Monday, July 4, 2011

Monday.. from Winter to Summer

Morning Chaps and Chapettes,
I'm all pinked out.. Weekends are good for maxing.. Not abusing a two binge.. Trust me.. Monday is rough..
I have always been one to talk of masculinity and protecting oneself from the ever crazy endeavours love or lack of or an abundance of it brings into your life. I have always lived by the principal, protect yourself and you will get through fine, if you feel it slipping and you don’t want much more, than abandon ship, look after yourself before you get broken.. Well, let me tell you about being broken, nothing much by it.. It happens, you think sweet you’ll be fine(which you will, just when is the question).. That’s what I’ve been working with.. I might have been slightly selfish in other relationships, predetermining the pain that is about to come..

I’m sorry for that, but I now know what the feeling and the empty feelings do to a individual.. I know the darkness that surrounds your thoughts, the pain that is felt and I’m ashamed to say it, the tears that are formed.. Believing in this ability to remain as masculine and hard core as I can, I have never really wept for love interest.. Never like this, I can admit it because it’s something I have never felt, the pity, the sorry, the “gayness”… What I have realised is that humans are complex and weird at the same time. You find that if you beg and pout it only serves as a reminder to that significant other that there is someone else, therefore don’t run back to them, if they see something in you, so will others, it acts as a catalyst to drive them away.. Take the other approach, have fun, jam, even if they aren’t far out your mind, you ARE closer to theirs.. That’s not the point.. The point I’ve noticed to complete the passing of a significant other by addressing the longing for them through other means, such as: work, fun, mates and stupidity..  No matter what the belief is, you have to rely on yourself first and foremost.  It has taken me a while to acknowledge that but we have to remember sometimes it’s for the best.  I have only my best to give, if it’s not enough then… move the fuck over! I have realised I am who I am, I give my all when I believe there is something there.. I do believe  and who knows.. we might relive that awesomeness we once shared..

In other news..
if you are in SA and hated the whole RICA thing(registering your cellphone with your details). Well you have forgotten you are in AFRICA. That means, a little incentive can sort out any little problem. It’s just a little bribe and you’re done. In there. RICA sorted.
And, coincidentally, Eye Witness News tweeted that they will be covering a similar purchase, for the same amount, during their morning’s broadcasting today:
To RICA one just needs to “provide” some “important” information that then gets manually captured into a computer system.R20 seems to ensure you decide on what information you’d like to use – obviously you just need to know somebody who’s happy to oblige and put all the details into a computer on the system and BOOM.. I'm thinking of registering my phone under the name Francois Tupac Jason Derulo Sanchez.

The best book series ever draws to a close, said one of my local pundits! I had to ask who the F they were talking about.. 'arry who? Ba..bullshit right there! Chilled, collected, i mean most of these fans are jizzing in their pants at the thought of another film.. (I'm one of them).. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2", the eighth and final instalment in one of cinema's most successful series, has its premiere in London in a week, and experts predict records could tumble when it hits theatres on July 15. The cast and crew have promised the most explosive Potter movie yet, even though computer-generated special effects and action scenes have been predominant throughout.
"The last movie is going to be really, really fast-paced and a load of action in it and it is like a war film," Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe told Reuters in a recent interview.
The final film, the first Potter instalment to be available in 3D, will reveal whether boy wizard Potter prevails over his evil nemesis Lord Voldemort in a classic good-versus-evil climax, although J.K. Rowling's novels provide the answer.

    No Turbans Allowed – Brisbane Pub’s Faux Pas
    The other day i was at a mates house. They wanted to order some takeout(being lazy hard workers just returning from work), i listened and laughed as Tim tried and failed to communicate with the obviously hard at hearing, listening, thinking and being alive.. So i decided maybe Tim couldn't communicate properly and I would talk to the man(my people skills being pretty hectic). I then went forward and had the toughest 10mins of my life! Just to ORDER fricken food and not for me! Omg.. it was tough.. The point is, hire dudes who do good for your biz, NOT retards who will proliferate the nonsense of a establishment.
    A Sikh man enters a pub.  The owner says, “Take off your hat”. “It’s a turban,” the patron replies. “No headwear, mate,” says the proprietor, tapping his little sign.  That’s kind of what happened on Sunday at a Brisbane hotel.The Royal English Hotel is apologising for the rather un-PC application of its “no headwear” rule over the weekend.  The hotel’s staff were adamant that this should apply to turbans too.  When the turban-wearing man in question refused to remove his head gear, he was not allowed entry into the establishment.“Hotel staff are being educated again on correct application of the policy,” said hotel spokesperson Justin O’Connor.  Dress codes can’t breach the anti-discrimination act. Fricken douhcebags..
    Thats how cool Saffa's are.. We dont care, royal wedding or not, there better be some home styled food..NOW! Boerewors Served At Royal Wedding – French journalists covering the royal wedding in Monte Carlo this week added new words to their vocabulary – boerewors, melktert and kameelhout. South African executive chef Dean Uren flew to the principality to help prepare the huge buffet for more than 6000 guests. [timeslive]
    Okay.. firstly happy 4th July to my fellow Yanks, secondly F, you make it hard to admit being American.. If you are gonna protest against a safety measure.. Make sure pal, make sure.. Biker Dies During No-Helmet Protest Rally - An American motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws has died after he went over his handlebars and hit his head on the pavement. The motorcyclist, 55-year-old Philip A Contos, likely would have survived the accident if he’d been wearing a helmet, state troopers said on Sunday. [ninemsn] shame dude, do you think his stunt helped the cause.. ? Um.. i want to say NO.. ha ha.. shame..
    Hello.. I'm thinking treasure hunt.. Ah yes.. Ah yes.. Billions Worth Of Treasure Found In Indian Temple – A treasure trove of gold and silver jewelry, coins and precious stones said to be worth billions of dollars has been found in a Hindu temple in southern India. The valuables have an estimated worth of over 500 billion rupees ($11.2 billion), catapulting the temple into the league of India’s richest temples. [afp]
    July 2nd, naked run in Denmark.. Winner.. Gets a shower..
    No qualms, just a good naked run..
    Wonder if there was any sneaky tactics.. Eish, freaking vikings.. ha ha

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