Monday, August 29, 2011

Morning Chaps and Chapettes,

Okay okay okay… I have to begin with the football, I mean Man City, I hate you lot.. All of you are douchebag money-grabbing-asses (good but greedy none the less). Spurs have been defecated on by both the blue and red side of Manchester. What is scary is that the fottball from Manchester is beyond anything else England is offering.. We all saw that yesterday so don’t pretend to not agree.  Everyone is licking their lips at what is going to be a VERY interesting Manchester Derby..

There is only one team I have to mention tho.. UNITED.. they took apart an ailing Arsenal team which honestly had many 1st team players out. Never-the-less you put on the badge, you put on the team brand. That brand was used as 1 ply toilet paper by the United Youngsters, they piled in like a 16 year old offering free good times, it was a rout that many of us won’t forget in a hurry. I actually started to feel for the Gunners, their supporters don’t deserve what happened to them so far this year. Wenger chap, results have spoken and unless you don’t want to have a completely empty stadium this season, investment is required. UNITED..UNITED… UNITED

Cover of Sunday Times 28/08
Has anyone seen the cover of yesterday’s Sunday Times here in SA? On the front cover is a picture of a man, kneeling next to his hunted kill, a young African boy, lies still, like a beast killed and a happy hunter celebrating. IT is disgusting, whether or not the picture is real, it is a hectic image to fathom. Calls have come in that the Sunday Times is going down in terms of its editorial choices, and I have to wonder.. WHY? Cause oaks have highlighted the very disgusting nature that still exists in our society? Or because they want this sort of thing hidden, relegated to blogs and sensationalism>?  Police questioned the man from Knysna in 2007 when the picture first surfaced. "I was told that the photograph came to light in 2007 and that it was investigated. The man was taken in for questioning. "He told police that the child was alive and that he paid the child to pose."Polela was unable to confirm the status of the 2007 investigation. He added that an investigation will have to determine why the photograph resurfaced four years later. "That picture speaks volumes and is a big worry. We have to understand what happened in the previous investigation."

Lolly, how your bus has gone down..

This oak is still making the news.. Has anyone been to Teazers laltely? I haven't, not cause i dig visiting the jol, more likely because the brand has gone downhill since teh King of Sleaze has passed. I mean, oaks are saying that girls are better at Lollipop lounge(Jhb) and House of Rasputin(Cape Town). Any regulars care to comment..(No pal, Greg not actual samples..sick). I mean, this oak apparently ran a tight ship and kept all the passports in his safe. Now with the new stock(commodities) there has been a more of downing. Like going to woolies your whole life, then having to go out and buy grocerices from Shoprite, it just isn't the same. Lolly Jackson’s Last Call Was To His Alleged Killer – The last cellphone call Teazers strip club boss Lolly Jackson ever made lasted 27 seconds and was to the man wanted for his killing. Leaked cellphone records provide tantalizing clues of the countdown to Jackson’s unsolved killing and the movements of George Louka, the Cypriot fugitive who is alleged to have shot him six times on May 3 last year. [news24]

Bored with life?
What the F is this over paid douche who is always with lovely hot ladies up to? Being a drunk..ha ha.. maybe HE DOES MISS MEGAN FOX, or maybe his name just got to him, Shia LaBeouf.. I mean.. come on dude.. Spitting on the MANSON? Feck, I would def be getting ready to set demons on his family if I was Marlyn Manson, spit on me? “No mother f*cker, I shall spit on your soul” Before the performance even started, the "Transformers" actor, 25, "seemed wasted" as he sat in a designated area with his date, presumably girlfriend Karolyn Pho, and rocker Manson.
"Shia picked up a water bottle and shot a mouthful of water all over his date's legs," says the eyewitness. "Then he put more water in his mouth and started spitting it all over his tablemates, including Marilyn Manson. "Although Manson tried to calm the actor down by offering him a fist bump, LaBeouf only grew more out of control. "All of a sudden, Shia started shouting at his date and getting visibly angry," adds the eyewitness. He then decided it was time to leave and "lunged" through the very thick crowd. "They tried to hold him back, but he kept struggling through. "Shia had to climb over people and tear himself out of the grasp of various strangers who were trying to keep him from going crazy." Can any one say RETARD!

Oh come the F*CK on peeps.. Is it really okay to advocate a change of regimen on one of the most peaceful, economic strongholds in Southern Africa, and expect sweet nothing to happen? Um, no.. Free State African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) members were called up on Sunday for a solidarity gathering at the party’s Luthuli House headquarters in support of league president Julius Malema and others. ”We say disciplinary charges can never be used to settle political issues,” ANCYL national executive committee member Lerato Mofokeng said. So now oaks are going to march in support of him, so if he said kill everyone in Swaziland, and people wanted to bring him in line, people would march to support him?? I have nearly lost all of my patience for what is becoming the biggest farce in the world..

WHY WHY??? Would we stand for someone causing a political rift in one of allies? Who can forget what Botswana did for us when apartheid kept us(South Africans) down and out? BOTSWANA..and then this baldheaded f*ckhead can have the audacity to try and pull a Libya? No no, disclipline his ass, before President Khama just decides that he’ll take into his own hands, and Commandos don’t follow political rules, he’ll hunt that Tenderising bastard..

Accused Rhino Poachers..kiff bunch eh?
Another Poacher Shot Dead - A man was shot dead, another wounded, and six others arrested when police foiled two rhino poaching attempts in Limpopo on Sunday, a spokesperson said. Brigadier Hangwani Mulaudzi said the incidents occurred on Rietvley Farm in Polokwane and Welgevonden Farm just outside Modimolle in the late afternoon. [pretnews]  That’s the way forward, kill the menaces, and don’t give me any human rights bull.. These chaps obviously don’t give a flying George bush about what happens to animals, the environment or anything. If they need money for families, why aren’t they professional killers? Why aren’t they taking out baby momma’s or taking water away from starving families? They might as well, I mean they obviously need money more than humanity in them.. I hate poachers and believe if you catch them, feed them to your animals, preferably ones that don’t leave traces.. (Be wary of a man who has a pig farm).

Animal huggers.. lol.
Eleven people, including two veterinarians, a pilot and a game farmer, all allegedly part of a rhino poaching syndicate, were arrested in Limpopo last month.
National police spokesman Colonel Vishnu Naidoo said it was believed they had been involved in several hundred incidents of rhino poaching, rhino killing, selling of the horns and disposing of the rhino carcasses over the past years.They allegedly operated around Polokwane, Modimolle and Musina.Veterinarian Karl Toet and his colleague Manie du Plessis were said to be the two alleged masterminds behind the syndicate.

Gadaffi loyalists..
I am getting over the Gman and his bullshit tactics.. Dude just head for Angola, cause what is gonna happen after this little war is the scary part. Who is the recognized government? Now what? So Gadaffi is gone, okay, so how do we reconnect our DSTV/water/ etc.. Who do I go and pay my bill to at the local municipality? Just looking at what happened to Iraq..One word..fuck.. Its gonna be a mess, simple things like refuse collection, is that being managed.. WE may think whoo hoo, now we can all live in peace, yea maybe YOU CAN, but for those guys, I think the rebuilding phase is going to be the hardest on the people.  Gaddafi Forces Killed Detainees, Say Survivors – Gaddafi fighters opened fire and hurled grenades at more than 120 civilians huddling in a hangar used as a makeshift lockup near a military base, said Mabrouk Abdullah, 45, who escaped with a bullet wound in his side. Some 50 charred corpses were still scattered across the hangar on Sunday. [associated]

WelBeck! This kid is shit HOT

Had to end the post with a smile and what better way than with Welbeck, all he wanted was a spot, a chance.. Did he not take it! Oooooooooh yeah..


Monday, August 15, 2011

Many More Meowing Monday's

Wow Wheeee.... Its been a while.. Thoughts of the weekend/week/future!

Its a whole new day, and week.. They eventuality of being someone else has come to an end and back to our realist personalities...Well for some.. For some of us, we pack away our opposite crazed, identities until we venture forward again to the unbecoming abysses that is known as the weekend.. Loads of shit happens during the weekend.. There is a a sense of rejuvenation that one feels come the first darts of night on Friday evening.. Something about it screams, ITS THE WEEKEND,(logic and sense are lost).. In the usual stuff to pop up over the weekend is..; Oh wait Juls.. Oh yes,

Tender Boss Paid Malema R1.2 Million – Julius Malema was paid R1.2-million by businessman Steve Bosch who scored tenders worth tens of millions of rands in Limpopo. This is the first proof to emerge confirming that tenderpreneurs in Malema’s home province finance the ANC Youth League leader’s lavish lifestyle, adding fuel to claims that he assists them in scoring government business. [timeslive] Ah the usual.. What did you want us(the public) to believe.. NO he wasn't getting special tendered deals?? Come the F on chaps.. Its a given, the sooner we realise that the fat slice is being taken at the top and the rest of us punks are getting given the scraps.. oaks be careful.. People will preach Botswana is the bearer of evil, and then the very next meeting, "so I get 15% for making it go thru?" That's the kind of blabla shit we dealing with.. I am fed up with it, its not me.. ITS ALL OF US that need to be fed up.. VIVA revolution..Or viva not stupid action by oaks in govt.. Its 2011.. wake the F**K up!

Adding to what Julius malema had stated about Botswana :
Malema had lashed out at Botswana's sham democracy and criticised that government's closeness to Western powers ("imperialists" in his language). He also spoke of a "detailed" plan to bolster the Botswana opposition with the aim of removing the Khama government from power.
"The ANC Youth League will also establish a Botswana command team, which will work towards uniting all oppositional forces in Botswana to oppose the puppet regime of Botswana led by the Botswana Democratic Party," Malema said.
First of all, the direction which Botswana has taken under Khama should be cause for worry for all us in Southern Africa. Although Botswana pretends to be a democracy, power and access to power is very rigidly controlled by the Botswana Democratic Party, which has run the country since independence in 1966. Succession has also been very tightly managed, ensuring that a clique close to the family of Khama's father, Sir Seretse, are guaranteed a rise to the top. #TRUESTORY
So when Malema stood up and castigated the regime of Ian Khama, there was outrage. The ANC head honchos, who had hitherto been wimps in dealing with him, suddenly found blood rushing to their biceps.
Malema had lashed out at Botswana's sham democracy and criticised that government's closeness to Western powers ("imperialists" in his language). He also spoke of a "detailed" plan to bolster the Botswana opposition with the aim of removing the Khama government from power.
"The ANC Youth League will also establish a Botswana command team, which will work towards uniting all oppositional forces in Botswana to oppose the puppet regime of Botswana led by the Botswana Democratic Party," Malema said. He kept stressing that the opposition and removal of the government would be "in a democratic manner" and not through military means. "There is no army involved here, there is nobody who is going to be trained and overthrown through a coup," he said. Why this should get the ANC dancing around about like a geriatric with ants up his pants beats me. First of all, the direction which Botswana has taken under Khama should be cause for worry for all us in Southern Africa. Although Botswana pretends to be a democracy, power and access to power is very rigidly controlled by the Botswana Democratic Party, which has run the country since independence in 1966. Succession has also been very tightly managed, ensuring that a clique close to the family of Khama's father, Sir Seretse, are guaranteed a rise to the top.State resources and tactics are liberally used to quash opposition, so much so that election results are a foregone conclusion long before the polls open. But the Botswana government has always managed to do good PR, earning itself a poster-boy image of being one of the continent's most enduring democracies.Beneath the surface, however, massive discontent has been brewing.
President Khama of Botswana
Under Khama, the quashing has become more obvious. The soldier has militarised the society and empowered the security services. Like many dictatorial regimes, the government has informally spread the belief that the Directorate on Intelligence and Security is everywhere, creating a climate of suspicion and fear. His crushing of a public service strike earlier this year was cold and brutal.
Human rights organisations are now keeping a record of extra-judicial killings in the country.
What has also outraged the Batswana is the decision by Khama - an unreconstructed teetotaller - to impose draconian liquor laws on the country and place massive taxes on alcoholic products..
Scary thing, is its all true.. And good ol Julius is trying to highlight this.. Mmm.. I wonder if he is doing this for the right reasons, or for a purely self beneficial outcome.. I think the latter is obvious, but to what extent>?

Mexican Army Finds Drug Tunnel To US - The Mexican army says it has uncovered an incomplete drug tunnel with lights and ventilation that stretches from the border city of Tijuana 10 yards into the United States. Mexican army Gen. Alfonso Duarte says the tunnel is about 300 meters long and 6 feet in height. The entrance is hidden in a house under construction and the exit has not been dug. [usatoday] What i want to know, is how/who and when do you get a job, or time to build the cave,.. Imagine if oaks spent all this time and ingenuity on.. I dont know.. Studying.. How hectic they could become! True story! I mean, we could be looking at the next few engineers, astronauts(from china) etc..

Shrien Dewani Hires Top SA Legal Team – Confident that Papa Wag Vir Hom in South Africa, murder accused Shrien Dewani has hired a top South African legal firm to represent him. The law firm Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs was assembling a team of expert criminal lawyers to defend Dewani if and when he went on trial at the high court in Cape Town. [mail&guardian] Ah Mr Dewani, i hope you realise that the South African govt are shrewd in their commitments and you most likely have already been found guilty and have started auctioning you at Poolsmoor.. True story, if you don't believe me, ask any prisoner you know in the Cape area of who every body's favourite new F buddy is.. Yea son.. Its you.. You must be shaking in you're space boots.. Prison is no joke any where in the world.. BUT in SA.. you don't really wanna go in there looking like a Burberry posterboy..

Feck, there are so many of my mates who are Gooners fans and there off season has been a SHIT one to say the least. Sorry chaps, but looks like Cesc is out this b*tch.. no worries money to invest, hey chaps? ha ha ha..If you want to buy him back possibly when he has one like 5 gazzillion trophies that Wenger has not offered him..It will be almost 4 times the price..
Buy-out clauses are common in Spanish football and Barca have slapped nearly an extra £100m on Fabregas’s value straight away in his £100,000-a-week contract.
Fabregas, 24, has already offered to help part fund the deal by waiving a £4m pay-off from Arsenal while Barca will pay £27m plus £5m in add-ons. Barca must win the title twice and Champions League once in the next five years.Barcelona are hoping to unveil Fabregas in the next 48 hours to finally end the long-running saga. Fabregas is expected to travel to Barcelona on Monday.
Fabregas was even pulled off a flight to Barcelona on Friday because Arsenal were annoyed that his new team mates were Tweeting about the transfer before it had been completed.  Just in time for the return leg at the Camp Nou in which Real will try and begin the season with a BIG win..I don't see it happening.. Although the first leg last night was TIGHT.. full of tenacity that is for sure, talk about "friendly" tag.. NOT SO MUCH!

Making some bokkie spirit.. that oak is married(to another doll)
Staying with Sport that bums us out, well if you support the gunners (which i don't.. ha ha.. ).. The BOKS.. YEs i said it, another defeat, and to those wretched yellow-squaring-prison-hoarders.. Feck.. Ah.. well, only like 3 weeks till the world cup..Can we sort our shit out?mmmm... DIv.. pal, I dig u sort of, but even I know.. there were no positives taken from the game on sat..
Come Bokkie.. Your breaking my spirit..
Our team looked decent, ball in hand, Fourie at the helm.. But.. alas, we forced a certain things and shit did not happen.. Feck.. hoping in PE the BOKS will do things that the fans eagerly crave need.. A W.. which is  WIN.. Feck we need one of this.. for the the team, the nation, and for PDIV.. pal does he need some good news, like an aids cure..

Um.. Yes.. ideal..

I know this kid.. and he better stay the F away from my sister!

It is a curse.. I am Fricken jealous

Um.. What.. Off with a Win and a goal from United's front man!
Omg.. Jersey Shore 4.. like OMG.. entertainment.. ha ha.. True story.. Entourage is the heat.. U are missing out folks.. Seriously.. but I have fallen for Royal Pains, i don't know why, but it is wicked good.. and I'm digging the show, better than House or any other medical kak out there.. #truestory.. Almost like paying to watch the Smurfs movie.. Ah.. what! ha ha.. Imagine paying for that.. Um.. Negative, although i would take my little sister to it, drop her off and go to the "bathroom"(eg the keg for the duration of the film) ha ha ha.. <------evil laugh!
Liverpools supporters...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday Taunts its been AGES!

Goodness, it has been a little bit of a long time and I apologise for the long absence.. It has been a little bit of up and down roller coaster the last few weeks! Been through the hottest of summer days in Florida(man that was good, to lie on the beach swim in the good warm ocean, [even if i did bust those over 40s making some baby waves ].. eeeewww.. I can't seem to forget that.. ha ha ha.. Something about being back in the homeland or rather second homeland of the states is the appeal of stupidity that seems to take over oaks when summer comes.. Its funny, dudes just lose their fricken minds, its shorter shorts, longer acts of stupidity and terrorism (Norway, that was some bull.. Anders Breivik is what is wrong with the fabric of society and that people believe harming innocent individuals gives their plight some backing.. Well.. stuff you, creature of Satan.

Anders Breivik, a PYSCHO..
Anders Breivik: The Narcissist - A narcissist and a fantasist, Breivik, 32, refuses to have his prison “mugshot” taken to ensure that the carefully stage-managed photographs he took of himself – in full Masonic regalia or clutching his rifle – are not replaced by more humbling images. Having been refused permission to wear a combat uniform, he has demanded to wear a red Lacoste sweater for his public outings to court or to the police station. He will not wear anything else. [telegraph]

Turtle, HECTIC!

Turtle looking.. ROUND

Turtle From Entourage Loses 25kg – Looks Mean On The Beach - Entourage actor Jerry Ferrara proudly parades his new beach-ready body as he strolls along the Malibu shoreline over the weekend. The 31-year-old U.S. star, who is of Italian descent, has battled the bulge over the past year – and come out winning after shedding 55lbs (25kg). [dailymail]ha ha.. How hectic is Turtle looking? Any one who watches Entourage or who has watched Entourage will know Turtle was always the guy you could relate too, a little chubby, a stoner, a "real" guy.. Lol.. Then he had to get all Hollywood and lose all the weight and look beefed. haha..

Pres. Khama
Seriously chaps, what the F*** is Julius doing in Botswana.. He should not be any fricken where near Botswana. Firstly every country has an issue, SPAIN/GREECE/USA to name a few.. Botswana too.. but having this clown and his cronies of pestly-traitorous-coheartly-yeastily-cod-chasing-beast come around trying to bring their nonsense gets my blood boiling. ANCYL, seriously oaks, you chaps are some bunch of self loving assholes. Dudes, understand policy and process, not sensationalist bull. Goodness!. ANC Condemn ANCYL Botswana Vibe – The ANC Youth League has crossed the line in its comments on bringing out regime change in Botswana, the ANC said on Monday. ”The ANC would like to totally reject and publicly rebuke the ANCYL on its extremely thoughtless and embarrassing pronouncements on ‘regime change’ in Botswana…,” ANC spokesperson Jackson Mthembu said in a statement. [news24]In a harsh statement issued by ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu yesterday, the ANC said: "This insult and disrespect to the President [Ian Khama], the government and the people of Botswana, and a threat to destabilise and effect regime change in Botswana, is a clear demonstration that the ANCYL's ill-discipline has clearly crossed the political line."The rebuke was made after the youth league's executive committee on Sunday said it would establish a "command team" that would promote unity among opposition parties in Botswana with the aim of toppling the Khama government.

Come now Hef, we know how it goes pal.. We know what "gold diggers" will do, they will abuse, misuse adn then come back for more.. So what, she said sorry, cause people been telling her what an b**** and a w**** she is! Feck, i would just ask her to come around for a civil dinner.. Then i would have the place burnt to the ground..She could be outside while it burnt, but i would whisper in her ear, "that should've been you. This is a warning, stop this kak in the media or die"... ha ha.. okay a little harsh, but i have love for the old guy and want him taken care of. Harris has apologised for saying  this week on shock jock Howard Stern’s radio show that sex with the 85 year-old Playboy founder lasted “like about two seconds,” and that she never saw him naked.“The Stern interview scared me, he’s harsh,” Harris, 25, said in a Twitter post on Thursday evening. “I was unprepared and blurted out things I shouldn’t have said, I’m sorry.”     
The magazine mogul, who had previously accused Harris of lying about their relationship, welcomed his former lover’s mea culpa in his own tweet that followed shortly about hers.
“Crystal apologised for her Howard Stern interview, which I appreciated,” Hefner tweeted. “It didn’t have much to do with reality.”     
Family from granpa to shitty looking kid who inpregnated his daughter

This is what the world is turning into.. Well in England at least,..Where chavs are worshipped or rather not discouraged from existing.. But no.. An unemployed man, 29, has become one of Britain’s youngest grandparents after his daughter gave birth at 14. Shem Davies and his former girlfriend Kelly John, 30, were “overjoyed” when their daughter Tia, who was born when her parents were 15, gave birth to little Gracie earlier this month. Tia’s boyfriend is 15. A week after Gracie was born Tia celebrated her 15th birthday in the ward surrounded by friends and family.

Finally that drive to Pretoria will be shorter and easier.. No none sense with Bullfans and their tow bars again.. WHoo hooo.. By 9 this morning, Gautrain announced it had already transported 7000 passengers on the new route between Johannesburg and Pretoria, which opened today. The long-awaited second phase of the Gautrain will enable jaded Gauteng commuters to jump on a train between Hatfield and Rosebank stations, and then travel via bus to their destination... Imagine going out in hatfield and taking the train back to Jozishore to reside.. Killa, finally, first world public transport that wont cut infront of you! Wickedness!

Don't worry big guy.. Fricken Rep.

House Passes US Debt Ceiling Agreement – The U.S. House on Monday passed the debt-ceiling deal worked out by President Barack Obama and congressional leaders, sending it to the Senate for consideration a day before the deadline for the government to face possible default. [cnn] Ah thank you Republicans for waking the FUCK up, jeez oaks, even Malema could've agreed on the deal well before some of you pompous ass faces came to the party.. omg.. This is what politics is about, ego's and bank accounts.. Get used to that fact cause it isn't changing any time soon.. Not even you good do-ers can do anything  about it, its like as soon as  you get into politics  you lose moral and sense.. true story..

Hello.. and FINLLY.. fricken Finally!
Wesley Sneijder WILL become a Manchester United player this week... if he accepts a restructured pay-deal to move to the Premier League.The Dutch mid fielder's club, Inter Milan, have paved the way for a £30million-plus transfer by accepting, in principle, a formal offer United made at the weekend.
They are ready to grant Sneijder permission to speak to officials from Old Trafford, and the Mirror understands those talks will take place later this week.

So on my quest around the warmer parts of the world, i came across a couple of individuals who were from Brasil(offical spelling for you egg-heads out there) and their love for football and good times.. I realised it was actually most of South America that embrace the passion part of football more than anything. They go to the game, not to only watch it, but to enjoy themselves as some of you freaks do at the club. I mean they come to jam, laugh sing songs, dance cry and swear.. Imagine if you took bok fans (of recent weeks) to a recent game at the Copa de America.. It was amazing to see the intensity of the fans, models, miners and mechanics were all there.. jamming away like it was new years! Check out the pics!

Model from the Copa de America Riquele.. U wanna watch SA vs who now? Yea i dont care either, Paraguay the whole way!
 I can't wait for the World Cup 2014, as I plan on def heading that way to Brasil.. It is going to be the sickest jam that year.. Mark my words, so as I always like to research what i shall be attempting here is a little visual of what is happening on the football beach of Brasil.. still not keen?
beach footie.. Always fun.. Brasil..
Badass, even with the technique called "Bumvacious"

 Ah.. The arms deal is back in the news.. Oh oh.,. someone is going to die in a "car crash" or someone will end up denying charges as it is a "smear" campaign or.. etc etc. Do you see the picture.. This is what is costing us as a nation in building a better future, corruption and GREED..Alas, tis the world we reside in, one in which every human plight comes at a cost.. Your cost, my Cost..