Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Relook, revisit.. The year of the #hashtag

Chaps and Chapettes,

What flavour to conjour on this day? What makes us question our paths?  I'll tell you.. THIS fricken month.. Yes.. It has this affect on everyone of us.. Makes us question if we are indeed headed down our intended path. "Is this where i want to study" "can i get another job" Should i break up now or after valentines day #DONT seriously.. do it before.. ha ha ha.. This time of the year we recognise the perfect opportunity to change our routine and embark on something different, it is the time i like to call Rephraseable basically we are rephrasing our lives.. Like imagine on new years eve, Suarez (footballer who plays for Liverpool) was prob like, "shit, i am a racist, douchebag from South America, i reckon i should change" (followed by an apology about his racist remarks towards Patrice Evra(black french footballer).. Liverpool you are  team of douchebags and the fact that you stood by him, also means you prob stand by Hitler..#justsaying
suarez(his mom is a slaag) and Evra

Sooo.. besides the world goverments trying to squeeze any freedom of speech and even thought we have by introducing yet another law aimed at harnessing human beings ability to do what ever THEY want.. Just to go off topic, i dont know if you guys have noticed, but everywhere you look there are measures being made to restrain our behaviour, from SA's own Information Bill, basically highlighting any information attained unlawfully regardless of its intent or it being beneficial to public, you go to JAIL.. OKay.. so we are screwed kewl.. then.. they have this thing called a fecking Passport.. you have to carry it when you cross imaginary lines on the ground(imaginary!!) just to gain access to a place you were prob taken from.. ha ha ha..

Google blocked out.. '
Google has joined Wikipedia, BoingBoing and a number of other popular websites in the SOPA protest – not just by ‘blacking out’ their logo, which is cute but largely ineffective, but by putting together a comprehensive and informative infographic on the SOPA bill and piracy, along with access lines for voters to contact members of Congress through.
It’s a neat middle line that doesn’t quite reach the whining indignation of the Wikipedia blackout, but is still far more active than say, Twitter – whose CEO, Dick Costello, criticized Wikipedia pretty heavily:
“that’s just silly. Closing a global business in reaction to single-issue national politics is foolish.” I just want to say to DICK, your name is DICK.. #thatsall okay prob Richard.. but i like the former..

Big brother contestants.. Dude apparently slipped in without permission
I love BIG BROTHER..or rather i did, the first one.. when it first launched in SA, even went to the launch, to wish them good luck.. lol.. Sooo over the years there has been a saturation of Big Brother, usually the UK one is the best, raunchy, rough, disgusting..basically perfect TV.. Soo now.. the Brazilan BB..(obviously was gonna be some slutty racey action) has some serious misconduct going on!
The incident “allegedly” took place over the weekend, after the Big Brother housemates had a bit of a boozy party. Daniel Echaniz, a 31 year-old male model, is said to have been fiddling with one of his other housemates, the rather pretty Monique Amin. The only problem is, Monique had had just a tad to much to drink, and was passed out. Police arrived on the scene the next day, and ordered the production company to either stop the show or remove Echaniz. Amin was also taken away, possibly for a rape test. He was kicked out of the house, and is now being investigated.Echaniz, should he be found guilty, will face six to ten years in prison... Oooooh.. can you say this male model will basically be the sexiest piece of meat in prison.. he will be the slut of cell block D.. ha ha ha ha...

Okay PEEPS.. if you haven't been to Wimpy in a long time or you just don't dig it.. THEN wake the FFFF up.. Wimpy is giving FREE BREAKFASTS ON  THE 19TH OF JAN BETWEEN, 7AM -8AM... I am going to repeat... NO i won't but its that time of the month when you know you can't afford to skip a free meal.. Don't even front.. My goal to you oaks, is too tell every ONE.. but really tell the bergies.. This is the one time they can take their whole families for family meal.. Bet you tomorrow one bergie is gonna leave a tip at one of the WImpy's def.. Seriously oaks, tell everyone.. EVERYONE.. who needs food.. Im gonna drive home during traffic screaming.. "bergie come to WImpy for somebreakfast tomrrow.. actually fuck it, sleep there tonight.. get there early.. ) I wish there was a homeless network or something,.. lol.

Remember the Titanic? When it sunk? OF course you dont bitch , you were too young.. and Leo Di Cap does not count as a history lesson.. It did as a lesson when they were in the car and it was steaming up.. I sat next to my date thinking.. "oh golly if i can just hold her hand... let alone get a car, and then blow all that steam around for her to slap the window"... now this douchebag of a captain.. NO capt Smith, thats for sure, fricken booked out before some of the passengers.. He was on alifeboat telling the coastguard, "f*ck no i'm not going back to the ship" ... well it seems besides being charged for manslaughter and other charges... oh and missing people and death.. Damning Evidence Against Shipwreck Captain Emerges As Five More Bodies Are Found – Five further bodies were found in the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship on Tuesday as it emerged coast guard officials ordered the captain to jump immediately back on the vessel when they discovered that he was in a lifeboat rather than commanding the evacuation of more than 4,000 passengers and crew. [telegraph]

African ambulance
So picture this.. You get hit by a car.. An ambulance comes to pick you up and rush to the nearest hospital. You are on the way, cruising, bleeding, dying.. what ever.. Then.. you get to a toll gate and the ambulance has to stop to pay for the toll. They can't find change so they look allover the ambulance, even in the victims pocket.. They get the amount and continue to the hospital.. The victim dies.. #hectic.. okay so they didnt die, but FFFF u road company.. Cape Medical Response recently got a call to transfer a patient to Constantiaberg as an emergency. But they were stopped at the Chapman’s Peak toll first. According to Entilini Concession – the company that operates the road –  even ambulances must stop and pay the toll fee, “irrespective of whether it is an emergency.”... I would get out of the back in the pain i'm and go and stick my ........... down their throat and give them my number so they can call me and apologise.. offense but some of the f*ckers in the world need to get hit by bus, like yesterday!!

Not being shown on TV... WTF

really.. Oh and guess what it is today? Fricken El Classico..and for some FFFFFFing reason we are unable to get it.. Its not being broadcast? are you serious? I've seen herpes broadcast for less.. Omg..

My babysister was sooo hot.. then she became 20..

This is my friend Han..

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