Monday, August 15, 2011

Many More Meowing Monday's

Wow Wheeee.... Its been a while.. Thoughts of the weekend/week/future!

Its a whole new day, and week.. They eventuality of being someone else has come to an end and back to our realist personalities...Well for some.. For some of us, we pack away our opposite crazed, identities until we venture forward again to the unbecoming abysses that is known as the weekend.. Loads of shit happens during the weekend.. There is a a sense of rejuvenation that one feels come the first darts of night on Friday evening.. Something about it screams, ITS THE WEEKEND,(logic and sense are lost).. In the usual stuff to pop up over the weekend is..; Oh wait Juls.. Oh yes,

Tender Boss Paid Malema R1.2 Million – Julius Malema was paid R1.2-million by businessman Steve Bosch who scored tenders worth tens of millions of rands in Limpopo. This is the first proof to emerge confirming that tenderpreneurs in Malema’s home province finance the ANC Youth League leader’s lavish lifestyle, adding fuel to claims that he assists them in scoring government business. [timeslive] Ah the usual.. What did you want us(the public) to believe.. NO he wasn't getting special tendered deals?? Come the F on chaps.. Its a given, the sooner we realise that the fat slice is being taken at the top and the rest of us punks are getting given the scraps.. oaks be careful.. People will preach Botswana is the bearer of evil, and then the very next meeting, "so I get 15% for making it go thru?" That's the kind of blabla shit we dealing with.. I am fed up with it, its not me.. ITS ALL OF US that need to be fed up.. VIVA revolution..Or viva not stupid action by oaks in govt.. Its 2011.. wake the F**K up!

Adding to what Julius malema had stated about Botswana :
Malema had lashed out at Botswana's sham democracy and criticised that government's closeness to Western powers ("imperialists" in his language). He also spoke of a "detailed" plan to bolster the Botswana opposition with the aim of removing the Khama government from power.
"The ANC Youth League will also establish a Botswana command team, which will work towards uniting all oppositional forces in Botswana to oppose the puppet regime of Botswana led by the Botswana Democratic Party," Malema said.
First of all, the direction which Botswana has taken under Khama should be cause for worry for all us in Southern Africa. Although Botswana pretends to be a democracy, power and access to power is very rigidly controlled by the Botswana Democratic Party, which has run the country since independence in 1966. Succession has also been very tightly managed, ensuring that a clique close to the family of Khama's father, Sir Seretse, are guaranteed a rise to the top. #TRUESTORY
So when Malema stood up and castigated the regime of Ian Khama, there was outrage. The ANC head honchos, who had hitherto been wimps in dealing with him, suddenly found blood rushing to their biceps.
Malema had lashed out at Botswana's sham democracy and criticised that government's closeness to Western powers ("imperialists" in his language). He also spoke of a "detailed" plan to bolster the Botswana opposition with the aim of removing the Khama government from power.
"The ANC Youth League will also establish a Botswana command team, which will work towards uniting all oppositional forces in Botswana to oppose the puppet regime of Botswana led by the Botswana Democratic Party," Malema said. He kept stressing that the opposition and removal of the government would be "in a democratic manner" and not through military means. "There is no army involved here, there is nobody who is going to be trained and overthrown through a coup," he said. Why this should get the ANC dancing around about like a geriatric with ants up his pants beats me. First of all, the direction which Botswana has taken under Khama should be cause for worry for all us in Southern Africa. Although Botswana pretends to be a democracy, power and access to power is very rigidly controlled by the Botswana Democratic Party, which has run the country since independence in 1966. Succession has also been very tightly managed, ensuring that a clique close to the family of Khama's father, Sir Seretse, are guaranteed a rise to the top.State resources and tactics are liberally used to quash opposition, so much so that election results are a foregone conclusion long before the polls open. But the Botswana government has always managed to do good PR, earning itself a poster-boy image of being one of the continent's most enduring democracies.Beneath the surface, however, massive discontent has been brewing.
President Khama of Botswana
Under Khama, the quashing has become more obvious. The soldier has militarised the society and empowered the security services. Like many dictatorial regimes, the government has informally spread the belief that the Directorate on Intelligence and Security is everywhere, creating a climate of suspicion and fear. His crushing of a public service strike earlier this year was cold and brutal.
Human rights organisations are now keeping a record of extra-judicial killings in the country.
What has also outraged the Batswana is the decision by Khama - an unreconstructed teetotaller - to impose draconian liquor laws on the country and place massive taxes on alcoholic products..
Scary thing, is its all true.. And good ol Julius is trying to highlight this.. Mmm.. I wonder if he is doing this for the right reasons, or for a purely self beneficial outcome.. I think the latter is obvious, but to what extent>?

Mexican Army Finds Drug Tunnel To US - The Mexican army says it has uncovered an incomplete drug tunnel with lights and ventilation that stretches from the border city of Tijuana 10 yards into the United States. Mexican army Gen. Alfonso Duarte says the tunnel is about 300 meters long and 6 feet in height. The entrance is hidden in a house under construction and the exit has not been dug. [usatoday] What i want to know, is how/who and when do you get a job, or time to build the cave,.. Imagine if oaks spent all this time and ingenuity on.. I dont know.. Studying.. How hectic they could become! True story! I mean, we could be looking at the next few engineers, astronauts(from china) etc..

Shrien Dewani Hires Top SA Legal Team – Confident that Papa Wag Vir Hom in South Africa, murder accused Shrien Dewani has hired a top South African legal firm to represent him. The law firm Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs was assembling a team of expert criminal lawyers to defend Dewani if and when he went on trial at the high court in Cape Town. [mail&guardian] Ah Mr Dewani, i hope you realise that the South African govt are shrewd in their commitments and you most likely have already been found guilty and have started auctioning you at Poolsmoor.. True story, if you don't believe me, ask any prisoner you know in the Cape area of who every body's favourite new F buddy is.. Yea son.. Its you.. You must be shaking in you're space boots.. Prison is no joke any where in the world.. BUT in SA.. you don't really wanna go in there looking like a Burberry posterboy..

Feck, there are so many of my mates who are Gooners fans and there off season has been a SHIT one to say the least. Sorry chaps, but looks like Cesc is out this b*tch.. no worries money to invest, hey chaps? ha ha ha..If you want to buy him back possibly when he has one like 5 gazzillion trophies that Wenger has not offered him..It will be almost 4 times the price..
Buy-out clauses are common in Spanish football and Barca have slapped nearly an extra £100m on Fabregas’s value straight away in his £100,000-a-week contract.
Fabregas, 24, has already offered to help part fund the deal by waiving a £4m pay-off from Arsenal while Barca will pay £27m plus £5m in add-ons. Barca must win the title twice and Champions League once in the next five years.Barcelona are hoping to unveil Fabregas in the next 48 hours to finally end the long-running saga. Fabregas is expected to travel to Barcelona on Monday.
Fabregas was even pulled off a flight to Barcelona on Friday because Arsenal were annoyed that his new team mates were Tweeting about the transfer before it had been completed.  Just in time for the return leg at the Camp Nou in which Real will try and begin the season with a BIG win..I don't see it happening.. Although the first leg last night was TIGHT.. full of tenacity that is for sure, talk about "friendly" tag.. NOT SO MUCH!

Making some bokkie spirit.. that oak is married(to another doll)
Staying with Sport that bums us out, well if you support the gunners (which i don't.. ha ha.. ).. The BOKS.. YEs i said it, another defeat, and to those wretched yellow-squaring-prison-hoarders.. Feck.. Ah.. well, only like 3 weeks till the world cup..Can we sort our shit out?mmmm... DIv.. pal, I dig u sort of, but even I know.. there were no positives taken from the game on sat..
Come Bokkie.. Your breaking my spirit..
Our team looked decent, ball in hand, Fourie at the helm.. But.. alas, we forced a certain things and shit did not happen.. Feck.. hoping in PE the BOKS will do things that the fans eagerly crave need.. A W.. which is  WIN.. Feck we need one of this.. for the the team, the nation, and for PDIV.. pal does he need some good news, like an aids cure..

Um.. Yes.. ideal..

I know this kid.. and he better stay the F away from my sister!

It is a curse.. I am Fricken jealous

Um.. What.. Off with a Win and a goal from United's front man!
Omg.. Jersey Shore 4.. like OMG.. entertainment.. ha ha.. True story.. Entourage is the heat.. U are missing out folks.. Seriously.. but I have fallen for Royal Pains, i don't know why, but it is wicked good.. and I'm digging the show, better than House or any other medical kak out there.. #truestory.. Almost like paying to watch the Smurfs movie.. Ah.. what! ha ha.. Imagine paying for that.. Um.. Negative, although i would take my little sister to it, drop her off and go to the "bathroom"(eg the keg for the duration of the film) ha ha ha.. <------evil laugh!
Liverpools supporters...

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