Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Movember.. TO..December and Beyond

Chaps and Chapettes..
Its been ages.. and I thought let me send you some love! ha ha ha ha.. WHOOOO HOOO!!!
Ahhhh, the sweet feel of the end of the year...

We had some of the most amazing hot wings from Hooters.. DO IT..
Yes it may still be a while away before we truly shut shop, send emails to the abyss known as "who the f**k cares at this moment", and go and recharge, join, create, partake in the little break known as December. In the Southern hemisphere this season brings summer, so braai's, beach, sun, pool, beveraging, laughing, more beveraging and many, many "did i really do that"... well.. to most! Ha ha ha..
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It appears in the working world, before things calm down, they have to speed up, alarmingly sooo.. What has become routine suddenly no longer is as days blur into weeks that never seem to end, even though there are only 6 weeks left of the year! In that time, so much has to be completed, so little time and sooo SO many memories needed to be created! Ha ha ha.. The month of Oct was certainly one to remember..

After watching another weekend of awesome sport, (now that the rugby world cup is gone, my levels of stress and anxiety have severely subsided). I mean, it was a rough couple of weeks, constantly on edge, what is Div doing now? What Bakkies injured again? Shit.. It wasn't fun.. Although my premiership team is not a walk in the park, i have a long season to draw out my emotions. I have cried(yes, oaks we were killed by City at old Trafford) and I have begun to look past that game, it has certainly been  a long time, I have endured Arsenal like chants, but realised it is deserved and we will come back stronger.. #united.

OMg, Benni scored 2 goals this weekend! What! I know! You Pirate fans amuse me so much, where were you 2 seasons ago? Ohhh.. now in every tweet/pst you have to mention  something about Pirates.. you Man United virus fans(reference to winning only fans)..

Festive season is creeping up very closely.. Oh oh, now our stupid tank fills up.. Ha ha .. dunno what is about Dec that i always want to do something stupid , fun.. but stupid? ha ha.. Its weird but I think a switch comes on in us boys, "ahh stupid'clock has arrived".. Ha ha.. Lots and lots of jams are creeping into our calender..
11/11/11 Festival in Mpumplanga this weekend.. 3 days of trance madness about to breach.. Looks like its gonna be SICK! Jump in if you dare!!

This year truly has been a year of the live acts in SA.. they have given us U2, Coldplay, Kings Of Leon, Drake like 3 times, R Kelly, Lil Wayne(lost the tickets, so no giveaway) and Deadmau5... (very keen for the last one, in jhb at Wild Waters on the Dec 3) can anyone say.. lets go "ffffing mental".. lol..

To those writing exams, keep going nearly there! ha ha ha.. To those writing their last exams, final push and then NO its not all rosy, but it is what you make it.. So seize it.. Wow(write that down.. ) #truestory

There comes a time when the path beckons in front of you to either, stay on it.. OR to veer in another direction.. When that happens, embrace it, the decisions may seem trivial and life changing(most likely are) but that point is a point in which YOU have control.. It doesn't happen often..learn from it..

Steve "excaddie Williams and Tiger in happier Times

Back to the usual suspects that plague our world.. :
Tiger Woods Caddy Calls Him A “Black Arsehole” – While attending a “caddie of the year” event in Shanghai, where he won “Celebration of the year” thanks to his ridiculous behavior following Adam Scott’s win at the Bridgestone Invitational—including claiming the victory was the greatest of his career—Steve Williams was asked why he made such an absurd statement and said “I wanted to shove it up that black arsehole.” [deadspin] So the caddie is on top of being a douche-attention grabbing-d*ck, is also a racist, NICE.. What a clown, dude, oaks get it, you were with Tiger during the big years and he dropped you.. Sweet, move on, you have now swung the vote in the other way, oaks see Tiger as the poor employer having to deal with racist slurs from you!

This guy is in the headlines more than Obama/Gadaffi/Hitler are/were... I mean, always, he is a continual source of entertainment and I think a reality show featuring Julius would be amazing! ha ha.. Can you imagine the fun/the illegalities that could feature!!
SA Holds Breath As Malema’s Future Hangs In Balance – Julius Malema’s disciplinary hearing wrapped up late last night after a gruelling 12-hour session at Luthuli House, but the fate of the ANC Youth League leader will not be revealed to the South African public for at least another week. [mail&guardian]

Lets be fecking serious.. Justin B would def had given that lady a kid.. I mean, he was the Bieber! ha ha I mean, he prob can't remember, which he can't. he was 17 at the time.. Soooo.. he prob is living the normal life of American teenagers, except his baby momma gonna be PAID! lol... Wrap it up, no matter who you are! (Ahem Fikele Mabula) Justin Bieber To Take DNA Test To Prove Paternity Allegations - Teenage pop star Justin Bieber will take a DNA test later this month to prove he did not father a fan’s baby, and then sue his accuser. Mariah Yeater, 20, claimed in a lawsuit that Bieber impregnated her in October 2010 during a 30-second sex session backstage after the singer, then 16, performed in Los Angeles. [foxnews]

If he can survive T-Rex, YOU can survive ANC..
What the government in SA fails to realise is that every action is seen, noted, and put into the memory bank. Do unto others as you want done to you and all that jazz?? That seems to NOT be the case, in this case where oh you guessed it, another individual of the ruling party was involved in some humanitarian work.
Matric In Coma After Blue-Light Crash – A matric is in a coma and has probably sustained brain damage after being knocked down – allegedly by the official vehicle of a Gauteng MEC over the weekend. Thomas Ferreira, 18, of Krugersdorp was on his way to his girlfriend’s home in Randfontein on his motorbike when he was apparently hit by an official vehicle of Local Government. [news24]

Smart moves, we need more chaps like this!

In this Month's travel blog we are visiting: SWEDEN!!
Ah those Scandinavian vixens have been taunting everything other that blue and yellow for decades.. we here are very keen for the trip and have been sourcing stuff to do.. Looks.. fun..
This is how crazy our world is.. I mean we are sooo obsessed with obtaining artefacts of the creepy and weird variety! For instance, i saw that they were selling Queen Victorias knickers, big ol white tightie whities..Yea gross, they looked to have increments that would be serve as reminders that THEY were in fact undergarments.. Staying in the same time period as those that are selling Queen V's sexy lingerie, if any creep of an individual went around trying to obtain someone elses underwear, they would be labelled FREAK/CREEP/PERVET!! , but its okay to sell skidmarked undies of a queen??? Go figure!
Then  you have fuckers selling toothes for over R2 million South African rand.. enough to tell your boss to stuff it for a couple of years if you are dumb, a decade if you are  smart.. a lifetime if you have what I call.. free from idiotacy!The tooth fairy's rates have dramatically increased in the last 40+ years, especially when the bounty is a Beatle's molar. John Lennon's tooth fetched £19,000 (about $31,200) at auction in England Saturday.
Selling this man's tooth..
The tooth had been in the family of Lennon's former housekeeper. Lennon gave it to Dot Jarlett to dispose of sometime between 1964 and 1968, but then he suggested she keep the tooth to give to her daughter, who was a big Beatles fan.Lennon's molar is too fragile to be DNA tested to confirmed it belonged to him

It better be Debbie Does Dallas

What I like about today's shrew businessman, is that they have identified a gap where traditional business practices don't lead you to instant success..but sex does! Lol.. that's why you need porn on planes! So that little 8years olds can see some golden showers on the way to see their Gran! The head of Ryanair wants to add some X-rated options to in-flight entertainment. Michael O’Leary told British tabloid the Sun that he hopes to offer a pay-per-view porn service similar to those offered in hotel rooms through a new Ryanair app on smart phones. Naughty, Michael. [nydailynews]

 How to catch a college grad:
Cigs/colourful sunnies/beer/camera/lanyard

 Sometimes its easier to be alone.. Ha ha a ha.. NOT.. Its nearly December.. i think its time we exercise our right to be a little fricken crazy!!

 Pad of the month.. This man tree house.. Every oaks dream, reminds you of being 12, but with permission of a 25year old! House party with sabre swords and throwing balls in the house!!

Sooooo..there I was sitting in a room, waiting... waiting for...Waiting for an answer, a change, a slice of good news, a taste of decadence, a feel of joy...
Builders building a skyscraper back in the early 40s. no ropes, no fear and a bottle of whiskey...Forward to 2011, oaks tried to replicate it.. See below..

2011 New York, dudes, in hardhats, safety lines, and orange juice.. How times have changed..Ha ha a.. P*ssies!


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