Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday's Well OVER due Taunts

Morning Chaps and Chapettes,

In memory of Steve Jobs, you made the world very Back to the Future, you opened minds, possibilities and the world knows what can be done when belief, doing and dreaming can do! iRIP Steve Jobs.'

What you oaks keen to do for December? Maybe hit Cape Town? Plett? Something beachy awesome vibes? Something like that? WELL FORGET THAT.. If you haven't noticed, the sharks are reclaiming the water back.. No more Jordie Smiths are going to be made.. Attacks, from Muzies to Plett are being reported, not just SA, Australia has seen a rise in attacks this year.. Its the end of an era, the sharks have decided that they can no longer let bacon swim in their backyard any more! They had a AGM and decided its time to let you humans know, they can have a nibble.. a small nibble and that can render you useless. Remember, its their yard respect it.. Forget shark nets, forget little gadgets, these guys are are over your vibes! ha ha..

It has certainly been a while since I let loose my inner thoughts and bits and pieces from around the world.. Sometimes you have to suppress you inner thoughts to let others flourish. Well having said that I think we can all see that Archbishop DesMOND Tutu has had enough of the ruling party of the government. When a man of peace tells the govt that they should watch their backs for refusing to grant the Dalai Lama a visa, and repeats, it "watch out, watch out, watch out" you start to believe you should watch out! I mean its the old mans 80th birthday, and all he wants is his pal from Tibet to come and play a few games, dance around and laugh about the good times! SA government, is like NO we cannot allow such evil murderous individuals into the country, they can only govern us! Douches.. #epicfail!

So, if i was one of the most hated and controversial individuals I'm sure it would have been sooner I would be in hospital, I just don't have hard skin. Malema on the hand has weathered many storms and continues to be that ASShole we love so much! Now, he is unable to attend his disciplinary hearing because he is sick and weighed down by stress. ANC Youth League president Julius Malema was admitted to a private hospital in Polokwane on Wednesday, the league said in a statement. It said he would not attend his African National Congress disciplinary hearing in Johannesburg on Thursday. Malema was facing charges of bringing the ANC into disrepute and sowing division within party ranks. [news24] I think they are just buying some more time for a stronger case to be build, because in all seriousness he is fucked and is def guilty, but people have to be paid and we know how long it takes for money to clear at the banks.

Looks like if you are the hardest of the hard, got demons, whether its racism, alcoholism addicted to drugs or kill people, SuperSport is the place to go and work!! The question on my mind is when they apply for jobs, the director must be who else can we get that can make sure NOONE F**ks with us. I mean, Darren Scott and Peter Davies, a closed racist and Dexter like sports journalist.. What the Billy-Jones is going on over there in Randburg? Sports broadcaster SuperSport has lost another presenter, with Peter Davies the second Rugby World Cup anchor in as many months to be taken off air, following an undisclosed criminal case. SuperSport issued a statement on Wednesday evening, stating that Davies would not be on air pending the conclusion of the criminal case. [sport24]

What happens when you cross a bitchy royal with her man.. She will come and find you in person, not summon you. COME TO YOU! She will make sure you look her in the face and tell her what the fff you were doing with my man "sod".. ha ha ha.. I can imagine the lady now, going, "oh oh.. I'm f**ked".. lol..  Britain’s Zara Phillips spoke to the blonde who partied with her new husband in New Zealand, to ensure nothing happened between them. Zara reportedly called Jessica Palmer – who was seen flirting with England Rugby star Mike Tindall on CCTV at Altitude bar – to ensure nothing untoward happened on a night out during England’s current campaign in the Rugby World Cup. [femalefirst] She prob had some oaks behind her with pretty looking steel poles.. "what was that, i didn't hear you"?

I went to university.. Rhodes University (send your kids to Rhodes!!), and i realise what a statement it is biting the hand that feeds you. (Universities receive their funding from various sources but mainly govt). So to call the presiding government morally bankrupt, is quite a stand! I can't imagine though why institutions of intellectuals(many many) takes so freaking long to state the FUCKING obvious?? Hello? What, so all the other little niggles that the govt has had, is what? NORMAL? Get the james franco outta here!! WHat! Finally someone stands up and says, wait a second, theWits University Labels ANC ‘Morally Bankrupt’ - University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) academics protesting over the Dalai Lama visa debacle have accused the ruling party of being intellectually dishonest. ”This is the second time this happens. It’s really unfortunate and very disingenuous of government. It’s embarrassing,” said professor Patrick FitzGerald, a deputy vice-chancellor. [timeslive] Its beyond fecking embarrassing, we are basically a nation of stupid leading doouchebags being driven by the strings of investment(investment that is needed, fine!!)

Talking about douchebags and all things awesomeness.. Hello SPort Section!!

Loads and loads on.. Main talking point.. Rugby World Cup.. Looking like a contest now hey!! Hard to not look forward to the SA vs AUS game, on Sunday.. As a saffa.. shit is going to pop off! Hopefully.. I'm worried.. only cause this is truly where the world cup comes into tears, sweat and blood..

No Carter for NZ, don't right them off regardless.. There are plenty of replacements with oodles of talent.. Frans Steyn, my heart was sore with you back on our shore..Bakkies slowly behind.. I hope for you, we bring it home!

Northern hemisphere teams, you can go suck a Freddy Van Dango..cause there is no  ways you are taking this one.. Ireland had a wicked sneaky win, but come the FUCK on.. ha ha ha..

Premier League...

Its heating up, United have some important games coming up, fucking CITY and disgusting Liverpool.. Just remember, "build a bone fire, build a bone fire, put City in the middle and put Liverpool on top, and burn the fucking lot"..

Seriously looking like one of those nail biting seasons, with City, Chelsea and United taking the front lines with some amazing football. Its going to be epically..

Tiger out of the top 50? F me tiger, you've fallen far pal.. far.. Its time to sort that shit out!! BIG time.. I mean come Tiger, look at Rooney, look at David Letterman, fricken look at Zuma and that french minister chap.. Oaks can get through that then you can get your balls flying again!


This weeks strawberry pudding from the Kaap

This is what happens when you are famous and try and to cheat.. YOU GET PHOTOGRAPHED picking up 'dem hoes!

You can win this.. NOT #epicfail

Glad this model citizen is following a path after prison/rehab/parents being asses

Ship in the desert... Mmmm.. Sahara.. makes you think huh..

Oh what was that? Your stuff is safe on your phone? NO.. they will hack into your phone ask Scarlett here.. she know
whats its like..Too many pics of yourself? #fail
What happens if you are the brother of some famous hot ladies? Get tats, then your manicure and pedicure.. #realman

Every THURS should begin or end like this..

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