT(big match temperament) but no you are fag, useless waste of space.. he's not the only on from the team.. I think the English cricket team is sorta heading the french football team of 2010 world cup.. the drama dudes.. I mean, imagine if Bakkis Botha or Schalk Burger wanted to leave the world cup in the 1/4 finals because they were home sick and wanted to head back to the farm?  fucking useless twats i say.. yes I said it, I don't care.. believe that..

ha, Dewani what a dick
I was thinking of stupid stuff and I came across Shrien Dewani is a douchebag.. he is in a psych hospital because he suffering from post traumatic stress.. ah yes you dumb fuck, you had your wife murdered on your honeymoon and have been found out! Shit that would be the least of what i would be suffering from. I mean, come the f on oaks, this guy is a dick, got busted and now is playing every judicial card to get out of coming to face the true wrath.. Poolsmoor.. yes, he's heard of it.. That's why he got post traumatic stress.. he's fricken out about the dudes who are going to take his British accent and make sure he uses it to clean their sphincters.. ha ha.. You're fucked pal..over your "post traumatic express" face it like a man you Cbomb!

Come on the cricket world cup.. i hope India take the yellow outta've Australia and then, Pakistan and India meet in the semi's.. Hostile.. Come on SA.. we are behind you now..

Sooooo keen to get this ride going.. feel me?
have a wicked day!