Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012... #Boom Where do You FIT IN?

WOW... WOW.. 2011...

That year went fricken quickly.. In fact it went quicker than a teenagers budget over December! Jeez... one minute we were sitting there laughing at how cool the World Cup was and now, we are laughing at what a clown Julius was in 2011, what a douche SUarez is (racist! C U Next Tuesday), what a a whirlwind year its turned out for Obama, Osama and a kid named after any Liverpool/Man City player(unlucky poor sod)...

ha ha ha ha ha... Oh well the world moves on, if thats anything to realise is that, time stops for nonone.. so.. you may think you have relevance but i have realised you are pixel in a page with 7 billion other pixels, some have more say than others, others have no right to have any more say but have the platform to do, so they preach ideological bullshit and hate.. IF anythign, we learnt the year of the dicatator was certainly not 2011.. Except how the F is that chubby chap the King of Swaziland still wielding power? Jeez.. that oak in the smallest kingdom giving us a bad rep in the South.. I reckon i give him until April before shit hits the fan..

Speaking of shit hitting the fan.. I am glad I made it home okay from traveling this year.. 1272 people died on SA roads over Dec.. A waste of life.. jeez.. take it easy chaps.. seriously.. or join the army and die for another meaningless purpose..

I hope the festive season was spent in a jovial one, rather then in doom and gloom..

I begin my festive period witha  little visit to one of my fav cities in the world.. Amsterdam.. NOt for the reasons that you may assume, but because the city has the appeal that the Soccer City stadium tried to envision, a melting pot of cultures. Whether its dutch, or orient, or western influennced the city is a breath of all.. Besides taking in the natural scenery, canals and musuems(which are always fun, if u havent done them) but for the more experienced traveler to the city, you know where to begin and where to not waste your time... For instance, Amsterdam is littered with coffee shops, most concentrated in the center of the city, what one fails to realise is that each shop is like a mini franchised supermarket, of different levels. So imagine a Woolies, Checkers, Pick n Pay and throw in a little gas station shop as well.. Most of the coffeeshops around the center are like Checkers, quick easy, have the produckt you looking for and yo9u can get what you looking for basic.. There are some around that will raise their game to PicknPayt level where you might have better quality, lower prices(dont fall into the tourist trap, cause they catch suckers like you DAILY) and have the friendly chilled vibe you seek.. There are some, i keep them secret that are not well known, away from the bang and dash of the city center that are like the Woolworths of Coffeeshops..(The  best herb, amazing coffee, quality surroundings[they have been thought out to enhance the customers experience] and some of the best aesthetic appeal the country has to offer strolling in and out.. #1

What we learnt during winter is that, firstly boots.. stylish and some what in, with your pants portruding from the top is all the rage..IN my opinion I saw it as bleh... gay.. ha ah ha.. then again i don't conform to greasy European standards... well most times.. One thing we had to say from our last trip in the "dam, is the awesome lack of street dealers"wanna buy some charlie?" All those drug dealers have slowly being weeded out, which is awesome as I last time I sounded like a douchebag consistently telling some druggie dude from Nigeria(no offense but they usually are) to stuff off and sell his shit elsewhere.. feck..

The most unsuspecting club we happened to stroll in on Spui Straat(no 2) called Blitz....something, I wanna say Blitzbokke but NO.. lol, it looks like a old pub from the outside, on a cobbled street, with minimum lighting..It looked crap form the outside, and we were like f.. we've been had.. WE walk in pay the cover 10 euros.. (you def can't convert shit in your head... it'll mess with your head) nad wentdown this spiral staircase..As we neared the bottom all we could hear was the faint BOOM...BOOOM.. BOOM.. of the bass.. SHIT.. we have arrived.. put our coats in and went up like 8 stairs(weird I remember, they were numbered..OCD..anyway) up the stairs to this church looking,stained glass window dance floor with a bar all along the way downt he one side.,. Not the a superclub, but it was rocking from its hinges.. Good times.. I recomend it like bacon and cheese samies for a hangover.. DO IT..

Another year..another day.. what I am quickly learning is that if you are not married yet/children..don't worry.. at the rate that oaks are falling, your time will come SOON enough.. lol..

Looking back.. there is something that always comes to mind..Never have Regrets..if you believe u will regret something..then either don't DO IT(duh..) or lunge.. simple... Don't make mountains out of rabbit holes and so what if one oak ruins your day.. there are 7 billion people who didn't.. and half of those haven't eaten today..


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