Thursday, November 17, 2011

Take a look..Its okay.. The weekend is around the Corner!

Put a visualisation to the action..
Chaps and Chapettes,

If you do something.. DO IT RIGHT..

Sometimes you sit back you open your mind and you attempt to understand the human being's reason for existing on this planet. Not only that, but then the thought of what happens after you have you have left your human form. In the wake of a close friend passing, these thoughts and more constantly ponder my mind. Fundamentally the questions will lead to my belief in God and all the mystical talk about after lives, nirvana's and heaven.. Regardless of my belief, its a difficult moment for me to comprehend.. I mean, the concept is ungraspable.. Just imagining it.. I have this description of stars, looking down on the earth and floating in space.. Unrealistic.. Some say.. oh well..

I like people with balls.. ha ha ha.. the creative team over at the Benetton's agency must have been very goofed when one of their designers started photoshopping world leaders.. Then the creative director(high from his boozy lunch with Silvo) approved all this SHIT! Benetton Unveil Controversial New Ad Campaign - There’s no doubt that these are the pictures of the day. U.S. President Barack Obama kissing his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez, Mahmoud Abbas embracing Benjamin Netanyahu, and Germany’s Angela Merkel locking lips with Nicolas Sarkozy. Is this bad fan fiction? A new approach to international diplomacy? The stunning (albeit photoshopped) images are part of a new campaign by the United Colors of Benetton. [
Only a brand like Abercrombie and Fitch can make THe Situation look like an awesome person.. Jeez.. they are fricken idiots with a capital FUCK head!lol.. Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino, the abdominal muscle infatuated Jersey Shore actor, is suing Abercrombie and Fitch for making and selling t-shirts with phrases like “The Fitchuation” on them. He is also still distressed about the fake press release Abercrombie put out asking him not to wear their clothes anymore.In August, Abercrombie “asked” “The Situation” and other members of the Jersey Shore cast to stop wearing their clothing. It turned out that this was merely a poorly orchestrated ploy to attempt to boost sales that had been on the decline. Suing them for $4million.. lol.. shit.. apparently the chaps broke as well after spending all of his cash on stupid shit.. Ferrari's and stuff(who wouldn't)...

Mila Kunis.."yes i will be your date you creepy soldier"

This chick is awesome.. the guy who invited.. more awesome.. Although.. I might thave gone with someone like... Sascha Gray.. ha ha ha.. only because you know you are guaranteed a good STICKING after a lot of that special punch they  will be serving up. The Mila Kunis Marine Corps Ball Date: It’s On! – Marine Sgt. Scott Moore’s date with movie star Mila Kunis is on! Kunis’ rep told that reports Kunis was trying to get out of attending the November Marine Corps Ball in North Carolina with Sgt. Moore “are false.” Kunis, who was promoting her film “Friends With Benefits,” famously said “yes,” and her co-star Justin Timberlake backed her up. [foxnews] The chick who asked JT must have been loving life..maybe he'll bring sexy back?(lame)

South Africa has Julius malema and Jacob Zuma, Italy has..sorry HAD.. Silvio Berlusconi. Silvio Berlusconi's Departing Gift To Italy: A Love Album – Italy’s former prime minister and former cruise-ship crooner, Silvio Berlusconi, has released an album of love songs on his last day in office. The self-declared Latin lover, who often boasted that he single-handedly kept large groups entertained for hours on end with his charm and silky voice, wrote the lyrics for the album entitled True Love. [theage] HE WROTE THE LYRICS.. ha ha ha.. this dirty old man who had orges with young ladies and and owns AC Milan... So basically he is a rich dirty old Italian man.. Yummy..

Police Blotter

After stealing surveillance cameras from a Garden Grove, California, business, Howard Shanholtzer ditched the white Mitsubishi pickup truck cops knew he drove and stole another vehicle. “Unfortunately for him,” said Detective Paul Danielson, “the car he stole was also a white Mitsubishi pickup truck.” Shanholtzer was quickly arrested.
Police pulled over a Corpus Christi, Texas, man for failing to signal a turn. Cops became suspicious that something more was up when, they say, the driver blurted out, “It’s not my truck,” followed by, “If you find something, it’s not mine.” And, “If there is anything in that black bag, it’s not mine.” There was something in that black bag, say officers—crack cocaine. And no, they did not believe him

Castle.. where she waits for me now.. Hohenzollern Castle

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