Monday, August 29, 2011

Morning Chaps and Chapettes,

Okay okay okay… I have to begin with the football, I mean Man City, I hate you lot.. All of you are douchebag money-grabbing-asses (good but greedy none the less). Spurs have been defecated on by both the blue and red side of Manchester. What is scary is that the fottball from Manchester is beyond anything else England is offering.. We all saw that yesterday so don’t pretend to not agree.  Everyone is licking their lips at what is going to be a VERY interesting Manchester Derby..

There is only one team I have to mention tho.. UNITED.. they took apart an ailing Arsenal team which honestly had many 1st team players out. Never-the-less you put on the badge, you put on the team brand. That brand was used as 1 ply toilet paper by the United Youngsters, they piled in like a 16 year old offering free good times, it was a rout that many of us won’t forget in a hurry. I actually started to feel for the Gunners, their supporters don’t deserve what happened to them so far this year. Wenger chap, results have spoken and unless you don’t want to have a completely empty stadium this season, investment is required. UNITED..UNITED… UNITED

Cover of Sunday Times 28/08
Has anyone seen the cover of yesterday’s Sunday Times here in SA? On the front cover is a picture of a man, kneeling next to his hunted kill, a young African boy, lies still, like a beast killed and a happy hunter celebrating. IT is disgusting, whether or not the picture is real, it is a hectic image to fathom. Calls have come in that the Sunday Times is going down in terms of its editorial choices, and I have to wonder.. WHY? Cause oaks have highlighted the very disgusting nature that still exists in our society? Or because they want this sort of thing hidden, relegated to blogs and sensationalism>?  Police questioned the man from Knysna in 2007 when the picture first surfaced. "I was told that the photograph came to light in 2007 and that it was investigated. The man was taken in for questioning. "He told police that the child was alive and that he paid the child to pose."Polela was unable to confirm the status of the 2007 investigation. He added that an investigation will have to determine why the photograph resurfaced four years later. "That picture speaks volumes and is a big worry. We have to understand what happened in the previous investigation."

Lolly, how your bus has gone down..

This oak is still making the news.. Has anyone been to Teazers laltely? I haven't, not cause i dig visiting the jol, more likely because the brand has gone downhill since teh King of Sleaze has passed. I mean, oaks are saying that girls are better at Lollipop lounge(Jhb) and House of Rasputin(Cape Town). Any regulars care to comment..(No pal, Greg not actual samples..sick). I mean, this oak apparently ran a tight ship and kept all the passports in his safe. Now with the new stock(commodities) there has been a more of downing. Like going to woolies your whole life, then having to go out and buy grocerices from Shoprite, it just isn't the same. Lolly Jackson’s Last Call Was To His Alleged Killer – The last cellphone call Teazers strip club boss Lolly Jackson ever made lasted 27 seconds and was to the man wanted for his killing. Leaked cellphone records provide tantalizing clues of the countdown to Jackson’s unsolved killing and the movements of George Louka, the Cypriot fugitive who is alleged to have shot him six times on May 3 last year. [news24]

Bored with life?
What the F is this over paid douche who is always with lovely hot ladies up to? Being a drunk..ha ha.. maybe HE DOES MISS MEGAN FOX, or maybe his name just got to him, Shia LaBeouf.. I mean.. come on dude.. Spitting on the MANSON? Feck, I would def be getting ready to set demons on his family if I was Marlyn Manson, spit on me? “No mother f*cker, I shall spit on your soul” Before the performance even started, the "Transformers" actor, 25, "seemed wasted" as he sat in a designated area with his date, presumably girlfriend Karolyn Pho, and rocker Manson.
"Shia picked up a water bottle and shot a mouthful of water all over his date's legs," says the eyewitness. "Then he put more water in his mouth and started spitting it all over his tablemates, including Marilyn Manson. "Although Manson tried to calm the actor down by offering him a fist bump, LaBeouf only grew more out of control. "All of a sudden, Shia started shouting at his date and getting visibly angry," adds the eyewitness. He then decided it was time to leave and "lunged" through the very thick crowd. "They tried to hold him back, but he kept struggling through. "Shia had to climb over people and tear himself out of the grasp of various strangers who were trying to keep him from going crazy." Can any one say RETARD!

Oh come the F*CK on peeps.. Is it really okay to advocate a change of regimen on one of the most peaceful, economic strongholds in Southern Africa, and expect sweet nothing to happen? Um, no.. Free State African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) members were called up on Sunday for a solidarity gathering at the party’s Luthuli House headquarters in support of league president Julius Malema and others. ”We say disciplinary charges can never be used to settle political issues,” ANCYL national executive committee member Lerato Mofokeng said. So now oaks are going to march in support of him, so if he said kill everyone in Swaziland, and people wanted to bring him in line, people would march to support him?? I have nearly lost all of my patience for what is becoming the biggest farce in the world..

WHY WHY??? Would we stand for someone causing a political rift in one of allies? Who can forget what Botswana did for us when apartheid kept us(South Africans) down and out? BOTSWANA..and then this baldheaded f*ckhead can have the audacity to try and pull a Libya? No no, disclipline his ass, before President Khama just decides that he’ll take into his own hands, and Commandos don’t follow political rules, he’ll hunt that Tenderising bastard..

Accused Rhino Poachers..kiff bunch eh?
Another Poacher Shot Dead - A man was shot dead, another wounded, and six others arrested when police foiled two rhino poaching attempts in Limpopo on Sunday, a spokesperson said. Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said the incidents occurred on Rietvley Farm in Polokwane and Welgevonden Farm just outside Modimolle in the late afternoon. [pretnews]  That’s the way forward, kill the menaces, and don’t give me any human rights bull.. These chaps obviously don’t give a flying George bush about what happens to animals, the environment or anything. If they need money for families, why aren’t they professional killers? Why aren’t they taking out baby momma’s or taking water away from starving families? They might as well, I mean they obviously need money more than humanity in them.. I hate poachers and believe if you catch them, feed them to your animals, preferably ones that don’t leave traces.. (Be wary of a man who has a pig farm).

Animal huggers.. lol.
Eleven people, including two veterinarians, a pilot and a game farmer, all allegedly part of a rhino poaching syndicate, were arrested in Limpopo last month.
National police spokesman Colonel Vishnu Naidoo said it was believed they had been involved in several hundred incidents of rhino poaching, rhino killing, selling of the horns and disposing of the rhino carcasses over the past years.They allegedly operated around Polokwane, Modimolle and Musina.Veterinarian Karl Toet and his colleague Manie du Plessis were said to be the two alleged masterminds behind the syndicate.

Gadaffi loyalists..
I am getting over the Gman and his bullshit tactics.. Dude just head for Angola, cause what is gonna happen after this little war is the scary part. Who is the recognized government? Now what? So Gadaffi is gone, okay, so how do we reconnect our DSTV/water/ etc.. Who do I go and pay my bill to at the local municipality? Just looking at what happened to Iraq..One word..fuck.. Its gonna be a mess, simple things like refuse collection, is that being managed.. WE may think whoo hoo, now we can all live in peace, yea maybe YOU CAN, but for those guys, I think the rebuilding phase is going to be the hardest on the people.  Gaddafi Forces Killed Detainees, Say Survivors – Gaddafi fighters opened fire and hurled grenades at more than 120 civilians huddling in a hangar used as a makeshift lockup near a military base, said Mabrouk Abdullah, 45, who escaped with a bullet wound in his side. Some 50 charred corpses were still scattered across the hangar on Sunday. [associated]

WelBeck! This kid is shit HOT

Had to end the post with a smile and what better way than with Welbeck, all he wanted was a spot, a chance.. Did he not take it! Oooooooooh yeah..


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