Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday After KDAY..

Oh thats right you did..
Morning, to some good evening..

If you have not heard, let me continue to relay the message. Kingswood beat St Andrews in the rugby by 23-22. It was a hard fought game, lots of ups and down, but in the end, our drought was washed away with some gees from the boys.. Funny, i was thinking, does that mean for some of us, we had no gees? Did we have a mental block? It doesn't matter because these chaps did it for us!  I think had South Africa won the World Cup in footie, it might have been a similar scenario, it brings me back to 2007 when we won the world cup, or 2008 when we won the champions league(Man Utd duh..).. So the exuberance that was shown by the whole of Grahamstown on Saturday was amazing, many of us are still wondering what the F happened. The final whistle blew and many, could not stop or rather want to hide their emotional plight for such a day! Running onto the field, screaming, ecstatic, unsure of what to do, do we sing? Do we make a tunnel..? What? Ha ha.. hugging, crying and laughing that was what happened for the next hour on lower field.. Did you ever notice how empty it got after the game, students ran back to houses, parents to the Highlander, I have to mention MR Kday himself, John Bandey. Ha ha, it being his 10 reunion and a win to celebrate a good return to the town of good memories, clearly took hold of him! Had he won R100 million rand in the lotto, his joyous mood would have nothing on his near delirious super stoked joyous self! He was beyond the moon, coupled with SABs finest (many its kday, come on!) he hugged everybody, there mom and there Uncle Pete, ha ha.. It was an amazing day especially for those down for the reunion hadn't not returned for 10 years, the best gift ever.. True story.. Sunday rolls around and boy, it felt like kday was being played in my head, the pain, the joy, the sadness.. Sadness? Ya, you know there were the sour puss's who couldn't apparently take one loss and started hating life, i was like hey chum, we can handle it for 18 years and have a jam regardless(it does get easier) of a win then so should you.. I didn't actually see Chris Quinn out later... Some people who were in Grahamstown but a little to hungover to make it to the game, were bummed to come to the wyvern a little later and not be part of the special few who LIVED it.. YEs.. its all about KDAY.. its been 17/18 years.. I am def gonna spend some time on it.. ha ha..

Sooo... besides the USUAL..  African National Congress Youth League president Julius Malema used his closing address on Sunday to launch a veiled attack on President Jacob Zuma and his close allies within the party’s national executive committee, in what appeared to be the clearest indication yet that the league was moving away from the ANC president and his lieutenants. [mail&guardian]ha ha.. What a guy.. THis guy, if he does go into the running of the presidency, thats the day i join politics with the intent of causing anarchy.. (Serious face!!) You have to be a fool not to think this man has significant influence, we shall rue the chance to take him out while he is sleeping..Soon he will be operating from the union buildings, YES.. I said it, do you think his ambitions lie only with lining pockets and spreading words of nationalisation and redistribution.. ITs happening.. ITs happening now.. Wake up oaks..

So there is this really really really dangerous criminal just been released.. No, not Shabir, ha ha.. Someone worse.. Maybe older.. lol.. Murder Prisoner Released At 108 - India’s oldest prisoner has been freed from a jail in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh at the age of 108, after serving time for committing multiple murders, a report says. Brij Bihari Pandey was convicted along with 15 men for the 1987 murders of four people over the inheritance of a Hindu religious institution. [bigpond]

Ah my man, who used wear No 9. You were caught taking cocaine of a hooker's belly in a sleazy hotel.. Obvious your wife or rather ex is over your vibes and doesn't want you around her kids.. I mean, COME on.. REHAB pal.. Sorry about your situation.. but come ON PAL! Joost van der Westhuizen intends getting an urgent application to force his wife, Amor Vittone, to let him see his children more regularly. His lawyer, Robert Klinkenberg said Joost wanted more time with his children as the “current agreement between the couple wasn’t working”. [news24]

 Russians are tough! Take this 36 year-old scientist for instance – swimming naked with Beluga whales in minus 1.5 degrees Celsius! Natalia Avseenko wants to explore the possibility of taming them before they are transported to dolphinariums around the world. Why naked? They do not like to be touched by artificial materials such as diving suits.. lol.. This is some crazy stuff, imagine.. naked in freezing temperatures, with whales! Hectic!


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